How to write a report on a meeting or agreement reached

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Project Proposal Writing: How To Write A Winning Project Proposal
Video: Project Proposal Writing: How To Write A Winning Project Proposal


At work, you may have to keep minutes of meetings or draw up reports of agreements reached. While it sounds tedious, it's actually easy if you know what topics to cover and how much to write. In this article, you will find information on how to summarize, create tables and graphs, and what subtleties should not be overlooked. Learning to effectively write reports of meetings or agreements reached will help you stay organized, and your boss will surely appreciate it!


  1. 1 Bring a pen and paper to the meeting. Write down the time, number of attendees (possibly their positions), and the duration of the meeting.
  2. 2 When discussing activities, note who took responsibility for the assignment and identify the assignment itself. Write down all the important things that happen during the meeting.
  3. 3 Make a report using templates or by running it yourself.
  4. 4 Briefly summarize the meeting.
  5. 5 Create a table or chart with the following columns: number, action or activity, initiator, person in charge, notes (time required, comments, etc.).
  6. 6 If necessary, you can add risk factors (if the action is not completed, what will happen?).
  7. 7 Mention details of subsequent meetings.
  8. 8 Include a list of those who will receive this report.