How to go to bed on time

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Actually Go to Bed on Time
Video: How to Actually Go to Bed on Time


You keep telling yourself to get more sleep, but you just can't figure out how to get to bed on time? Sleep is very important, but sometimes life is too hectic or distracting. Here are some tips to help you make your sleep a healthy habit.


  1. 1 Decide how much sleep you need. The need for sleep is different for each person, and it is important to know your own needs so that you can set and stick to appropriate sleep times. This may not seem obvious to you, especially if you have previously pushed your sleep into the background to improve the rest of your life, but the main indicator is the presence of a sense of recovery after waking up. Too many hours of sleep can make you feel sluggish and sleepy, while too few can leave you feeling irritable and exhausted.
    • Start tracking the time you go to bed and compare how you feel when you wake up. Don't check the time too often or it gets worse. Try different time slots to find out what sleep times feel best for you when you wake up.
  2. 2 Find out what time you need to fall asleep based on the optimal amount of time you personally need and the time you need to wake up each day. Determine when you need to get up in the morning and count back the number of hours of sleep you need. This is your sleep time.
    • Use the sleep calculator at to help yourself figure out the best time. It is located on the website:
    • Keep in mind that, even with the best intentions, most adults aged 18-45 and over do not function normally unless they go to bed by midnight (with the exception of shift workers); also the most favorable bedtime is between 9 pm and midnight. There is even a saying that one hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after!
  3. 3 Don't ignore the fact that the times when you need to get up are earlier than you would like. The time on the watch is nothing more than a number. Staying awake until midnight isn't cool, and going to bed before 8:00 doesn't make you a kid. Time is what you make of it and the point is to get the most out of it by staying energetic every day.
    • Strive to get up at the same time every day, no matter how bad you slept or how late you went to bed. Your body needs to establish its own constant routine and, once that happens, adjust to your sleep schedule for the rest of your life.
  4. 4 Remind yourself of the reasons for a good night's sleep. These include: better cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and stress hormones, increased focus and energy, better memory and clarity of thought, improved mood and lower risk of depression, better appetite regulation, and more time for your body to heal after daily wear and tear. If that's not enough to convince you, think about the downsides of not getting enough sleep: your irritability increases, your creativity drops dramatically, you feel less inspired and may become more stubborn, while you may experience headaches, indigestion, and other physical symptoms. ...
  5. 5 Plan ahead. Determine what needs to be done while you are awake, how long these activities take, and when you will do them. Schedule tasks for the time you have, and do not add additional tasks for which there is no time. Additional activities will increase stress and make it difficult to get to bed on time.And remind yourself that although you may think you are getting the most out of doing more tasks a day, your ability to do them effectively diminishes the longer you work on them, the more tired you become.
  6. 6 Make a sleep routine. Keep it short, but a good regimen will help both your mind and body relax and prepare for sleep. Do the same things every night, meaning time is drifting toward sleep, such as brushing your teeth and showering, have a hot drink, check the doors are locked, and maybe meditate.
    • Read the articles How to Achieve Good Sleep and How to Get Rid of Poor Sleep Schedule for more ideas.
  7. 7 Get rid of irritants. Sleep time is not time to watch TV or surf the internet. If you enjoy doing any of these activities late at night, do them well before your scheduled bedtime. However, it is not recommended to use electrical appliances in the bedroom, as they disrupt the peace of the room, and any use of them an hour before bed will disturb you while falling asleep. On the contrary, reading is good, it calms and often makes you go to bed faster.
  8. 8 Turn your bedtime into an appointment with yourself and go to rest. Write in your diary if needed! Remind yourself again of the benefits, and just do it.
  9. 9 Look for benefits. The better you are at getting to bed on time and getting a good night's sleep, the sooner you will see the benefits in your life. You will notice an increase in energy, a more positive outlook, faster judgment, better reflexes, and all the other positive things that come from being alert and refreshed. Look at these positive signs and use them as motivation to continue your good sleeping habits.
  10. 10 If all else fails, try melatonin. It is a fast acting, effective oil that will keep you from waking up sluggish.


  • Remove all electronics out of reach one hour before bed.
  • If it turns out that your bedtime falls when it is still light or noisy, look for ways to reduce the noise or light in your sleeping area.
  • Go in for sports. The more you exercise / exercise, the faster you will fall asleep. Cardiovascular training also improves sleep quality.
  • Wear an eye mask if there is too much light in your room. This blocks the light in the entire area.
  • Read a book.
  • Before going to bed, turn on Do Not Disturb mode on your mobile or other device. If you receive a text, email, or other notification, the phone will remain silent and wake up throughout the night. The alarm clocks will still sound.
  • Sleep can be seasonally dependent, so some of us need more sleep in the winter and less in the summer.
  • Turn off lights well before bed, including on your computer monitor, to prepare your body for sleep.
  • Try to keep your waking and sleeping times constant. Your body will get used to sleep during this time, and it will actually become easier to go to bed when you fall asleep at the right time.
  • Meditate by twisting your neck, holding each twist for at least 4 breaths. This will immediately relax you and prepare you for a good night's sleep.
  • Take a shower after brushing your teeth. This will help your body relax. Use a lavender-scented shower cream.


  • Don't let others distract you from your sleep. If they do, gently remind you that you have an appointment with yourself. This will help explain your reasons. They may also make an effort to get to bed on time!
  • Taking melatonin with certain medications (such as antidepressants) can be very dangerous. If you are taking medication, ask your doctor before taking melatonin.

What do you need

  • Comfortable bed, right room temperature.
  • Melatonin.