How to write a ghost story

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write a GHOST STORY: The Secret to Writing Scary Stories
Video: How to Write a GHOST STORY: The Secret to Writing Scary Stories


Writing a ghost idea seems like a tempting and interesting idea!


Method 1 of 1: Writing Your Own Ghost Story

  1. 1 Remember forever that writing is a kind of processing of imagination into writing. Some writers are so good at this that you can play an entire movie in your head while you read it!
  2. 2 Start by sketching ideas. This brainstorming session can turn into a real fight! You can even strengthen your intellectual power and invite 2-3 friends to help.
  3. 3 Then rework the ideas and choose the one that will form the basis of your story. Think about what it will be about, where it will start. For example, “Sarah looked into the huge, empty, open space around her, not understanding what was moving towards her. Who knows what mysterious things can happen on a full moon? ”. This usually helps you start writing!
  4. 4 Expand your story! Many film producers now use this technique. Take blank cards and jot down ideas on them, from 4 to 10, depending on the length of your story. Then take a look at the cards.Arrange them in the order you want to get a better understanding of what the story will look like! Or you can just FLY WITH THE CURRENT !!
  5. 5 Now for the fun part! You can find many ghost stories on the internet or in books. Or you can come up with a completely NEW vision.
  6. 6 Now is the time to concentrate on ghosts.
  7. 7 Draw them in your mind and visualize. Do they pass through the people in your story? Are they the main characters?
  8. 8 Now describe everything. You have to decide where the action will take place and what will happen in the story. Again, you can either stick to generally accepted standards or look for something NEW!


  • Make sure you think through the main events of the story
  • Be original
  • Don't be afraid to GO OUTSIDE. You will be surprised what your imagination can give you!
  • If you get stuck take a deep breath and RELAX! As a result, you will have an idea.
  • Never be afraid to SPECIFY!
  • Be honest with yourself
  • Don't be afraid to stop writing for days. After all, you don't want to hurry up and mix ideas together.
  • Never take things NEGATIVE, you will eventually regret it!


  • You must SCARE yourself with the genius of a fictional story!

What do you need

  • Pen or pencil
  • Ideas
  • Draft and clean copy paper
  • Blank cards for notes
  • Friend and other source of intellectual power
  • Books or computer
  • Imagination
  • Your brain