How to start horse breeding

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start a Horse Breeding Business
Video: How to Start a Horse Breeding Business


Opening a horse farm is a business that should not be taken lightly. In fact, this article can only introduce you to some of the most important aspects to know, while you will have to read a ton of information on how to fulfill all the requirements for successful horse breeding, including how to evaluate their capabilities to carry out such an enterprise. However, there are some basic principles and essentials that will help you decide whether to start a horse farm and will help you decide if this is the right decision for you. And now let's look at the horses and find out what needs to be done for this!


Method 1 of 8: Is this really the business for you?

  1. 1 Make sure that you don't just want to start your own stable, but that you are not limited by the opportunities and challenges you will have to face, including financial, physical and emotional. If you have owned at least one horse or pair of horses, you should be aware that keeping them takes a lot of work and is quite expensive. Horse breeding will increase the workload, expense, anxiety and long-term attachment to your business, so just owning a horse won't really prepare you for anything bigger. You will also have to immerse yourself in things like marketing, detailed and reliable verification of horse pedigree and breeding information, and keep track of all your income and expenses, which means that you will face a lot of administrative work as a business operator. A quick overview of the pros and cons of turning your hobby into a business will help you decide if this is what you really want to do. Here are some pros and cons to help you build your own list:
    • Advantages. If you love horses and work in a business that is associated with them, this will be an important factor, because you will love what you do, i.e. it will be a successful element of small business. Moreover, if you are already knowledgeable, you will be far ahead of others than those who start a business from scratch and know nothing about it. Some other benefits include:
      • Permanent horse riding opportunities
      • Chance to be close to horses at all times
      • Foal care
      • Selling horses for big money. This can be an add-on if you operate as a horse farm, and is driven by the need to prevent overcrowding. Therefore, periodically horses that do not get along with others need to be sold in order to maintain good funding for their business. It can be a source of pride knowing your horses are moving to another location, but it can also be a very emotional side of the business.
      • By operating as a horse farm, you can offer the services of your stallions, mares where appropriate, and possibly offer a foal rearing service. This can be a very rewarding aspect, both financially and as a source of pride, but it is also fraught with potential responsibility and anxiety.
    • Flaws. There are many disadvantages, including the upfront costs of land, stables, equipment, feed, and detour. You will have to keep quality breeding horses, or no one will dare to buy them from you, and this initial cost may not be very costly. You will not necessarily see a good return on your cash investment over several years, which means you will have to run a difficult business and manage to get by without income for a while. Other disadvantages include:
      • The constant need for high quality, expensive horse feed. You might consider raising yourself or partnering with other horse owners in your area to buy feed together.
      • The need for appropriate equipment, materials and tactics that will quickly pay off financially. When starting a business, take advantage of sales, discounts to members of professional organizations, and auction services. If you are smart and lucky, you might find a horse breeding business that closes down and sells its assets (from equipment to horses).
      • The need for regular visits to the veterinarian. More horses means more potential problems, including general health maintenance (from deworming and vaccinations, domestic injuries to illness and major injuries).Emergency care should also be counted as an opportunity at least once a year, so allocate adequate funds for it and plan for good insurance.
      • The need for regular visits from a farrier to ensure that all hooves are kept in perfect condition. The presentation of breeding horses is the result of your work and an indicator of quality, so you should never save on this.
      • Increased workload and responsibility. It goes without saying that more horses means more work, including more cleaning costs.
      • The need for ongoing legal and financial advice to ensure you don't pay out of pocket for things outside of your control or poor budget compliance.
  2. 2 Gain experience and knowledge of how to work with horses. It is extremely important to know how to properly handle, care for and understand horses. You don't have to know how to ride a horse, but if you yourself can't, then you need to hire someone who can keep horses in shape and train them, as most people will only buy horses that are trained to ride (foals are an exception ). In fact, buyers may find it a little odd if you work in horse breeding without actually knowing how to ride a horse, so if you are not disabled, learn to ride. And just in case you are a bit green about horses, here are some skills you should know ahead of time:
    • How to lead a horse
    • How to care for a horse
    • How to tell if a horse is sick
    • How to behave tactically with a horse
    • How to brush a horse
    • How to prepare for the arrival of a horse

Method 2 of 8: Locating Your Business

  1. 1 Size should be determined by what you can afford and how much space the horse should have. There should be plenty of room to work and plenty of room to separate horses that need to be bred at a specific time or that shouldn't be together, such as two horses that don't get along with each other. Also, check the zoning rules before starting horse breeding. Consider any options to make sure horse breeding is acceptable. It is best to buy fertile land with lots of green grass / hay / alfalfa. Otherwise, your costs will increase because you have to bring in a lot of feed. Local agricultural organizations will frequently check the land for you to help you determine the type of grass growing on it and any other pertinent issues such as soil minerals. If you plan to keep your horses on pasture all year round, the grass should be rich in vitamins and minerals and not toxic to the horses. It should also grow quickly! On the other hand, if your climate is such that horses need to be indoors during the winter, you need suitable shelter that can be cleaned freely and at least a small outdoor area where you can practice riding on cold days.
    • Horses need about 300 sq. meters. More space is always better than less.
    • You will need two separate plots of land, for stallions and for mares. If you have more than one stallion, you need a large area, as keeping two stallions in the same pasture is a bad idea in most cases, especially since farmland rarely replicates the wide range of wild horses. Moreover, there is a clear need for pasture restoration to keep the horses fresh at all times. This means that you need more pasture than you might initially think.
    • It would be preferable if the land you bought had a room, an open paddock (for horses in winter), a place for a trailer, and any other basic necessities.If not, it raises costs beyond the cost of purchasing land.
    • Ask for water supplies. Look for places where there is a guaranteed source of water that is abundant and sufficient. Streams, ponds, dams, etc. are good sources of water, but you need to make sure algae growth is not a problem during the warmer months. On the other hand, too much water can flood the pasture, disrupting the water supply and creating problems for horses, who will be forced to walk in puddles and lose their skills.
  2. 2 Look for a pasture that is away from sharp and dangerous rocks, barbed wire, and poisonous plants that could damage your horse.
    • Check the pasture for burrows. It would be better if they weren't. Minks of ground squirrels and other animals / rodents that dig holes in the ground are not desirable because if a horse (or any large mammal) steps on them at a fast pace, there is a risk of serious injury. If there are holes, consider the appropriateness of taking action to eliminate their causes.
    • The pasture should be checked for snakes. Snakes and horses are not compatible, so having horses can reduce the snake's desire to be around. Some things that can prevent snakes from being present are landfills, garbage heaps, and any other such accumulation that could attract rodents, and therefore snakes.
    • Check for poisonous plants. Trees are an important source of shade, but they can also be a hindrance if poisonous berries, seeds, or leaves are growing on them. Research the plants carefully before buying a site. You could cut down a poisonous tree, but an entire grove of trees or a pasture full of weeds takes a lot of work without guaranteeing that you will find all the poisonous plants. For a list of poisonous plants for horses: see
    • See How to Prepare Horse Pasture.

Method 3 of 8: Equipping Your Business with Essentials

  1. 1 Equip land, build stalls, establish water supplies, install outdoor sheds (for horses in the pasture) and any other essentials.
    • Shelter is essential for hot sunny days during the warmer months. If you rely on the shade of trees, make sure they are not poisonous. Trees also need protection from chewing, including removing chewed areas to prevent infection. A shady stall should be built on pasture where there is not enough shade of trees. It can be as simple as a normal four-post high roof or a three-sided stall. It will be very inexpensive.
    • Orient any dwelling so that it is sheltered from the prevailing cold winds and expose it to cool summer breezes (usually south in the northern hemisphere and vice versa in the south).
    • If you need to build before you start your business, you must have strict deadlines and signed all costs for building the premises. Most construction projects will inevitably increase in value than originally anticipated. Plus, get a wide variety of ratings, rather than relying on just one developer. Use only registered builders owned by builders.
  2. 2 Provide your site with a good fence. This is extremely important as you clearly do not need your horses to run away or get injured on the fence. You don't need to skimp here, because injuries and losses can be much more expensive than you would spend in the beginning on a good fencing.
    • The best fences are tall, thick, with a wide hedge and a wooden fence in front of it.However, since most people don't have the time to make a good quality fence, a wooden fence is a great substitute, just as good as metal rods. Wooden fences come in many types, such as post-board, post-rail, etc., and must be guarded. Using wood that is non-toxic and durable will extend the life of the fence to 15 to 20 years, provided it is well maintained. The trick is that it can be attacked by boring beetles, and bored horses like to chew on the fence. Monitor the condition of the fence and replace those areas that have been affected by insects. To discourage horses from chewing on the fence, you can run an electric wire along it. Many people resort to white vinyl coverings that cover wood because it requires less maintenance.
    • Another option is an electric fence. Provided it is properly grounded and made of good quality wire using at least three to four rows. This is a cost effective and generally safe solution. Most horses will avoid it after a few shocks. However, it can sometimes scare the horse hard enough to destroy the fence, so be aware of the temperament of especially wild or playful horses.
    • Never use pig wire fences as horse fences. Horses (and other wild animals like deer) can accidentally kick into the fence.
    • Do not use barbed wire as a horse fence. Barbed wire was designed for cows, not horses. Horses can be seriously injured, possibly permanently.
  3. 3 Provide the stable with all necessary materials such as gear, lead ropes, reins, buckets / tubs for feed and water. Also, make sure you have equipment to clean the pen / pasture and any other areas where the horses will be. Equipment includes shovels and rakes if your horse is in a stable. When changing the litter, you will need a transport bucket or wheelbarrow. Buy quality tools, new or used, as good equipment works better and last longer, making it cheaper in the long run.
  4. 4 Organize horse feed. Horses need a lot of food to maintain their health. If the horse is underweight, he needs to be fed more; if he is overweight, he will need less feed. Find out what your horse was fed before you bought it. The horse's diet should be adjusted within a few days. Remember, the amount of oats you give her depends a lot on how hard she works. The main components of the diet include:
    • Stern. Horses eat rough food to keep themselves warm. When buying hay, pay attention to quality. It should be nutritious, but should not pass through the horse. Try to buy grass or oat hay. If you are buying alfalfa hay, try second- or even third-cut hay as it will be more fibrous and not too expensive.
    • Concentrate. Horses in the paddock typically eat grass and hay to keep fit. However, some horses require hand feed every day, twice a day, or every other day, depending on the horse. The best mix is ​​alfalfa, oats, or wheat. Alfalfa will provide a high protein and calcium content, and wheat will be a bulky food source. This is when the horse will eat to stay in weight, but the food is lacking in nutrients. This is used when you want your horse to gain weight faster without adding heat and energy.
      • Older horses with bad teeth generally should also be getting enough chaff as they don't have to chew a lot, but should get the fiber and energy they need.Apart from this, it also helps in maintaining a healthy appetite.
      • When feeding your horse straw (especially from alfalfa), first mix it with a little water and rub into a porridge. This will help prevent the stomach from getting clogged.
      • Also, do not feed your horse hay immediately after training, otherwise it may suffocate due to the lack of saliva to break the tares and swallow them normally. Therefore, before giving your horse hay, first have him drink some water to stay hydrated.
    • Supplements. Granules and grains are good ways to gain weight and maintain it. They also come in handy when you need a boost of energy to show or your horse needs to be uplifted. Cooked grains are best because they help maintain weight during the cold season and help keep the horse warm. If you don't want to mess with cooking, you can steam the beans or crush them. Whole grains must be crushed prior to consumption, as grains swell on contact with water. If you're new to feeding and want something super light and cost effective, you can go for mixes. There are many of them on the market, so it is difficult to make the right choice. It is best to start with Lucurn pellets or cool pellets. They contain extra energy and provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals. After a while, you can try other foods until you find the perfect combination.

Method 4 of 8: Buying Horses

  1. 1 Find out which breeds are selling well in your area and beyond. Depending on what your clients want in a horse, you can breed gated horses that are calm and competitive. Of course, most horses are good for a variety of purposes. Do more research, don't just rely on your knowledge. Find out who sells the best horses at the moment, which horses are famous, with what traits, find out the questions that will have to be faced when caring for this particular breed, etc. Go and talk to existing breeders, consult with them, update your knowledge. Visit horse sales as an observer to gain insight into buying horses and how auctions work. Go to horse farms to see the horses for sale and ask the price. By doing thorough research, you guarantee yourself that you are well informed and that you make the right decision about the breed you choose.
    • Don't jump to breed rare exotic breeds if you haven't had experience with them. Start with a breed that you know and have been interested in.
    • If you choose a very popular breed of horse (for example, a racehorse), you will have to compete with other breeders, which will result in a loss in price. However, if your goal is to ensure quality in all respects, base your choice on your business plan and stick to it when buying, breeding, grooming and selling horses. This way, you will be on the right track for building a solid, good reputation as a reliable and trusted breeder. In business, if you are focused, in the know of your competitors and consistent in getting quality results, you can usually always provide better service than others in the same business.
    • If you want to breed racehorses, it is expensive and should only be started if you have excellent firsthand knowledge of the field or risk making big and costly mistakes.
  2. 2 Category: Buying a horse. It doesn't matter what breed you intend to breed, but obviously some horses will cost you more and some horses will sell for a higher price. Before buying a horse, make sure it is registered, thoroughbred and has a good pedigree.This means a targeted paper check of the contractual terms of each horse you buy. In terms of how many horses you initially buy, you should determine the level of research, land, and your budget. Initially, it's probably best to start small and see how things go, rather than overexerting yourself just to find out what you can do.
    • Buy a stallion if possible so you can breed your mares for free. Make sure you know how to properly groom your stallion beforehand. If you're not ready to own a stallion yet, that's okay, and it's good to acknowledge your limitations. It is much better to find other solutions initially than to face problems in the process. Look for suitable manufacturers in the area and be sure to get a decent transportation van (which you will need anyway for vet visits and shows).
    • Research the pedigree of the horse you are interested in. The pedigree of a horse can affect the quality of its breeding results, therefore in-depth knowledge of the pedigree of a particular breed is essential. The pedigree includes the horse's family tree. The manufacturers, maternal and paternal ancestors, and so on should be listed here. Reputable horse breeders can include pedigree in the sale of a new horse.

Method 5 of 8: Grooming the Horses

  1. 1 Category: Horse grooming and keeping the horse in shape. Circumvent the horse often, but be careful not to get too hot and sweaty when riding in the winter (unless you are in an indoor arena), as the horse can very easily get sick or catch a cold.
    • If you want to ride in the winter, consider investing in a heated indoor arena. It's also a good place to ride untrained horses, give lessons to children, or gallop for the first time, because if you fall, you'll only land on sawdust and your horse won't be able to escape.

Method 6 of 8: Delivering New Stud Horses

  1. 1 Understand the appropriate feeding regime before bringing new horses to the farm. Start by basing yourself on how these horses ate in the past, and then gradually transition them to your diet (if necessary). When a new horse arrives in unfamiliar surroundings, it is best to leave him alone for at least a couple of days until he becomes comfortable. To aid the process, indulge her with a delicious mouth-watering meal to ease the transition. It can be one of the basic chaff and a mixture of grains, or you could try and make something original, for example, bran or sweet mixed feed. Whatever you decide, do not get into the habit of overfeeding your horse, especially in a new environment, you do not want him to get an upset stomach or expect too much food and gain weight. If the horse is not eating, do not force it. She is in an unfamiliar environment, where everything is new and unusual. The water will be different, the food will smell different, so let it adapt and keep the food within reach, just in case it gets hungry.
    • Find out what the horse was fed before you bought it. The horse's diet should be adjusted over several days or more, depending on how long it takes to adapt. Sudden changes can lead to gas, diarrhea, and more serious complications.
  2. 2 Do regular security checks at the stable. If you plan to stable your new horse overnight, most of the day, or even for an hour or two, make sure it's safe. Make sure the stable has enough water. A large bucket is sufficient if the horse stays in the stable for several hours.If she's in the stable at night or all day, invest in a water trough or automatic drinker. Provide your horse with adequate bedding such as straw or wood shavings. Keep in mind that the bedding must be specialized, as some forest and timber by-products can be poisonous to horses.

Method 7 of 8: Start Breeding

  1. 1 Choose a mare breed for your stallion as soon as the time is right for breeding. Make sure your mare (s) are toned before attempting to mate them.
    • A good way to keep your mare in good shape is to place her next to the stallion's stall. If the mare wiggles her tail and furtively moves her hindquarters towards the stallion, it means that she is probably ready. However, if she begins to attack the stallion, it means that she is probably not ready.
    • Find a mare and stallion similar to each other, with a good pedigree, good achievement and good ability. Look for and heed the advice of reputable horse breeders. Contact your local horse association for more information. Most breeders will be happy to share information as they are interested in maintaining high quality standards and striving to see healthier horses.
    • The breed of mare and stallion must be identical. A very short mare with a very tall stallion should be avoided. The foal may have deformed lungs, legs, etc., and may have to be disposed of. However, if you are taking two horses that look very similar, you should get foals without any deformations, and also similar to each other! Do a lot of research and consultation to find the best breeding approach. Don't take anything for granted.
  2. 2 A well-trained horse is more valuable and is likely to be friendlier and easier to work with.
  3. 3 Continue breeding, training, detouring and selling horses. Always take good care of them and be kind to them. Both the horse and the client should feel confident, helpful and available from the breeder.
    • Be sure to participate in showing your horses. Prizes and awards are a vital part of promoting the value of your horses. Showing horses is a very broad topic in itself, so do a lot of research, ask questions, and get involved.

Method 8 of 8: Marketing Your Horse Breeding Business

  1. 1 Give a name to the horse farm. Come up with something creative, yet sophisticated, if possible.
  2. 2 Make a website for your horse farm. There are quite a few free web hosts out there, so you can use one if you don't want to pay any fees. However, now that your business is already open, it is not the time to argue over small amounts of advertising money in order to attract more customers. A quality website will make a good impression, and it will be what stands between you and the client. People want to find all the information they are looking for on an easy to read and professional website to get what they are looking for.
    • Store all your prizes and important information right where customers can see them! Don't hide behind modesty, clients need to know your horses are winners!
  3. 3 Promote your business. You must allocate some budget funds to advertise your existence, your specialization and your availability as a horse breeder / breeder / trainer. Use Google ads and Facebook ads for online reach. Advertise yourself in specialized horse associations / club magazines. Make sure there is a good sign for your business at your front door. And take every opportunity to get featured in the media when they visit your site.
    • If you love writing and photographing and have time to maintain a blog about your horse farm, along with horse breeding tips, this can be a great form of advocacy that will lead to interested followers who may just turn into your clients!
  4. 4 Last but not least, enjoy! Horse breeding is hard work, but it is rewarding, especially if your life is about horses. You will find yourself emotionally attached to them, to what happens to them, and to the business in general. Above all, if you run on a tight budget and stay within those funds, you can hope for a healthy and financially profitable business. Maybe you don’t turn around in millions, but if you do what you love and make ends meet, plus you make a small profit, then this can be a good way to make money, and as your level of knowledge grows, you can start teaching, writing, counseling, etc., and horse breeding.


  • If you have excess manure, consider using or selling it as fertilizer.
  • Be realistic. If you are always running at a loss, seek financial help without waiting for things to get out of hand. The worst thing that can happen is the loss of your favorite horses and the farm, so you must do it for their sake. Therefore, seek good financial advice on a regular basis.
  • Try to have fun. Don't let the stress of running a business get in the way of this experience. You get a lot of work, but also a lot of love!
  • Make sure you are healthy. This is not an office job and you will have to plunge into physical work almost daily.
  • If the horse has won shows before, this will likely increase its value.


  • Pet ownership is a 24/7 business. If you are involved in this business, it will be difficult for you to leave for long periods of time. Make a good network with other local farmers and help each other (it doesn't matter if they have horses or cows, sheep, pigs, grain, only if you are a trained farmer). This way, you can help each other during times of emergency and sometimes during a short break.
  • Remember, you get what you pay for. Limited methods of working with equipment, housing, food, pasture management, etc. will lead to lower quality and worse results.
  • Always be careful when handling horses, especially stallions. When on horseback, always wear a helmet and riding boots. Remember that even if your horse loves you and will never intentionally try to hurt you, you should use the same precautions as when working with someone else's horse, as anything can happen.