How to treat a paper cut

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Treat a Paper cut
Video: How to Treat a Paper cut


One of the negative consequences of the invention of paper is painful cuts. These cuts are most often found on the fingertips and are very painful. After reading this article, you will learn what to do in case of a cut in order to quickly forget about what happened.


Part 1 of 3: Treat the cut

  1. 1 Rinse the cut with cool, clean water to remove any dirt or paper debris.Cool water will help relieve the burning sensation.
  2. 2 Rub the cut with soap and water. Do this very gently and gently. Strong friction can cause the wound to open even further.
  3. 3 Rinse the cut with cold, clean water until the soap is completely washed off.
    • If you can't rinse your cut with cool tap water, use a syringe or plastic bottle to make a hole in. Press down on the bottle or syringe and rinse the cut.
  4. 4 Do not use hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or iodine. Antibacterial drugs can damage healthy skin tissues. While using these products is unlikely to cause serious damage to the skin, they can still slow down the healing process.
  5. 5 Stop bleeding if necessary. If the cut is bleeding a lot, or you are having trouble stopping the bleeding quickly, try placing a clean cloth or bandage over the cut and press the cloth firmly against the wound.
  6. 6 Wait for the wound to heal on its own. Keep the cut site clean. The air will dry the cut wound, and after a few hours, you will hardly remember your cut.

Part 2 of 3: Tie up the cut

  1. 1 Remember that this is just a superficial cut from the paper. It will heal easily on its own. However, it is possible to bandage the wound to relieve pain and cope with the temptation to pick.
  2. 2 Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to keep the cut area moisturized. The use of the ointment should not be expected to promote faster wound healing. However, its use reduces the risk of infection and has a positive effect on the healing process. Use an ointment that relieves pain to relieve pain.
    • The substances that make up the ointment can cause a small rash to appear. Stop using the ointment if a rash occurs.
  3. 3 Put a bandage over the cut. If you cut your hand or fingers, apply a bandage to keep dirt out of the wound. This will reduce the risk of wound infection. In addition, you will not pick if the wound is covered with a bandage.
    • Cover the cut with adhesive tape. The patch should fit snugly over the wound. However, do not apply it too tightly to avoid disrupting blood flow. Impaired blood flow slows down the healing process!
  4. 4 Change the bandage: if the dressing becomes wet or dirty, change it. Keep the cut site clean to help the wound heal quickly.
  5. 5 Use medical glue if you are having trouble keeping the dressing dry. Some products contain topical pain relievers to help relieve pain. Check with your pharmacy to find out which remedies are for minor wounds.
    • Using super glue can burn your skin, but it creates a protective barrier around the cut so it stays dry and the edges stick tightly together. Superglue is not intended to be used on the skin and may cause burns and burning sensations.
  6. 6 Remove the bandage as soon as the wound begins to heal. Typically, it only takes a few days for a small cut to heal. Wearing the bandage for too long blocks the oxygen supply, which is essential for wound healing.

Part 3 of 3: Use for Healing Home Remedies

  1. 1 Apply raw honey to the cut. It is important that the honey is raw; in processed honey, enzymes are destroyed, as a result of which it loses its antibacterial properties.
    • Home remedies cannot replace medical care when needed.The products discussed in this section are foods that (according to some sources) help the cut heal. You still need to take proper care of your cut: treat it, take precautions to prevent infection (protect the cut until it heals), and see a doctor if you get infected.
  2. 2 Squeeze a small amount of fresh aloe vera gel onto the cut site. You can buy aloe vera gel. Using aloe vera speeds up the healing process.
  3. 3 Apply the mint to the cut. Place the mint tea bag in boiling water. Then place the bag over the cut, or dip your entire finger in chilled mint tea if you cut your finger. Peppermint has a soothing effect on inflamed skin.
  4. 4 Prepare a garlic mixture. Mix 3 cloves of garlic with 1 cup of wine, leave for 2-3 hours, then strain. Apply the prepared mixture to the cut site 1-2 times a day using a clean cloth.
  5. 5 Use calendula or yellow root ointments and balms, lavender oil, or tea tree oil. All of these products are available at most pharmacies and are known to promote wound healing. Apply your chosen remedy directly to the cut or bandage 2 to 4 times a day.
  6. 6 Soak your finger in warm water. Pour hot water into a cup and place a rubber fingertip over your finger. Keep your finger dry. Dip your finger into the water, resting your palm on the edge of the cup. Soak your finger in water for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. If you see no improvement or if your cut is getting worse, see your doctor.
    • A rubber fingertip can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  7. 7 Lead a healthy lifestyle so that the wound heals naturally. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and eat a balanced diet. This will keep your body healthy. Dedicate at least 30 minutes of your time to exercise every day, and get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.


  • See your doctor if the cut is very deep, you cannot stop bleeding 30 minutes after the cut, or the wound is bleeding excessively. Also see your doctor if you notice symptoms of wound infection, such as redness, swelling, increased pain, or purulent discharge.
  • To avoid future cuts, try not to run your fingers along the edge of the paper. It may not be so easy if your job requires it, but by taking certain precautions you can avoid unpleasant consequences.