How to get fit in the gym

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My Fat Burning GYM Routine (Treadmill Interval Running)
Video: My Fat Burning GYM Routine (Treadmill Interval Running)


Going to the gym is a great way to get in shape, but if you are new to the business it may be a little intimidating to you. Even if you regularly go to the gym, you may feel like your training regimen is not working. Fortunately, getting fit in the gym is more than realistic, regardless of your personal fitness goals. The key is to develop an effective and safe training program and go to the gym prepared and determined to be successful.


Method 1 of 3: Become Successful at the Gym

  1. 1 Make a realistic gym schedule that you can stick to. You may be tempted to hit the gym every day of the week to get things done faster, but it can lead to burnout and discouragement if you skip a few days and don't reach your goal. Better to decide how many days a week you can actually go to the gym, and build on that. You can always increase your training frequency in the future when going to the gym becomes a habit.
    • If you're new to sports, try setting aside two days a week for going to the gym. This way you can gain experience without overworking.
    • You can also try going to the gym every other day throughout the week so that you have a day off between workouts.
    • If you find it difficult to get to the gym on weekends, you can go there every day after work or school, and then take a break.
  2. 2 Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes that support your foot. Wear clothes that make it easier for you to exercise and that will not cause discomfort during exercise.Look for sweat-wicking tees and shorts that don't restrict your range of motion.
    • T-shirts and shorts made of polyester, spandex, nylon, or a cotton and polyester blend are good choices for the gym.
    • Polyester items, in particular, need to be washed every time they sweat in them. Unwashed polyester items quickly start to smell unpleasant.
  3. 3 Carry a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated while exercising. Working out in the gym makes us sweat and lose moisture, so it is important to replenish the body's water balance during exercise. Aim to drink 240 ml of water every 15 minutes during your workouts.
    • Dehydration can negatively affect exercise, causing cramps, dizziness, and muscle weakness.
    • If you are going to be exercising for more than one hour, it would also be a good idea to bring a sports drink with you to "fuel" your body. However, not all sports drinks are created equal. Look for isotonic sports drinks that contain carbohydrates and sodium, which will provide your body with more energy during exercise.
  4. 4 Warm up 5-10 minutes before training to avoid injuring yourself. Get into the habit of doing a warm-up as soon as you arrive at the gym. Focus on doing vigorous, dynamic movements that engage your muscles in full range - such as leg swings, high knee strides, and circular arm movements. An active warm-up will prepare your body for your workout.
    • Failure to warm up before exercising will increase your risk of injury, so be sure not to skip a warm-up in the gym.
  5. 5 Do both cardio and strength training. Try not to be limited to just one type of workout. Instead, use weights, cardio equipment, and free weights for balanced workouts. With cardio and strength training, you will burn calories and tone your muscles at the same time.
    • Aim for 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week. For strength training, try to do at least two workouts of 20-minute resistance sessions each week.
    • Don't do cardio and strength training on the same day. It's best to devote one workout to cardio and the next to strength training.
    • While a balanced workout can help you get in shape, you can tailor the frequency of certain exercises to suit your personal athletic goals. For example, if your goal is to build muscle, you might spend most of your time doing strength training. If you're looking to lose weight, you can focus more on cardio.
    • The right balance of cardio and strength training depends on your personal athletic goals, your weight, and the type of exercise you do.
  6. 6 Grab a post-workout snack at the gym to replenish energy. Choose a healthy snack with carbohydrates to restore energy and protein to build muscle. If you're trying to lose weight, eat low-calorie snacks (150 to 200 calories).
    • For example, you can eat a banana with almond oil or a packet of low-fat Greek yogurt with honey and fruit as a snack after a gym session.
    • You can also make a smoothie with added protein powder.

Method 2 of 3: Do cardio workouts in the gym

  1. 1 Walk or run on treadmill. Treadmills are available in most gyms and are a convenient way to do cardio and burn calories. Many treadmills allow you to adjust the speed and incline you want, so this is a good choice regardless of your fitness level.
    • If you weigh 68 kg, you can burn about 125 calories per 1.5 km of brisk treadmill walking.
    • The stress on your knees increases when using the treadmill, so if you suffer from knee pain or if you have injuries in this area, you should probably choose a different cardio machine.
  2. 2 Try to use elliptical trainer.Exercising on an elliptical machine, as well as on a treadmill, is a good way to burn calories. Typically, you can adjust the intensity level on it. Elliptical machines are popular, so you shouldn't have a problem finding them in your gym.
    • In 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, you can burn 170-320 calories - it all depends on the weight and level of intensity. For example, if you weigh 90 kg, you can burn 286 calories by exercising on a high intensity elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.
  3. 3 Exercise on a stationary bike. Pedaling a stationary bike at a moderate intensity level for 30 minutes can burn 200 to 700 calories, depending on your weight. It is also a great choice if you have knee problems as most of your body weight will be supported by the machine.
    • For example, if you weigh 68 kg, you can burn 250 calories by exercising on a stationary bike at a moderate intensity level for 30 minutes.
    • If you are new to sports, start pedaling at a light intensity level, and then gradually increase the load as your results improve.
  4. 4 Train on rowing machine. Rowing is a great full-body cardio exercise that doesn't put too much stress on your joints. The rowing machine can burn calories while pumping your arms, legs, and core. Start at a low intensity level and slowly work up to avoid hurting your back.
    • Depending on your weight, you can burn about 400-700 calories on a rowing machine per hour. For example, if you weigh 110 kg, you can burn 650 calories by using the rowing machine at a moderate intensity level for one hour.

Method 3 of 3: Try Strength Training

  1. 1 If you're a beginner, try bodyweight exercises. The prospect of using strength machines and free weights in the gym can be intimidating. Fortunately, you can do good strength training by doing exercises that use only body weight as resistance. For example:
    • squats;
    • push ups;
    • lunges;
    • bar;
    • crunches (crunches of the abdominal press).
  2. 2 Exercise with free weights to add more resistance to your training regimen. Most gyms offer weights such as dumbbells and barbells. The extra resistance will add to the effectiveness of the muscle building exercise. Start with small weights that are easy to lift so you have the opportunity to improve your form, and gradually work your way up to heavier and more challenging weights. Here are some examples of exercises to try:
    • deadlift;
    • lifts for biceps;
    • tilt thrust;
    • bench press.
  3. 3 Give strength machines a try. Strength machines can be intimidating if you don't know how to use them, but when handled correctly, they can be an effective way to build muscle. If you want to try strength machines but don't know how to use them, ask a gym worker to show you the correct technique, or consider working with a personal trainer. Common strength training equipment includes:
    • Vertical block. This is a good machine if you are looking for a way to strengthen your upper body, including your latissimus dorsi, biceps, and forearms.
    • Smith simulator. It's great for training your quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, core, and upper back.
    • Trainer for training with cable blocks.Different types of similar machines can be used to add resistance to exercises such as shoulder presses, platform strides, side raises, and crunches.
    • Back stretcher. It is useful for training all back muscles.


  • Create a workout playlist with positive, motivating music.
  • If you prefer to work out in a gym when there are few people around, try to go there in the middle of the day or late at night. As a rule, during this period there are the fewest people.