How to treat flea bites

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Flea Bites on Humans and Pets ~ Home Remedies For Flea Bites on Humans/Dogs Treatment !
Video: How to Treat Flea Bites on Humans and Pets ~ Home Remedies For Flea Bites on Humans/Dogs Treatment !


If you have pets at home, then you are probably familiar with the situation when fleas move into your living space from the warm fur of your pets. Fleas do not touch some people and “eat them alive” others, leaving inflamed, itchy red bumps on the skin, usually around the ankles and feet. If you are struggling with fleas on your pets, as well as biting your skin, then try a combination of proven methods and folk remedies that will ease unbearable itching and help heal.


Method 1 of 3: Proven funds

  1. 1 Wash the flea bite with warm, soapy water. Use an antiseptic and apply ice to reduce swelling.
    • If you don't have a special ice bag, then just wrap some ice in an elastic bandage or put it in a plastic bag. You can also use a bag of frozen vegetables.
    • Apply ice for 10 minutes, then remove it for 10 minutes - repeat this sequence twice within an hour.
  2. 2 Try calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream. Any of these ointments, which you can easily find at your local drugstore, can help relieve itching from flea bites.
    • Hydrocortisone is a mild steroid cream, while calamine lotion contains iron oxide to treat mild itching. Both drugs are available over the counter without a prescription and are safe to use, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. 3 Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend antihistamines for severe itching. Sometimes flea bites itch so badly that you will need to take antihistamines internally. Your doctor or pharmacist can advise you on which anti-allergy medications, with or without a doctor's prescription, are right for you. Here are some options for antihistamines:
    • Diphenhydramine. Available over the counter, diphenhydramine can help relieve itching quickly, but can often cause drowsiness. Look at pharmacies for a version of this medicine that does not cause drowsiness.
    • Tripelennamine hydrochloride is another drug that you don't need a doctor's prescription for and has similar properties to diphenhydramine. It is taken internally.
    • Hydroxyzine is only available with a doctor's prescription. If itching gets worse and over-the-counter antihistamines don't work, ask your doctor to prescribe Hydroxyzine for you. It helps by reducing the amount of natural histamines in the body.
  4. 4 Do not comb the bite sites. You can bring an infection there.

Method 2 of 3: Unverified Folk Remedies

  1. 1 Apply aloe vera gel to the bite. You can either break the aloe vera leaf in half and rub the liquid into the bites, or use a store bought aloe vera gel.
  2. 2 Rinse the bites with tea. You can wash the bites with green or black tea, comfrey tea, or fresh lavender flower decoction. Alternatively, you can apply the used tea bag directly to the bite site.
  3. 3 Crush the leaves of the herbs and rub them over the bite. You can use fresh basil or marigold flowers. You can also try a couple drops of basil oil.
  4. 4 Take a cool oatmeal bath. You can make your own oatmeal bath or use oatmeal bath products from the store or pharmacy. Cool water is very important as hot water tends to dry out the skin.
  5. 5 Try echinacea. Make or buy a ready-made echinacea tincture and apply a few drops directly to the bites. You can also make a skin wash with fresh echinacea and warm water.
  6. 6 Use coconut pulp. Make the coconut puree by placing the slices in a blender. After you split it, you should crush it well, as this will be the base you will use as a paste on the affected areas. You must do this procedure three times and you will notice how the swelling of the bites will decrease. Then do this procedure in the evening and in the morning.

Method 3 of 3: How to avoid future flea bites

  1. 1 Eat a lot of garlic. For some reason, fleas cannot tolerate the taste of garlic. Many dog ​​owners include garlic in their diet to keep fleas away; it might help you too! So make some Italian pasta or Moules Marinieres (classic French mussels) and absorb all that garlic delight with garlic bread.
  2. 2 Prepare a citrus spray. Fleas don't like the smell of citrus. Slice the lemon thinly, place the slices in water and bring to a boil. Leave the broth to cool overnight and spray it over the areas where your fleas may live (especially your ankles and hands) in the morning. This will help you avoid future bites and you will smell great!
  3. 3 Use essential oils as a flea repellent. Fleas will keep away from you when they smell the strong scent of certain essential oils. Take advantage of this. Prepare a solution or rub essential oils directly into flea bites.
    • Eucalyptus oil for problem areas. The smell of eucalyptus oil repels fleas. Dilute some eucalyptus oil in water and pour into a spray bottle. Spray on ankles and hands.
    • Try lavender oil for problem areas. Like eucalyptus, lavender oil repels fleas. Use it in the same way as eucalyptus oil.
    • Cedarwood oil for problem areas. Alternatively, you can also sprinkle some cedarwood shavings in your pillowcase and at the base of your bed so the fleas don't even think about settling there.
  4. 4 Check out other ways to deal with bites.
    • Solving the problem in a natural way. Click here.
    • Get rid of the fleas themselves. Click here.
    • Create flea traps. Click here.


  • Dogs are playful animals and often enjoy sniffing and exploring unusual places. They tend to sniff around garbage cans, all corners of porches and sheds, and also like to dig. These places are the main focus of insects.
    • Sooner or later, this will all lead to insect bites. It is important to recognize and understand the types of bites and their possible symptoms.
  • Buy flea powder and apply it to your carpet. Then vacuum it! Cut the flea collar into small pieces and place them in the vacuum cleaner. This will kill both their fleas and the eggs they lay.
  • Vacuum your house and the area where your pet sleeps regularly. Throw away the waste bag as it may contain fleas and flea eggs.
  • To soothe or prevent flea irritation, apply tea tree oil with lotion and gently apply to irritated skin before bed.If irritation persists, apply a cold compress to your skin.
  • Use a flea bomb for some serious cleanup. Be sure to follow the instructions for use.
  • Prepare a solution of lemon juice, hydrocortisone cream, hot tea bags, and water - place all in a spray bottle and spray all over your body. Try not to itch. Take only cold showers.
  • Take your pets to the vet to get rid of fleas.
  • If you notice insect bites on a dog's belly, it means that the dog was bitten by either wasps or ants. The most common place to see insect bites on dogs is on the face, head, or around the mouth. Stings and insect bites on dogs lead to inflammation and pain. It may take about an hour for the bite to subside.
    • In cases where the dog is bitten by honey bees or wasps, there will be redness and pain will intensify. If the sting remains in the dog because it contains muscle tissue, it will continue to contract and inject the venom into the dog. The best way to remove the sting is to scrape it off with a credit card or similar item. Do not use tweezers to pull out the sting as this can cause the sting to release more venom.
  • Dogs are usually bitten by bees, wasps, hornets or ants. If your dog is bitten by any of these insects, symptoms will appear within 20 minutes of being bitten. You should keep track of how symptoms develop after 12 to 24 hours.


  • See your doctor if you see pus oozing from the bite sites - this could be a sign of a secondary infection.

What do you need

  • Warm soapy water
  • Antiseptic
  • Ice
  • Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream
  • Antihistamines
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Green or black tea, comfrey or lavender decoction
  • Crushed basil leaves or calendula flowers
  • Echinacea tincture or cleanser