How to start an internet home business

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Start an Internet Home Business
Video: How To Start an Internet Home Business


Starting an Internet business is often a tedious and difficult undertaking, especially if you do not know where and how to start. As a rule, people soon lose interest in this idea, so you should understand that opening an Internet business is not something that can be done in 5 minutes. You will have to put in a lot of effort and work to realize your dream ... well, and we this article will help you with this.


  1. 1 Set up your home office. This, by the way, is not as difficult as it seems. Yes, every home office is unique, but there are some similarities.
    • You will probably want to work in a clean, quiet place with no lighting problems and no distractions. This will help you stay more productive and focused. You will also need a desk and chair / chair. The size of the table depends on what you will be doing. A computer and / or a drawer will be useful for storing customer information.
    • Communications. A telephone, printer, fax, copier, Internet access and everything else that will allow you to stay in touch is also necessary and important.
    • A place for meetings and storage. If you will, like most Internet businesses, provide services or partner products, then you will not need storage space. However, if you plan to sell your own products and deliver them to customers yourself, then you will definitely need it. If you plan to hold all your meetings outside the home, then the place for meetings and conferences will not be useful to you either. But if you plan to communicate with clients at home, and you do not have conference premises as such, then you will have to keep the premises clean and tidy. And be sure to warn family members (and young children in particular) not to interfere with you while you work. Establish some kind of rules - “do not go to your mother while she is talking on the phone,” and so on. When communicating on business, do not yell at relatives or pets. Remember - the first impression of you is the most important!
  2. 2 Put together a business wardrobe. There is no need to rob a bank, to dive headlong into the latest fashion trends - too. You need to look clean, tidy, and in the style of your industry. A haircut, by the way, is also an important point.
  3. 3 Be sure to study all the features of taxation of companies like yours, adopted in your country. Keep accounting records or, if necessary, be prepared to hire an accountant.
  4. 4 Print your business cards.
  5. 5 Create a website.
    • Don't overcomplicate.Gigabytes of pictures and 256 million colors on one site is overkill. Best of all, a simple and clear design that attracts people. The more elements on the site, the more distracting its visitors will be, the more they will be drawn to close the tab with your site, delete the history of its visit and forget it like a bad dream. Do not add melody downloads to the site, it pisses me off. And in general, do not add anything to the site that will take time to load. This will increase the time it takes to get to the information you need - which is also annoying. Research has shown that people don't like it when sites take a long time to load. Believe me, just because you can put something on the site does not mean that it is really necessary there. Respect your visitors, and they will spend their time profitably.
    • What's really worth adding is the good content. Let the visitor become interested in reading more pages or two of your site. There are many ways to do this, so you can find what works best for you. Post your offers on the site, track traffic, analyze it and draw appropriate conclusions. Do not give up, but do not forget that you cannot complicate things. It is not at all necessary to apply all the tools at once - act gradually, check everything, and so on. There are options, believe me.
    • It is advisable that you have your own hosting and domain. Using a blogging service will certainly save you money, but it won't be the most forward-thinking step to build your business reputation. It is better if you have your own hosting and domain. You know, it's like having your own home - and then you can do whatever you want with it. Got an analogy?
  6. 6 Create a mailing list. They are a great way to educate customers about your products and services. For example, Yahoo! groups is a free service with this functionality. Members can leave comments and ask each other questions, and emails will be sent from you to all users. A group can be private or public, and can provide membership upon user request. You will be able to see the daily traffic and how often messages are left in it. Sooner or later, communication will start. Such lists are great marketing tools!
  7. 7 Arrange polls so that customers can express their opinion on certain issues. Interactivity is good, people love interactivity. A survey written from scratch is not easy, but survey templates can come to your rescue when you just need to fill in the text in the dashes and paste the code into your site.
  8. 8 Create a blog. It is a kind of online diary that is updated frequently. You can add advertising links there - moreover, it is even necessary. Plus, a blog is a great way to tell people what's new with your company and what the future holds for your customers. Plus, blogs are just popular today.
  9. 9 Create a valuable product that will be your exclusive. This is an extremely important point that determines your uniqueness. It is not enough to own just a “unique” product - the product must have a certain value for customers, and then they will be happy with it.


  • Run your internet business the same way you would normally.
  • Choose a niche you would like to develop and take it!
  • Use targeted ads and free directories.
  • Stay focused on your project and develop your business step by step.
  • More links! More! Link your pages with search engines and directories, and in the medium and long term, you will be rewarded a hundredfold.
  • Content is king. Fill your website and blog with content that you would like to read yourself.
  • When submitting articles to article directories, be sure to include links to your blog in those articles.
  • Use a reliable hosting - fortunately, it is not the most expensive pleasure.
  • More effort should be spent on advertising than on creating the site itself. Even the best page is meaningless if no one knows about it.
  • Think about how to optimize your business so that taxes are paid as little as possible.


  • When starting a job, don't join a bunch of affiliate programs. Work each one separately.
  • Don't tell everyone you meet about your business.
  • Advertise wisely. Advertisements are good in the beginning. Don't spend more than you can afford. Look for other ways to drive traffic too! Do not spam and do not use such programs - otherwise the search engines will remove you from the search results!
  • You should also not subscribe to the many free newsletters. Reading them, you will spend a lot of time, and without much benefit.
  • Remember that it is better to advertise little by little, but gradually, than to sell an apartment, to invest everything in one advertising campaign ... and be left without funds to declare about yourself.
  • Do not send your advertisement to those who did not ask for it, because it is spam, and they do not like spam. Also, avoid “safe list mailings”, as they send emails to millions of addresses.
  • Don't use “turnkey articles” for your content. Change them, put your soul into them, make them unique. You can even take two articles, get inspired by their content and make one article! Remember, search engines don't like it when two different sites have the same content.
  • Don't be overwhelmed by courses and tutorials for “Internet beginner beginners” in the beginning. It is better to study all this before starting work, and it is also desirable that all this be free and from trusted trainers.
  • Some internet marketers can be very persistent - don't fall for it.
  • Be vigilant, do not fall into the clutches of scammers, study each offer with the utmost care.