How to control your man

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Make A Man Do Anything You Want | How To Control Your Boyfriend | Greta Bereisaite
Video: How To Make A Man Do Anything You Want | How To Control Your Boyfriend | Greta Bereisaite


Most people don't like the idea of ​​being controlled by someone else. However, when you are in a romantic relationship, you may feel the need to offer your partner some help and guidance. “Controlling” can mean helping you find better communication and healthier and more positive relationships.


Method 1 of 3: Form a Healthy Connection

  1. 1 Communicate effectively. Honest and open communication is one of the foundations of a healthy relationship. As you and your partner learn to communicate effectively, you will find it easier to work together to solve problems. This will reduce your need to control it.
    • Choose the right time. If you want to start an important conversation, choose a time that works for both of you. Do not start a serious conversation from the doorway, as soon as he, for example, returned home from work, or if you need to go to workout in five minutes.
    • Watch your body language. Try to sit side by side with your man during an important conversation. This will make you both feel equal to each other, and it is more effective than having one of you standing over the other. You also need to maintain eye contact as it conveys your trust and respect.
  2. 2 Spend quality time together. Early on in your relationship, you probably had a lot of romantic dates. But with the development of a relationship, it is easy to fall into a routine. Perhaps you spend all your time together watching TV, instead of really enjoying each other's company. Make sure to make an effort every week to have a quality time.
    • Time alone with your man is very important to your relationship. It helps to keep in touch with each other. Set aside time each week for just the two of you - no kids, no friends, just the two of you.
    • Do something that requires interaction. For example, try a fun activity like bowling. This will help you relax and feel more comfortable with each other. If your man likes your company, you don't have to worry about being controlled.
  3. 3 Get to know each other better. Of course, you know your boyfriend or husband well, but that doesn't mean you know all the important things about each other. The healthiest relationships are those in which the couple makes a real effort to understand each other on a deeper level. When spending time alone with each other, try to learn something new about each other.
    • The best way to get to know each other better is to ask questions. Questions can be as simple as “How was your day?” It is important that both of you give detailed, honest answers and that both of you actively listen to each other.
    • You can try asking more creative questions such as “If you could be any character in the book, who would you be?”. Conversations like these will allow you to learn more about each other. The more you know, the more you will trust each other. Then you will be able to communicate instead of being in control.

Method 2 of 3: Orient your man

  1. 1 Describe your needs. If you can orient your man in the direction of positive behavior, then the need to control him will become less and less. We all need a romantic partner who will meet our needs. But we need to remember that our needs are not always obvious. Try to tell your partner exactly what you want from him.
    • Try saying something like, “I had a very hard day today. I just need to speak out now. Can you please just listen to me for a few minutes? "
    • You may feel like your man isn't giving you enough time. Instead of yelling, try saying, “I know you’re very busy lately. Can we make time to go to the movies? ” If you explain what you need, you are more likely to get what you want.
  2. 2 Establish relationship rules. Although both of you are adults, your relationship would benefit from certain ground rules. Work on creating these rules together and make sure you both agree to stick to them.For example, if it's important to you that no one goes to bed angry or resentful, make it one of the rules of your relationship.
    • If you feel like you need to control your man's actions, try setting some rules ahead of time. For example, ask him to spend only one or two evenings outside the house with his friends. He will appreciate your compliance, and you will know when you can count on him to be at home.
    • In addition, you can set some rules about how you should communicate with each other. For example, if you are not a morning person, you might agree to never discuss a serious topic until after you have had your morning coffee.
  3. 3 Set boundaries. Setting boundaries is a very effective way to guide your man towards the behavior you want. The first step in this business is to acknowledge your own feelings. This will help you understand what is important to you in the relationship. Then you can better articulate your needs.
    • For example, maybe your boyfriend is constantly borrowing money from you. This situation can be uncomfortable for you, especially if he does not return them on time. Set boundaries that will determine when and how much it can borrow. Also, indicate that the money needs to be returned.
    • Make it clear that crossing boundaries will affect your relationship. Explain that these boundaries are important to you, and you will not be happy if they are not respected.

Method 3 of 3: Benefits of a Love Relationship

  1. 1 Stronger social connection. There are many proven benefits of engaging in healthy love relationships. When you have a partner, you automatically feel more connected to the world. You have your own person with whom you can talk about movies, work, current events and whatever else comes to your mind. This will help you feel more in tune with the world around you.
    • Social bonding will help you feel more confident and happy. This bond deepens when you live with a romantic partner with whom you have a long-term relationship.
  2. 2 Feeling more secure. Being in a healthy relationship means you have a deep sense of security. For example, you will know that you have someone to celebrate a big promotion with. You will also know that there will be someone to comfort you when your longtime pet dies. Feeling secure is very important to your emotional well-being.
    • Research shows that long-term relationships are extremely beneficial for a woman's mental health. Largely due to the sense of security.
  3. 3 Better health. You will also receive physical benefits from a love relationship. People in happy relationships tend to experience less stress. Low stress levels mean you are less likely to have high blood pressure, depression symptoms, or heart problems.
    • People in long-term relationships also benefit from regular sex. Sex will help you improve your mood as well as reduce your stress levels.


  • You shouldn't try to physically control a person. Violence is never a good idea.
  • If your partner is not meeting your needs, consider ending the relationship.
  • Don't put pressure on your man. Don't make him feel like he can't breathe.
  • Respect your partner. Show him that you respect his privacy, his privacy, and his personality.