How to Treat Anular Granuloma: Can Natural Remedies Help?

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Granuloma annulare: treatments and causes: dermatologist Dr Dray
Video: Granuloma annulare: treatments and causes: dermatologist Dr Dray


Anular granuloma is a rare chronic dermatological disorder that manifests itself as a red, circular rash on the skin. Because of these manifestations, it is often mistaken for ringworm. Circles on the skin are caused by a reaction of the body, leading to excess production of white blood cells in the body. These little bodies do not move through the blood, but become clumped and cannot pass through thin capillaries, which is why they form protrusions on the skin. This disease can manifest itself at any age and is more common in women. This article will discuss the natural treatments for this condition.


Part 1 of 5: Proven Natural Remedies

  1. 1 Rub aloe vera into damaged skin. This herb contains a special gel that has a soothing effect on the skin and dulls itching and pain caused by illness. The gel can penetrate deep into the skin, reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process of rash-caused wounds.
    • If you have aloe growing in your home, cut it open with a knife to make the juice go and apply the juice to the rash. Put the cut part in the refrigerator and use it later.
    • You can buy the gel at the pharmacy. Apply it liberally to the wounds and let it absorb.
  2. 2 Add ginger to food and drink. Ginger is a popular spice that has strong anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. You can use ginger in the treatment of anular granuloma in the following ways:
    • Eat it raw alone or mix it with other foods.
    • Add ginger to tea or milk.
    • Make a paste of ginger, lemon, olive oil and salt and apply to the affected skin.
  3. 3 Use turmeric as a seasoning, make a paste out of it, put it in tea. Turmeric is another magic spice that has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that helps detoxify turmeric. Turmeric can reduce rashes, itching, and prevent bacterial infections.
    • You can mix ground turmeric with mint juice or olive oil and apply to your skin. You can put it in tea, like ginger, or use it as a seasoning for food.
    • Curcumin blocks the COX-II enzyme responsible for the production of prostaglandin (a substance that provokes inflammation), due to which turmeric has a triple action: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial.
  4. 4 Apply a green tea compress to your skin or take a pill extract. Green tea has medicinal properties when consumed regularly. You can drink it twice a day or apply a compress with leaves directly to your skin. You can also take green tea extract tablets.
    • Topical application of green tea will soothe rashes and relieve itching. This effect is explained by the action of tea flavonoids - catechins. They are antioxidants that detoxify hazardous substances, including toxins and free radicals, which can trigger or worsen rashes. Green tea also has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it reduces irritation on the skin.
  5. 5 Apply ground rhubarb to your skin. This plant contains beta-carotene, which helps the body fight infections and speeds up healing. Beta-carotene has also been shown to fight autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. This plant can also help with anular granulomas.
    • Poultice with ground rhubarb, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. You can do this 2-3 times a week for as long as necessary.
  6. 6 Take 2-8 grams of Boswellia daily. This substance is obtained from Indian incense. It has anti-inflammatory properties and limits the production of leukotrienes, which are found in white blood cells, which are unsaturated fatty acids produced by the body during allergic reactions. It is recommended to take 2-8 grams of this substance per day.
    • Take Boswellia for no more than 8-12 weeks. The consequences of longer use have not yet been studied, so it is better to be insured.
    • Boswellia cream can also be used to treat anular granuloma.
  7. 7 Make a paste with ground yarrow and water. Yarrow is a good blood purifier and is known for its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, so it will be beneficial for skin conditions. Leave it on the wounds for 15 minutes and wash it off with mild soap and water.
    • Usually 4.5 grams per day are taken, but there is no clinical data to support this choice of dosage.
  8. 8 Put spirulina in water or juice. Spirulina is an immunomodulator and is used in the treatment of lupus erythematosus as it is high in vitamins, amino acids and chlorophyll. This plant will help suppress the autoimmune response that leads to granuloma annularis.
    • Usually they take 2000-3000 milligrams per day, broken down into 4-6 doses of 500 milligrams. The effect of spirulina is noticeable even with small dosages (800 milligrams). It can be added to water or fruit and vegetable juices.
    • Do not take spirulina for more than three weeks in a row.

Part 2 of 5: Proven Natural Remedies

  1. 1 Take a small amount of apple cider vinegar by mouth or apply to the rash. Apple cider vinegar can help with anular granulomas and other skin problems, especially when combined with aloe and other medications. Vinegar soothes the itching and burning of the rash. There are three ways to use vinegar:
    • Drink 30 milliliters of vinegar twice a day, or dilute 1-2 scoops in a glass of water to tone down the taste.
    • Apply vinegar to sore skin with cotton wool. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off.
    • Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to the bath and soak in the water for 20-30 minutes. Repeat every other day. This method of treatment is suitable for people with large areas of skin lesions.
  2. 2 Take aralia tablets daily. This herb is used to treat autoimmune diseases because it purifies the blood and reduces inflammation in joints and muscles. For many years it has been used all over the world to treat gout, arthritis, psoriasis and other skin conditions.
    • It is recommended to take at least 9 grams of dried aralia root in capsules or tablets, divided into several doses.
    • If you have aralia tincture, take 3 milliliters three times a day.
  3. 3 Make yucca extract tea. Yucca extract increases muscle mobility and relieves pain. In addition, it is suitable for the treatment of autoimmune and other skin conditions. Yucca is taken orally, added to tea, or soaps and shampoos are used with this plant.
    • To make tea, boil a small amount of yucca extract and cook for 15 minutes. The resulting product will help fight various diseases, including anular granuloma. For maximum effect, drink 3-5 cups daily.
      • If this dosage causes dizziness and loss of balance, reduce it.
  4. 4 Apply avocado to your skin. This remedy is especially effective when combined with olive oil. It will help soothe and moisturize itchy and sensitive skin.
    • Avocados contain natural oils and vitamins A, D and E, and they are good for the skin. The oil is absorbed by the skin and acts in the deep layers. It stops inflammation and moisturizes the skin well.
    • Avocado oil has a high concentration of hydrocarbons, which makes the oil soothing and can relieve pain and itching. Avocado also contains linoleic acid, which speeds up the process of skin cell renewal.
  5. 5 Make a paste with neem leaves. These leaves contain a natural oil that can be applied to rashes to soothe pain and itching. Combine neem oil, gotu kola and turmeric, add water and stir. Apply this mixture several times a day for several weeks.

Part 3 of 5: Diet changes

  1. 1 Make dietary changes by reducing your intake of animal products, processed foods, and processed foods. In the treatment and prevention of autoimmune diseases, it is extremely important to eat well. If you have an autoimmune disease, eat foods that will help strengthen your immune system. Reduce your intake of animal and processed foods.
    • Animal foods contain hormones, steroids, antibiotics, bacteria, toxins (mercury, PCBs, dioxins), saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Many patients are helped by the rejection of animal products, up to their complete exclusion, until the indicators of the inflammatory process begin to disappear from the analyzes.
      • If you eat food of animal origin, choose only high-quality organic foods and limit yourself to 1-3 small portions per week. Dairy products, including cheese, will help stabilize the flora in your digestive tract.
    • Processed foods contain inflammation-promoting fats, additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients that are addictive. The content of nutrients in them is small compared to unprocessed foods. Try to eat natural foods as often as possible.
  2. 2 Avoid wheat. Avoid whole wheat foods, breads, bread crumbs, crackers, white bread, muffins, and gluten. Wheat provokes inflammation and often causes reactions in people with autoimmune diseases.
    • Wheat is a common cause of leaky gut syndrome, which leads to persistent inflammation and pain in the body and joints.
    • Not all people with granuloma annuloma are allergic to wheat. When you're ready to experiment, start gradually adding wheat to your diet. If the body does not reject it, you can continue to eat it.
  3. 3 Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat anti-inflammatory, plant-based foods rich in antioxidants, phytochemicals, and omega-3 fatty acids. In other words, eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose dark leafy and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage (Chinese, cabbage), arugula, broccoli, and radishes. Try to eat 5 servings per week (one serving - a cup of vegetables) to saturate the body with the necessary amount of nutrients and not overload the thyroid gland.
    • Make fruit and vegetable smoothies and soups in a blender. This will allow you to subtly increase your fruit and vegetable intake through nutritious meals. Choose simple sugars and combine them with fats, fiber, and protein to slow their absorption and reduce inflammation.
    • Make fresh juices with vegetables. Add carrots, beets, and kale to your fruit to help you consume more nutrients with juices. Try to make green juices and include more green leafy vegetables that are low in starch (such as parsley and kale) and less starchy vegetables (carrots, beets).
  4. 4 Make sure you are consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids. These substances strengthen the immune system. They are found in a variety of fish, including salmon, tuna, and mackerel. If you don't like fish, try adding flaxseed oil to fruit smoothies.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for skin health. They not only strengthen cell membranes, but also inhibit substances that are produced during the inflammatory process due to rashes and itching. Consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids will keep inflammation, rashes, and sores under control. In addition, these acids inhibit the development of any inflammatory process that can provoke an exacerbation of anular granuloma.

Part 4 of 5: Yoga Practice

  1. 1 Take the cobra pose (bhujangasana). Yoga stimulates the nervous, endocrine, digestive system and blood circulation, improving their work. The body positions described below have a positive effect on one or more of these systems, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the manifestations of anular granuloma. Start with the cobra pose - it's good for the digestive system.
    • Lie on a rug on your stomach.
    • Extend your legs by connecting them at the socks.
    • Place your hands with your palms on the mat, stretching them along your body.
    • Take a deep breath, pull back your neck, chest and head. Maintain balance, but do not press on your palms.
    • Hold your breath and stay in this position. Count to ten.
    • Exhale deeply, relax and return to starting position. Repeat everything from the beginning 5-8 times.
  2. 2 Take the bow pose (dhanurasana). This asana stretches and strengthens the back and has a positive effect on blood circulation. It also helps to strengthen white blood cells and is beneficial for the immune system and overall health.
    • Lie facedown on the mat with your arms extended along your body and your legs straight.
    • Bend your knees and lift yourself up, bringing your heels to your buttocks.
    • Take a deep breath, reach back with your hands and grab your ankles. At the same time, lift your chest and tilt your head back.
    • Stretch back as much as possible without putting undue stress on your back. In this position, the body will resemble a bow.
    • Hold your breath, count to ten.
    • Exhale, relax, return to starting position. Repeat everything from the beginning 8-10 times.
  3. 3 Take the bridge pose (setu bandhasana). This asana opens up the lungs, heart and upper body and also stimulates the thymus gland, which makes the body less susceptible to possible infections and improves blood circulation.
    • Lie on your back on a mat, extend your arms along your body, turn your palms towards the floor.
    • Bend your knees so that they form a 90-degree angle to the floor, and rest your feet on the floor.
    • Breathe deeply. Begin to lift your chest and abdomen up, maintaining balance with your arms and legs.
    • Hold your breath and remain in this position for 10 seconds.
    • Exhale, relax, return to starting position.
  4. 4 Take the half-wheel pose (ardha chakrasana). This pose opens up the pelvic area and stimulates the thyroid gland. It strengthens and stretches the abdominal muscles, acts on the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland, fills the body with energy, improves blood circulation, allows you to relax, strengthens the immune system and strengthens the body's defense mechanism.
    • Lie on your back on the mat.
    • Place your heels parallel to the floor as close to each other as possible, spread your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Maintain balance with your head and legs, and breathe deeply. Push your torso up (chest, abdomen, pelvis) without pressing on your neck.
    • Breathe deeply. Hold this pose for 10 seconds.
    • Exhale, smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat everything from the beginning 5-8 times.
  5. 5 Take the birch tree pose (viparita karani). This asana is your elixir of youth. It will allow you to feel a surge of energy, improve blood flow to the heart, brain, digestive system, calm the body and mind, strengthen the immune system, body and spirit.
    • Lie on the mat on your back, stretch your arms along your body, press your buttocks against the wall.
    • Keep your legs straight without bending your knees. The buttocks should form a 90-degree angle with the mat.
    • Breathing deeply is all you need to do in this pose. Hold your breath for 20 seconds.
    • Exhale, lower your legs to the right side, roll onto your right side and rest.

Part 5 of 5: Understanding the Causes of Disease

  1. 1 Find out what causes this disease. The main causes of anular granuloma are unknown, but there are things that provoke exacerbations. These include:
    • Autoimmune diseases... An autoimmune disease can cause overproduction of white blood cells, leading to the development of anular granuloma. Examples of such diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Addison's disease.
    • Allergy... Allergies to gluten or tetanus shots, insect bites, or animal bites can trigger granuloma annularis.
    • Infections... Anular granuloma often develops when a person's immunity is weakened. Often, hepatitis is an infection that provokes the disease.
    • Ultraviolet... In some cases, exposure to the sun leads to the development of the disease.
  2. 2 Learn to recognize the symptoms of anular granuloma. The disease can take different forms: localized, generalized and subcutaneous. They all manifest in different ways.
    • Localized form... This is the most common form of anular granuloma. The disease manifests itself in the form of red rashes and nodules, which are located in circles up to five centimeters in diameter. Typically, this rash occurs on the back of the hands, forearms, feet, wrists, and ankles.
    • Generalized form... This form occurs in 15% of all adult cases. The swellings and nodules are slightly larger in size, as is the area of ​​the lesion. The rash comes in a variety of colors, from yellow to purple. It covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, or scalp.
    • Subcutaneous form... It is common in children. The nodules do not form on the skin, but under the skin or within its layers. Damaged areas can be up to four centimeters in diameter. The rash appears on the ankles, palms, buttocks and scalp.
      • Usually, the rash is not uncomfortable and causes discomfort only from an aesthetic point of view. Sometimes the rash itches and hurts.
  3. 3 See your doctor for a diagnosis. A dermatologist will examine you to see what he is dealing with. He will examine your skin for nodules on or under the skin, ask you about itching, the duration of symptoms, about pain, ask about diseases in you and in your family to understand if you or your relatives have had any diseases that could trigger the development annular granuloma.
    • After the examination, you may be ordered tests and tests, such as a skin biopsy. In addition, differential diagnosis can be carried out using the KOH test, which will distinguish granulomas from fungal diseases. For this, a scraping is taken from the affected area of ​​the skin, which is then treated with a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH). If the test reveals the presence of a fungus, your diagnosis will be a fungal infection, not anular granuloma.
  4. 4 Know what your treatment options are. In most cases, no specific treatment is required, since the disease is asymptomatic and affects only the appearance of the skin. However, you may feel uncomfortable and may decide to get rid of the rash as soon as possible. If home remedies haven't worked, consider medication:
    • Topical steroids... Steroids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and redness. Examples of steroid ointments are Dermovate (clobetasol) and Elocon (mometasone). They are applied to the rash twice a day.
    • Injectable steroids... Injections are used in cases of chronic anular granuloma and in the subcutaneous form. Their action is similar to that of ointments, but they act more effectively on the entire body at once. You can use "Fortecortin" (dexazone), "Solu-Dakortin" (prednisolone). Injections are given directly at the site of the rash.
    • A liquid nitrogen... This remedy is used to combat rashes in cases of a chronic course of the disease and when large areas of the skin are affected. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the nodules, making them easier to remove. In addition, this treatment stimulates the growth of new layers of the skin.
    • Phototherapy... This method of treatment has proven to be effective. It helps in cases of chronic disease in combination with some types of laser treatment.


  • The exact reasons for the development of this disease are unknown. It can be triggered by diabetes, thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases (for example, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Addison's disease). Some researchers believe that this disease also causes gluten in wheat, copper, and tetanus vaccinations.
  • Remember that hormones have side effects with long-term use - they thin the skin.
  • Anular granuloma can occur in people of different ages. It is more common in women.