How to start living from scratch

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Rebuild Your Life From Nothing
Video: How to Rebuild Your Life From Nothing


Whoever you are, if your life is not going the way you would like, you can start from scratch if you want. Nobody says it's easy, but if you plan to correct your past mistakes and strive for the life you really want to live, then you can become who you want, despite all the obstacles. Never let people who don’t believe in you undermine your faith in yourself or think that it’s impossible to be successful in your situation. If you ever have doubts, remind yourself that starting over is a great way to change your life for the better, and the people who succeed are respected by everyone. Start your journey to a new life from the first step.


Part 1 of 2: How to Make a Life Change Plan

  1. 1 Determine what went wrong. Write down everything that did not happen the way you wanted to put everything on the shelves. Instead of looking for excuses, honestly admit what really happened. Sometimes it is more difficult to face a situation that you could not control than what happened due to your inaction or bad decisions. There are people who find it harder to admit that they contributed to or caused trouble. The turn in life begins when a person admits what happened.
    • Of course, not all the bad things that happened in your life were solely your fault. You may have become addicted or mishandled people, but it may also be that you did not grow up in a supportive environment or simply fell victim to a banal failure. Don't blame yourself for things you couldn't control, and learn to accept bouts of failure and try to fight them, instead of using them as excuses for your current situation.
  2. 2 Learn from your failures. Even if you're unlucky, there are always ways to soften the blow if you find yourself in this situation again. If you failed the exam, what was the problem? Are you distracted or poorly prepared? You retrained and on the exam were so worried that you could not remember anything? Has something important happened in your life, like breaking up a long-term relationship?
    • Ask yourself these questions without judging or analyzing the answers. Don't make excuses and blame others - stop doing it from the beginning.You can only blame the other person as a last resort. If it turns out that he really is his fault, you will have to reconsider your priorities and relationship with this person. Friend, did a parent or your significant other constantly distract you from your studies with requests to pay attention to it? How can you learn to respect your personal space so that this does not happen during the next exams?
  3. 3 Consider if you need to reconsider your goal. While this may seem extreme to you, it can help you reevaluate the direction in which you want to move before making a plan to change your life. For example, do you have to go to university to excel in a profession that can make you happier? Would you be better off completing a shorter apprenticeship or vocational school? If you are a physically active person and will feel happier and more fulfilling when you see the result of your work, then scientific or office activities may not be as good choices as construction, electrical installation, heating and ventilation, soldering work, automotive mechanization or forestry.
    • Change your approach: Your new life should not be moving in the same direction that it failed the last time. Life is about trial and error (not losses per se). This means that losing attempts are just attempts that have failed, for example, a medical or law university was not for you. If you went to study as a lawyer because of your passion for politics, perhaps active political activities, consulting on political campaigning, etc. will be the best options for you to achieve your long-term goals.
  4. 4 Ask yourself what you can fix. What changes can you make in your life to prevent this happening again? If you have been hit by a natural disaster, you can purchase emergency protection and store it in a more accessible place so that you can have everything you need with you in case the situation occurs again. If you lose your job or break up with a boyfriend / girlfriend, consider what you can do to prevent this from happening at your next job or in a future relationship.
    • Perhaps certain people or situations were pulling you down and were one of the factors that led to failure. Reevaluate your relationship and consider if you have problem friends or acquaintances who are preventing you from becoming who you want. If so, then you may need to end the relationship.
  5. 5 Define your priorities and choose goals. Once you know what went wrong and why, it's time to plan your new life. A plan is not a clear timetable for your life. Its points can change over time, you will encounter obstacles and unexpected twists and turns and opportunities, no matter which path you choose. If you know what you want and more or less understand how to get it, then it's easier to start setting short-term goals in order to achieve what you want.
    • Don't worry if you don't have a perfect 10-step plan for success. You may find it harder to reach your goal if you write something like Find Your Calling or Love Yourself More. Start with a few steps that you know will make things better. As you move forward, you will have a better idea of ​​what you really want to be successful.
    • The most important thing is to start taking action. Even though the expression "actions speak more than words" may sound like a cliché, it is absolutely true. You can talk as much as you like about the fact that you are going to start a new life, but until you take the first step towards it, your words will not matter.
  6. 6 Talk about your plan with a friend or family member who can support you. It is best to talk to someone who was not involved with what happened, especially if they had a similar problem. When you are on the verge of dropping out of school, the situation can be salvaged. Talk to older students who have faced the same difficulties and find out how they got out of the situation. If you've had a breakup, ask others what they think about the way you behaved and what your boyfriend / girlfriend did. You might be surprised. Your friends might even have foreseen this outcome in advance.
    • By sharing your struggles and worries with the person who cares about you, you can feel like you can really start from a clean slate, as well as get good advice.
    • If you tell others about your plan, you may have a better chance of making it happen. If you actually tell someone that you want to turn your life around, there is a good chance that you will because you will feel responsible for what you say to that person. Thus, if you don't stick to the plan, you will feel like you are letting yourself down. and people who care about you.
  7. 7 Decide on your intentions. It is desirable that they be preceded by earlier steps. Allocate time for these intentions, for example, you can devote several evenings to reading books. Sometimes decisiveness and willpower help you fulfill your intentions. Sometimes you need to transform your life to do this. If you turn off your computer's instant messenger software while you do your homework, you won't be engrossed in long conversations with friends until the allotted time for school is over. Your life change plan can be built from a series of tiny steps. You won't be able to turn everything around in one day, but if you constantly make small changes in your life, you will achieve success.
    • One of the best ways to train your willpower is to give yourself small rewards for every step you successfully complete. Every time you do your homework, mark your achievements on a scale of points. Keeping track of small steps of progress and giving yourself small but frequent rewards is one of the best ways to achieve your goal. Think about how the game is built - how often and for what you get points. If you distribute your rewards in the same way as points are credited in your favorite game, you can get the same effect to change your habits.
  8. 8 Get rid of your bad habits. For every bad habit, you have a real excuse. By understanding the needs and desires that fill your bad habits, you can find the key to turning them into good ones. Your favorite video game can give you more excitement than your studies because you get points, you win windows appear, and so on. easier to get than in the game, it will help you deal with your problem. If you eat too much to be enjoyable but gain weight, replace that habit with something else that you enjoy.
    • Each bad habit fulfills a real need, so your job is to figure out how you can do it without hurting yourself or others and helping yourself achieve your goals, not putting yourself down.
  9. 9 Find people to support you. Usually, it is good if they are your parents or good friends. You can't be the person who pulled you into this situation. Give less time and attention to people who are pulling you back. Getting angry with them means giving them time and attention.It is better to use this energy not for anger, but for the desire to surpass yourself and say: “I will do it. I will show them, ”how to use it against these people. Each time you complete another item on your list, you can tell them how great it is to take the next step forward.
    • Of course, there will be obstacles in your way. It `s naturally. Therefore, it will be easier for you if you have people with whom you can talk about your plan, about successes and failures.
  10. 10 Look ahead firmly and do not trust anyone who thinks that you will not be able to start a new life. If you've made progress before, then you have proof that you can reach heights. The more honest you are with yourself, the easier it will be for you to choose the best direction. The best path is the one that brings you joy, when real passion ignites your efforts, and the process is so enjoyable that you would do it even if you were not striving for the goal.
    • Remember to enjoy it on the way to achieving your goal. Think of it not as a test, but as an exciting adventure that will have its successes and failures, but which will ultimately lead you to where you need to be.

Part 2 of 2: How to Stay Strong

  1. 1 Be positive about everything. It is important to remain optimistic and energetic on the path to a new life. While it may seem impossible (especially if you live in truly dire conditions), the more you try to look at each day with a smile instead of complaining and feeling overwhelmed, the more likely you will have what you get. necessary. Instead of complaining, talk about something good in life that you are looking forward to. While you need to release negative emotions from time to time, focusing on the bad sides of life will only make it harder to deal with them.
    • Spending time with happy and positive people can also help you maintain a positive outlook on life. If you spend time with those who see only the worst in any situation, you are much more likely to feel the same way.
  2. 2 Stay confident. Of course, it's easy to get discouraged when you want to completely rebuild your life, but you have to remember the things you love yourself for instead of the ones you need to work on. While it's important to acknowledge your flaws and try to fix them whenever possible, it's also important to remember all the things you love yourself for and what makes you great. Make a list of your positive qualities and the things you excel at. Work on adding words and deeds to this list.
    • One way to boost your self-confidence is to do what you do well. Nothing will bring you more pleasure than being successful at something that comes easily to you.
    • While it can take a long time to build self-confidence, it doesn't hurt to design it, “fake” it, even if you don't feel it. Stand upright, keep your head high, and look straight instead of down. Keep your arms at your sides to be open to opportunities, instead of shutting yourself off from new contacts. The more often you “fake” your confidence in this way, the more chances you have to actually feel it.
  3. 3 Feel responsible. It is important to be responsible for your actions and past mistakes that led to your present position. Once you've recognized where you went wrong, you can move forward much faster. If you persist in blaming the whole world for 100% of your problems, you won't feel like you have the means by which you can fix everything. If you are responsible for the negative moments in your life, then you will feel full responsibility for your accomplishments.
  4. 4 Don't be too hard on yourself. While it is important to be responsible, it is equally important to treat yourself with care and forgiveness. Everyone makes mistakes, and you shouldn't think that you are a failure just because you went down the wrong path. Treat yourself with empathy, kindness, and compassion, and you will find it much easier to move forward. If you find fault with yourself, it will be almost impossible to feel confident and positive, and it will hinder you from achieving your goals.
    • Being self-critical is not the same as blaming yourself. Criticism helps: it shows why you do certain things and whether something else can be done. She defines the problem. Blaming yourself is pointless to torture yourself. You are already uncomfortable, and criticism will not motivate you to do something else. If you blame yourself or others, the situation may repeat itself. If this has happened more than once, seriously consider this possibility.
  5. 5 Apologize to everyone you hurt. It is important to correct old mistakes before moving forward with a pure soul. Think of everyone you could hurt or harm when you were having a hard time. Try to apologize to them in person or in writing and tell them how sorry you are. They may not completely forgive you or believe that you are actually going to change until you prove the opposite to them. But it's still a step towards better change.
    • If the thought that you have harmed someone oppresses you, it will be harder for you to move forward. While it can be hard to get rid of a bad past completely, apologizing to the people you hurt will take you a step in the right direction and feel confident.
  6. 6 Help others. You may feel like helping other people is the last thing you can do when you yourself can barely get your life in order. But if you are ready to stand firm on your feet and start living anew, slow down for a moment and help someone who needs it. This person may be a friend who is having a harder time now than you, a neighbor who is lonely, or even an adult who wants to learn how to use a computer.
    • By helping others, you will not only change their lives, but you will also see that you can truly offer a lot to society and the world at large.
  7. 7 Admit what you have lost in life. It takes a certain amount of courage to start over, but the reward is endless freedom. Recognize what you have lost and what you have given up in your present life. This way you will begin to realize what really matters to you. Being honest with yourself is a very powerful driving force. It will help you become more attentive to yourself and your needs and choose the right path.


  • What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • Remember, everyone has setbacks. Einstein, for example, could not enter the Zurich Polytechnic.
  • You will still have difficult days. See them as lessons in life.
  • Watch motivating films: for example, when I watch Treasure, I believe that anything is possible.