How to write an email asking for a donation

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write the Perfect Donation Letter (or Email)
Video: How to Write the Perfect Donation Letter (or Email)


Creating an effective email asking for an investment requires knowledge about your company, the purpose of the fundraiser, and the tone that will create buzz around your company. The use of e-mail as a fundraising tool is gaining popularity because the cost of such messaging is lower than using regular mail or telephone, and the exchange of information is instantaneous.Use these tips to properly write your donation letter.


Method 1 of 1: Writing Your Own Letter

  1. 1 Study your organization and your donors. Include information about your organization, its goals and achievements in your letter. Explore the latest donation trends, including the size of the funds raised and their purpose.
  2. 2 Give thanks for a potential donation at the beginning of your email. This gratitude could be for recent donations or for your interest in your company and its goals.
  3. 3 State the purpose of your letter in the first paragraph. Let the reader know that your organization is currently collecting donations for a specific purpose.
  4. 4 In the second paragraph, describe the goals of your organization.
    • Tell us about the organization, its purpose and mission. Briefly describe the history of the organization and the milestones in its development.
    • Write about the latest achievements of the company. Provide statistics on any tasks performed.
    • Remind the recipient of the donation. By letting the reader know that your organization has done a lot of good lately, let them know that they can influence these things to continue.
  5. 5 In the third paragraph, tell us about the specifics of your request.
    • State the purpose of the fundraising effort. It could be a money goal that will give the potential donor an opportunity to understand the importance of his gift.
    • Provide information on why the achievement of the goal is of any value to the organization. For example, a children's organization can raise funds for the renovation of a playground or something like that. Explain the physical impact the goal will have on the organization.
    • Tell the reader about ways to donate to your organization. Give a link to a site where you can donate; give an e-mail address where the check can be sent; or provide a phone number that you can use to make a donation with a credit card.
  6. 6 Thank the reader for their time and attention. It is very important to leave a good impression on the reader in order to convince them to donate. Even if the reader is not ready to donate for this specific purpose, he may donate in the future, so it is important to let him know that you value his time very much.


  • Review recent donation requests. Use similar phrases and style if these letters work. Many organizations use previous fundraising letters as a template when writing new ones.
  • Be sure to include a logo in your email so you are immediately recognized. Often, readers associate organizations or firms with their logos.
  • Attach a collateral card to your letter. If the reader decides to make a donation, they can use this collateral card to fill in the required information. This map should include your email address, your website address and your phone number.
  • Before sending your email, make sure it is highlighted in white, if you use a fundraising platform like it will automatically do it for you.


  • Don't write too big a letter. Long donation letters are not as effective as short ones.

What do you need

  • Computer and Internet access