How to Treat Narcolepsy: Can Natural Remedies Help?

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Ease the Symptoms of Narcolepsy With Herbal Remedies
Video: How to Ease the Symptoms of Narcolepsy With Herbal Remedies


Narcolepsy is a condition in which a person suddenly feels overwhelming drowsiness during the day. Narcolepsy is very uncomfortable and can be dangerous, so you should start treatment as soon as possible. If you are hoping to get rid of this condition without resorting to medication, know that there are ways to stay alert all day, sleep properly at night, and lengthen your waking periods with herbs.


Method 1 of 4: Stay awake throughout the day

  1. 1 Make a sleep schedule. Schedule a time to go to bed and get up each day. Try to stick to this schedule as closely as possible, because this will help your body get used to the regimen. With this habit, your body and brain will prepare for sleep and wake up at the allotted time, and you will not fall asleep when you need to be awake.
    • For example, decide to get up every morning at 8 am and go to bed at 10 pm. Try to follow a schedule every day so your body remembers when to sleep and when to stay awake.
  2. 2 Do not press the snooze button on the alarm. When the alarm goes off, try to get up right away, and not lie down for a while.Even if you doze off for even a few extra minutes, it can knock your entire routine down, making you want to sleep more than after the first alarm clock rings.
  3. 3 Take a shower in the morning. This will let your brain know that you will not go to bed anymore. Water will refresh body and mind and prepare them for the new day. The smell of shower gel and shampoo can also wake up the brain.
    • If you want to invigorate, douse yourself with cold water before getting out of the shower. Cold water will energize you, although it may seem like a shock to your body right away.
  4. 4 Drink water upon waking and throughout the day. This will kickstart your metabolism in the morning. If the metabolism starts working, your body can immediately get rid of drowsiness.
    • A glass of cold water will refresh you and help you stay awake during the day.
    • You can also start your day with a light breakfast, which is beneficial for your metabolism.
  5. 5 Try to exercise in the morning before school or work. Exercise allows the body to produce substances that keep you alert throughout the day. Try some light aerobic exercise before school or work.
    • You can go for a walk, run, or ride a bike. You can even swim in the pool if you have time for that in the morning.
  6. 6 Try to spend more time in the sun. Sunlight will let your brain know that it’s time for you to wake up, and the darkness in the room can mislead him into thinking it’s time to sleep. You should spend most of your day in bright and sunny places. A person gets vitamin D from the sun's rays, and a sufficient amount of this vitamin will make you more energetic.
    • If you work in an office, ask for a window seat and open the blinds to let light into the room.
    • If you are at home, try to go outside more often: walk the dog, walk at a brisk pace, and run. If you work from home, sit on the balcony with your computer to get vitamin D from the sun.
  7. 7 Do light exercise throughout the day to help control sleepiness. Exercising during the day will give you the energy you need to fight off bouts of sleepiness. They will also have a positive effect on your mind, body and metabolism. There are some simple exercises:
    • Walk around the room.
    • Jump in place.
    • Do stretching exercises or yoga asanas.
  8. 8 Set aside time for naps, if necessary. Sleeping for 15-20 minutes during the day will help fight sleepiness. Sleep when you feel sleepy the most, or after eating.
    • Do not go to sleep for more than an hour in the evening, because otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep at night.
  9. 9 Do not drive if you feel sleepy or nervous. One of the biggest dangers associated with narcolepsy is that a person can feel very sleepy while driving. This happens when a person is in a hurry, nervous, angry, or sad. Don't drive if you have these feelings.
  10. 10 Stay away from things that are unbalancing to you. As discussed above, anxiety and intense emotions lead to bouts of drowsiness and other symptoms of narcolepsy. This is because strong emotions provoke cataplexy, that is, a condition in which a person suddenly loses the ability to control muscles and falls. You need to learn how to keep your reactions to strong emotions, difficult situations, and anxiety under control.
    • Learn to deal with stress.
    • Learn to deal with your emotions.
  11. 11 Practice yoga. There are certain asanas that can help combat narcolepsy. These postures engage all parts of your body and energize you, which can help reduce bouts of sleepiness. Try the following exercise:
    • Stand directly on the mat with your feet slightly apart. Put your arms together and take deep breaths each time you change your pose.
    • Raise your arms above your head, fingers pointing up. Lean down and touch your feet with both hands.
    • Return to the floor, then extend your left leg back as if you were going to sleep. Extend your right leg back, keeping it a short distance from your left.
    • The lower body will touch the ground, and the upper body will rise slightly above the surface.
    • Now lower your head down so that your nose touches the ground. Touch the ground with your whole body and extend your arms along your torso.
    • Rise, starting from the head, bend your knees in turn, then sit and stretch your legs in front of you. Bend your hands to your feet, bending your back.
    • Straighten your back and fold your arms in front of your chest as for prayer. The exercise should be repeated 15 times a day.
  12. 12 Try acupressure. Acupressure is a unique treatment system that massages specific points on the body. It can help treat narcolepsy. The following points may be helpful:
    • The point is above the lips, right below the nose. If you press on this point, a person will feel fresh and vigorous, and this will prevent the development of an attack of drowsiness.
    • Points "gates of consciousness". These points are located at the base of the skull. These are two points - on the left and right side of the place where the skull meets the neck. In order for them to help, they need to be massaged for 15 minutes daily. Press hard enough that you feel a slight pain or tingling sensation.
    • Point "sea of ​​life". This point is on the back under the last ribs on both sides. By pressing on these points, you direct energy to the brain, as a result of which you will not want to sleep. If you have narcolepsy, press on these points for 10 minutes daily.
    • Energy points "three miles". They are located on the back of the leg under the knee joints. To prevent bouts of drowsiness, massage them daily for 10 minutes at a time.

Method 2 of 4: Getting ready for bed

  1. 1 Take a warm bath before going to bed. Dipping in a hot or warm bath before bed will increase your body temperature. When you get out of the water, your temperature drops again, which helps you fall asleep quickly. Soak in the bath for 20-30 minutes and then go to bed right away.
    • Drink soothing teas, such as chamomile, before bed.
  2. 2 Dim the lights and make the room cozy. Try to create an atmosphere that invites you to sleep. Try to block out light and sound. If you are in a dark room, your brain will start producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.
    • Draw back the curtains to darken the room.
    • Place a fan in the room. It will cool the room, and the cold helps many people fall asleep. In addition, the measured noise of the fan will interrupt all other unnecessary sounds.
  3. 3 Try doing something relaxing before bed. At the end of the day, thousands of thoughts rush through your head about everything that happened to you. To calm your brain, do some peaceful activities. Once you understand what helps you to relax, you can make these activities your daily ritual. Get into bed and try:
    • read a book;
    • listen to calm music;
    • meditate;
    • do breathing exercises.
  4. 4 Stop using electronic devices at least two hours before bed. Electric lighting can reduce the amount of melatonin produced by the body. Melatonin helps you fall asleep, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep due to the lack of this hormone. Do not use the following appliances:
    • Mobile phone.
    • Smartphone.
    • Television.
    • Computer.
  5. 5 Try to get enough sleep at night. A healthy night's sleep will keep you from falling asleep during the day. If you wake up at night, try to go back to sleep, and do not get up. Change the room as needed to make it easier for you to sleep.
    • The amount of sleep your body needs depends on age, lifestyle, and other factors.
    • As a rule, school-age children need 9 to 11 hours of sleep per day, and adults over 18 need 7-8 hours.
  6. 6 Don't do other things in bed. If you're not only sleeping in your bed, your brain may view your bed as a place to do other things, not sleep. If this happens, it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep and wake up at the scheduled time. Not worth it:
    • Eat, work, or watch TV in bed if you have the option not to.

Method 3 of 4: Diet changes

  1. 1 To stay energized, eat small meals throughout the day, rather than large meals three times a day. The body needs more energy to digest a larger portion of food. Because of this, after three meals, you may feel tired, because the body is busy digesting a large amount of food (remember how you feel after a hearty dinner on someone's birthday or on New Year's). This is also because larger portions make the body produce more tryptophan, an amino acid that can be converted into fatigue-causing substances.
    • Try eating small meals 4-5 times a day. This will help your body produce less tryptophan and make you less tired. The number of bouts of sleepiness after eating will also be reduced.
  2. 2 Eat foods rich in vitamins A, C, D, and E. They will help regulate sleep and strengthen the immune system. These are the most important and frequently found vitamins in foods.
    • Vitamin A is found in sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, cantaloupe, peppers, mangoes, and broccoli.
    • Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. It is also found in strawberries, broccoli, and spinach.
    • To get vitamin D, you need to be in the sun (this was discussed in the first section).
    • Vitamin E is found in tofu, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados.
  3. 3 Cut back on the amount of carbohydrates you eat. An excess of carbohydrates leads to an increase in tryptophan levels (we talked about it above). A large amount of tryptophan increases the level of melatonin in the blood, and this causes drowsiness. But that doesn't mean you should skip carbs altogether - just try to eat more carbs in the middle of the day. The following carbohydrates should be avoided:
    • Granulated sugar, hard candy, sweet chewing gum.
    • Sweet cereals and breakfast cereals.
    • Dried fruits, jams, preserves.
    • Snacks such as potato chips, crackers, and rice cakes.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods, not junk foods. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
    • Plenty of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables will increase antioxidant levels in the body and reduce bouts of sleepiness.
    • Avoid eating junk food to keep the amount of fat and cholesterol in your body from building up, which can cause drowsiness.
  5. 5 Eat more protein. Unlike carbohydrates, protein lowers tryptophan levels. Protein will energize you all day. The following foods are high in protein:
    • Eggs
    • Bird
    • Meat (beef and pork)
    • Fish
    • Tofu
    • Beans and peas
    • Dairy
  6. 6 Don't drink caffeinated drinks. You may want to drink coffee to stay awake, but caffeine has the opposite effect. If you are drinking coffee or strong tea, when its effect wears off, you will immediately want to sleep, only even stronger. Plus, coffee can disrupt your sleep patterns, making it difficult for you to fall asleep in the evening.
    • If you can't find something to replace your morning coffee, try drinking green tea. Green tea contains many antioxidants and other health benefits.
  7. 7 Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and quit smoking. Both alcohol and cigarettes stimulate the nervous system, resulting in insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Method 4 of 4: Herbal Remedies

  1. 1 Take ginkgo biloba extract. This substance contains ginkgolides and flavonoids, which are stimulants and antioxidants. They increase blood flow to the brain and oxygenate tissues. This allows you to fight drowsiness and gives a person more strength for physical activity.
    • Make ginkgo biloba tea by adding a small amount of this herb to boiling water. Cover the water and let the tea brew. Strain the broth and drink it after it has cooled slightly.
    • You can take gingko tablets by mouth. It is recommended to drink one tablet a day.
  2. 2 Drink ginseng tea to stay awake longer. This plant will keep you awake and save you from dizziness. It also reduces the chances of a recurrence of sleepiness.
    • Ginseng keeps you awake during the day by improving blood and nutrient flow to your brain and nervous system.
    • Ginseng also produces adaptogens that promote health.
    • Regular consumption of ginseng improves stamina as well as mental and physical performance.
    • You can take ginseng tablets.
    • You can also drink ginseng tea.
  3. 3 Increase your intake of cayenne pepper. This pepper is quite hot and will help you fight sleepiness. Add pepper to food, spicy drinks and soups.
    • Don't eat pepper at dinner and before going to bed, because it can keep you awake when it's time to sleep. This will lead to insomnia.
  4. 4 Drink mallow tea. Mallow is a plant that contains ephedrine. Ephedrine has a stimulating effect on the body and prevents you from falling asleep during the day. However, you shouldn't drink it if you have high blood pressure (this should be approved by your doctor).
    • To make tea, add five teaspoons of mallow seeds to boiling water. Let the water simmer for a few minutes, strain and drink as soon as the water has cooled.
  5. 5 Take gotu kola extract. Gotu Kola is a stimulating herbal that improves circulation and energizes the body. You can buy this extract at your pharmacy and health food store.
    • Gotu Kola improves memory and concentration, soothes and strengthens immunity.
    • Take 20-60 grams daily.
  6. 6 Drink St. John's wort to help you sleep better at night. St. John's wort helps to relax and fall into deep sleep. This plant affects sleep quality due to its soothing properties.
    • You can drink St. John's wort instead of tea before bed.
  7. 7 Use rosemary to reduce your narcoleptic attacks. Rosemary is a common garden plant with a delicious scent. Usually, both the ground part and the roots of the plant are used.
    • Rosemary is used in cooking as a condiment and is used to make oil.
    • Rosemary can improve blood circulation and digestion, which contributes to mental clarity.
    • To reduce bouts of sleepiness, add rosemary to food for 3 to 4 months.


  • Do not drive or operate difficult machinery if you feel drowsy or dizzy.