How to find a "sponsor"

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Finding a "sponsor" is a great way to have fun, gain experience, and get someone to spend on you to make life easier and more interesting. If you are in search of a "sugar daddy", you only need to find out where they are found, how to attract them, and what they need. If you want to know how to quickly find yourself a sponsor, just follow the instructions.


Method 1 of 4: Searching in the Right Places

  1. 1 Decide what you are looking for. Before you start looking for a rich man, you need to know what you are looking for. This will help you narrow your search and define your requirements from the beginning.You can make a list of those qualities that you would like to see in your man, and a second list in which you indicate what he should pay. There is nothing to be ashamed about - after all, he is a "sponsor".
    • Decide what kind of "sponsor" you are looking for. Someone under forty or over fifty? Should he be divorced, date many girls, or be married? Do you want to be with someone who will spend a lot of time with you, or just a man who will take you somewhere for the weekend?
    • Decide what you want from "sugar daddy". Some girls only need to pay for an apartment - a few hundred dollars a week in exchange for their company, fun and lovemaking. Or do you want to be taken to expensive restaurants, taken on vacation to exotic countries and invited to fashionable and exclusive events?
  2. 2 Browse sites to find "sponsors". Do not hesitate - if you are looking for a "sponsor", then you will need to register on the site for "daddies". The most popular sites in English for finding a "sponsor" are,,, and These sites will help you communicate your expectations and easily find men looking for similar relationships. You can also use the services of marriage agencies.
    • Be clear about your intentions. Let men know what kind of relationship you are looking for.
    • Post photos that grab attention without being overly provocative. Men should consider you sexy, but take you seriously.
    • Talk about what you have to offer. Don't get hung up on what you need, but let men know that you are funny, interesting, mysterious, or that you like to have a good time.
  3. 3 Browse through regular dating sites. If you are embarrassed to sign up on traditional dating sites to look for a "sponsor" or do not want to explicitly state your goals, you can browse several sites to find a man who will give you money and send you gifts.
    • You can use filters to find the right man, for example, to query for his salary or profession.
    • You can also research a man's profile to see if he is right for you - if he talks about expensive hobbies like sailing or traveling, well dressed and expensive, has great taste, he can become your "sponsor."
    • You should also know what a man is looking for - whether he sees a woman as his equal or wants to give her gifts in exchange for her company.
  4. 4 Ask your friends. Don't be afraid to ask your friends if they have someone rich in mind. You can ask it in other words so it doesn't feel so awkward. It is possible that at least one of your friends will have a rich acquaintance who wants to take care of someone. If you let them know who you want, the perfect man will soon be found.
    • Ask friends to arrange a date with you and be honest about your requirements. You don't need a date with someone looking for a soul mate if you are looking for a sponsor.
  5. 5 Visit the places where you can find rich men. If you are shy about looking for a man online or asking your friends to date a sponsor, you can go out and hunt for him. Take your friends to a bar or restaurant in an upmarket area and grab the attention of an adult and wealthy man.
    • You can go to the gathering places of wealthy men alone. You can go with the girls to one of those resorts where rich men spend their holidays and take a closer look at them there.
    • When looking for a man, dress nicely, but not overly provocative. You want men to take you seriously and not see you as a girl for one night. Your relationship with "daddy" should last much longer - long enough for you to get everything you want.
    • Visit cultural places where wealthy men often go, such as museums, operas, or art galleries.If a gallery or museum is hosting a special event, such as a cocktail party, go there and don't go unnoticed.
  6. 6 Be persistent in your search. Finding a sponsor will take some time. Do not be discouraged if your search does not lead you to the right man. You can try to simultaneously search for a man on the Internet, ask friends and go hunting for the man of your dreams for the best results.
    • The beauty of meeting rich men is that you can date several at once. Remember not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved.

Method 2 of 4: Attracting a "sponsor"

  1. 1 Be honest about your needs. Your sponsor will appreciate it if you specify the boundaries of your relationship so that there are no misunderstandings. If you need a salary once a week, or expect him to pay for your expenses, such as renting an apartment, let him know what you want from the beginning. If you only want to see him once or twice a week, tell him right away so he doesn't expect more.
    • Telling the truth about your needs will also help you define your relationship. This way you can be sure that both are looking for the same thing.
    • If you want to meet other people, this can also be said from the very beginning.
    • Feel free to tell him what you want - he will appreciate your honesty and he might even like it.
  2. 2 Watch your appearance. You don't need to be a 20-year-old beauty with a size 4 breast to find a "sponsor." Daddies are looking for women of all ages, shapes and sizes, so don't feel insecure if you are over forty and your figure is far from ideal. It's important to keep yourself in top shape by showering every day, styling your hair, and wearing clothes that show off your strengths.
    • Take time to do your hair and makeup. You can meet your "sponsor" at any time, so you must always look great.
    • You don't have to look like a porn star. Many daddies prefer naturalness.
  3. 3 Be confident in yourself. If you want to attract the rich, you need to be confident and always ready to step into the game. He may be ashamed of his role, or he may not know how to behave. Then he will appreciate it if you know what to do and are not shy about asking him for what you need. Hold your head high, smile proudly, and introduce yourself with dignity.
    • There is a difference between self-confidence and bossiness. Let the rich man express his thoughts, your desires, and what you can do to help him. Don't be so overconfident as to completely ignore his needs.
  4. 4 Be independent. The "sponsor" is not looking for a partner for life or a woman who will wash and buy food for him - for this he probably has a maid. He is looking for a woman who will be fun and exciting, but she must have her own life, interests, friends and plans when he is not around. If you are too intrusive, obsessed with his schedule, or always want him to be there, then he will quickly grow cold towards you.
    • Do not meet with "daddy" more than two or three times a week - if you try to see him more often, he may think that you are attached to him.
    • Try not to stay overnight with him. If you spend the night with him constantly, it will seem that you want to move.
    • Talk about your plans. If you want to spend an evening with your girlfriends, let him know. He will only want you more if you make him a little worried. If you are in an open relationship, tell him that you are going on a date with someone else. This will make you appear more independent.
  5. 5 Be sexy. Rich people want sexy women who can satisfy their desires. If you want to find yourself a "sponsor", try to look and act as sexy as possible. Wear sexy clothes, wear smokey eye makeup, and only wear sexy lingerie in your bedroom.You can act sexy by licking your lips, touching your chosen one so that he turns on, sending him dirty SMS or even having sex on the phone.
    • If you want to get a "sponsor", you must have a sexual experience. Rich men need women who are comfortable in bed. You must know what you are doing and be ready to give him what he wants.
    • You don't have to dress provocatively to look sexy - just wear something that flatter your figure and makes the daddy want you.

Method 3 of 4: Keep it hooked

  1. 1 Stay mysterious. If you want the "sponsor" to continue to want you, try to remain a mystery to him. If you have to leave, don't always say where you are going. If you haven't answered his calls all day, don't make excuses - you were just busy with your own business. Do not tell him everything you think about, and do not share your cherished dreams and desires with him. You can tell him a little bit of everything, but always be a little under-talk.
    • Don't give him your schedule. Let him wonder what you’re doing when you’re not spending time with him.
  2. 2 Be positive and fun. "Sponsors" are looking for women with whom they can have a good time. They won't waste money on a whining or complaining girl. If you often have negative thoughts, try to keep them to a minimum when you are around the daddy, and save them for real friends. Laugh more often and talk about what makes you happy, not what makes you upset.
    • If you catch yourself saying something negative, neutralize the impression with three positive comments.
    • Laugh as often as possible. Sponsors want to date women who have fun.
    • If you are having an emotionally charged day, or if you feel like you’re about to cry, don’t blame all your emotions on "daddy." Better call a good friend.
  3. 3 Maintain interest. If you want to keep daddy, you need to keep your relationship fresh. Don't do the same thing every weekend, even if you always go to an expensive restaurant. Instead, ask him to take you on a yacht, teach you how to play tennis, or rush off on vacation.
    • If you do the same things all the time, you might get bored with your "sponsor." Make sure you do something new once a week or two.
    • Experiment in the bedroom. Use your daddy time to learn new poses and movements.
  4. 4 Avoid routine. The quickest way to get rid of the "sponsor" is to let him know that you are ready to settle down and sign your marriage certificate. He is with you because you are fun, interesting and exciting, not because you are great at cooking and ironing shirts. Do not spend the night with him, do not spend too much time together and try not to take on the duties of a wife, or he will want to end your relationship immediately.
    • As soon as he says that you are too close, back off.
    • Don't call him your boyfriend or joke about the wedding.
    • Don't introduce him to your friends or family unless he wants to, or things might get too serious for him.
    • Avoid talking about the future unless you are planning your next vacation.
  5. 5 Don't get attached. If you really want to benefit from a rich man, don't get used to him. He is not your boyfriend or fiance - he is someone you have a good time with, who provides you financially, makes your life easier and more fun. Don't start planning your wedding, making up names for your kids, or adjusting your life to fit his schedule. Remain yourself, pursue your goals, and try not to be hurt.
    • Don't call him all the time when you're not together. Schedule meetings with him once or twice a week and let him know when you are ready to meet.
    • Don't waste your time thinking about what he is doing or when you will meet again.
    • Don't ask him about other women in his life and don't be jealous if he ever mentions another's name.
  6. 6 Know when to leave. If you've been dating a "sugar daddy" long enough, you may start thinking about ending your relationship. Here are some good reasons to do this: he is too attached to you, you are too attached to him, or you are both tired of each other. Another reason could be that you or your "sponsor" has met someone you really like, or even fell in love and want to start a relationship with that person.
    • If it's over, there is no turning back. Be calm when deciding to end your relationship and try to end the conversation on a positive note. If you just wanted to find yourself a "sponsor", you will soon be able to find a new one.
    • If "daddy" dumped you, don't be discouraged. It always happens - "sponsors" always start to get bored and want to try something new.

Method 4 of 4: Do I need a "sponsor"?

  1. 1 You calmly accept money in exchange for a relationship. You get paid to spend time with someone. There is nothing terrible in this, but you must be aware of what is behind it.
    • You must be able to speak openly with a man. If you are too passive or just take money without asking questions, you may be used.
  2. 2 You understand the risk of financial dependence. Money does not fall on you from the sky. You must understand that you will have to do something for him in return, otherwise the flow of his generosity will quickly dry up.
    • To maintain this lifestyle, you will have to become addicted to the "sugar daddy" in a way.
    • If you have your own income, and the "sugar daddy" only pays for your whims and luxuries, you will retain more independence.
  3. 3 You know how to lure men. Of course, you should be honest with the "sponsor" from the beginning. But even being honest, you have to play your game. Be mysterious and sexy. It doesn't matter what rules you set, he may always want more. You have to support it, knowing that he will not get more anyway.
  4. 4 You know how to maintain emotional distance. Many "daddies" perfectly understand what they want from you. They start with gifts and money, but the real purpose doesn't always lie on the surface. When someone gains such power over you, you must trust him. But the "sponsor" is usually not the type of man who instantly gains trust. You have to keep your head and heart in check. At the same time, you are with him only for the sake of money, so do not think that all the power in this relationship belongs to him.
    • In a sense, this is just a deal. Let it be.
    • If you want a genuine, sincere relationship, don't mess with the "sponsor." In a relationship based on benefits, genuine deep feelings will not develop.
    • As silly as it may sound, the relationship with the "daddy" very rarely develops as in the movie "Pretty Woman". Don't let the dreams of a beautiful life dazzle you: in reality, relationships built on sex in exchange for money are not at all like that.