How to get good grades on tests without spending a lot of time studying

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get An A WITHOUT Studying! 17 NO Study Hacks To Get Straight A’s!
Video: How To Get An A WITHOUT Studying! 17 NO Study Hacks To Get Straight A’s!


Learning is not always fun, but you shouldn't let your grades go down either. If you work diligently in class, then you will spend less time preparing for tests. In addition, you can use some tricks to shorten the preparation time, and a healthy body contributes to the sharpness of the mind.


Method 1 of 6: Working in the classroom

  1. 1 Think about the material before you come to class. Typically, students will know the topic for the next lesson because the instructors set the course for the material ahead of time. Before going to school, think about the topic of today's class, preparing your mind in advance. This will help you tune in to the desired mood and better remember the information.
  2. 2 Take classes. If you’re in high school, you can’t skip classes, and at university you already have more freedom. One of the easiest ways to get good grades without spending a lot of time studying is to attend all classes and listen carefully to the teacher. It is necessary not only to be present, but also to diligently absorb information.
    • In addition, many instructors formulate grades based on attendance and classroom performance. Consequently, the score will be higher just for attending classes. If you miss lessons, you lose points.
  3. 3 Sit in the front row. Many people want to sit on the last row, away from the teacher's attention and eyes. But in the front rows it is better to see that the teacher is writing on the blackboard, and also to hear the lecture better. Plus, you'll be less tempted to be distracted.
  4. 4 Ask questions. If something is not clear, then do not be afraid to ask questions. The teacher will happily shed light on a difficult moment, and other students would probably like to clarify the same.
  5. 5 Show interest. It might seem like it's not easy, especially in classes like math. For a start, fake interest will do. Convince yourself that you like math. Pick out the moments that really interest you, even if it’s something insignificant. The presence of interest in the studied subject contributes to the effective memorization of information.
  6. 6 Always try to get the point. The teacher always gives hints by writing down key points on the chalkboard or emphasizing intonation. He may even repeat the main point to make sure the students understand the importance of the idea. Constantly ask yourself about the key ideas and points so that you can think about and remember as much as possible during the lesson.
  7. 7 Good synopsis. Good note-taking is not necessarily a transcript of the teacher's words. On the contrary, in this way you do not perceive information, but simply write down what was said mechanically. In addition, it will be difficult for you to keep up, unless you have the ability to quickly type on a computer. Therefore, it is best to take notes in short bulletins or sentences with key messages.
    • For example, the teacher says, “Today we are going to talk about verbs.They are responsible for the action in the sentence. They are divided into two main types - verbs of state and action ”. You can write down the explanation: “Verbs: action in a sentence. 2 types: state, action ”.
    • Acronyms and acronyms can be used to speed up writing, but be sure to keep the text legible.
    • The computer makes it possible to write down faster, but research shows that taking notes by hand can improve memorization.
  8. 8 Do not be distructed. Attention always tries to distract yourself when the room is hot or noisy. Maybe it's really great outside, or you feel like getting away. Focus on the lesson. Ignore distractions, focus on the teacher's words and class discussion.
    • Any person's attention is periodically scattered. If you notice that you are distracted, immediately return to the words of the teacher.
    • If you can't concentrate or are starting to fall asleep, you can ask permission to go out to wash yourself with cool water.
  9. 9 Reprint or review the notes after class. If you are taking notes by hand, you can type them out after you return home. Typing will help to consolidate information in long-term memory. If you are typing in class, you can reread your notes at home.

Method 2 of 6: Homework

  1. 1 Make a plan. When receiving homework, plan the time for their completion. Stick to your plan so that the task is always completed on time.
  2. 2 Do your homework. Homework is part of the assessment, so always do it. However, it is not enough just to write a few exercises. Take the time to work out the material well. Doing the exercises and reading the information is a way to reinforce what you have learned in the lesson, so spending time on effective study will reduce the time spent preparing for tests.
  3. 3 Critical reading. Don't be content with just scrolling through the text in a textbook. Read each sentence thoughtfully as you absorb the information. If you find it difficult to concentrate, you can read the text aloud. Always highlight the essence of what you read. It also doesn't hurt to write down the highlights to get a general idea of ​​the topic. In addition, note-taking helps to memorize information.
  4. 4 Organize your notes, homework, and assignments. Buy a binder or folder for each subject and structure your notes, homework, and quizzes by topic and date. This way you will know where the materials on a particular topic are, so as not to waste time searching.

Method 3 of 6: Effective Teaching

  1. 1 Start with difficult subjects. If you approach the study of complex subjects with a fresh mind, then it will be easier for you to cope than when the brain is already tired. Also, having dealt with a difficult topic, you will feel the joy of a major accomplishment. In addition, the rest of the items will seem even easier after the most difficult material.
  2. 2 Take breaks. Working for a long time without interruption is exhausting. In addition, you will begin to memorize information less well. Make sure to take breaks at least once an hour. Get up and walk. Have a cup of tea. Do a warm-up or talk to a friend for a couple of minutes. Your brain must be distracted in order to process material effectively again.
  3. 3 Don't waste your time. Breaks are necessary, but always start working when it's time to study. No need to look at the ceiling or paint in the margins. Getting started right away will save you time.
  4. 4 Alternate items. Instead of poring over one subject for hours, shift your attention to other subjects and topics, especially when preparing for multiple tests. For example, you can change the subject after a break. This will keep you interested in the subject matter, which will help you memorize the material faster.

Method 4 of 6: Effective Test Preparation

  1. 1 Make a plan according to your training manual or curriculum. If such materials are not available, you should use lesson notes or textbooks when creating your plan. Basically, you need an overview of what to learn for the test. You can make an outline using the titles in the textbook or the key points of the study material.
    • With an idea of ​​what needs to be learned, calculate the amount of time needed for each item, taking into account the time you are going to spend preparing.
    • Don't spend the same amount of time on different topics. If you know one topic better than another, it’s more efficient to spend more time on less detailed material. More time should also be allocated on more complex topics.
  2. 2 Review your notes. Studying the material from the lessons is one of the best ways to prepare for the test. Re-read the outlined material. Run your eyes over the section headings you read in preparation to ensure that the material is complete. There is no need to re-read the sections so as not to waste extra time.
  3. 3 Divide into discussion groups. Teamwork contributes to effective preparation. Working together is not only more fun, but also very productive if you stick to the topic. When discussing ideas, you delve deeper and remember information better.
    • For example, if you need to study a book for a test, you can use an online tutorial to start a discussion with your friends. Discussion questions for most of the classics of world literature are available online.
    • For subjects like mathematics, mini-contests can be organized. Try to solve speed problems. If one of your friends is not doing well, then work through the task collectively. Explaining the decision or listening to someone else's explanation, you will remember the information faster and more reliably.
  4. 4 Find connections between ideas. Most people try to learn by memorization, rereading information countless times. Making connections between new and known information is a more effective way of learning. By placing a fact in your knowledge grid, you memorize it better and faster.
    • For example, you are studying the circulatory system of an animal. You can compare the organs in the body with the railway network, where the station is the heart, the railway tracks departing from it are the arteries, and the tracks leading to the station are the veins.
  5. 5 Use cards. If network organization of ideas is not for you, flashcards can be used for accelerated memorization. They promote memorization by making you repeat the idea over and over again. In addition, they are an additional test for knowledge of the topic.
    • Just write down the word or idea you want to learn on one side of the flashcard, and write the definition or related information on the other side. Flashcards are best for studying material in two parts (terms and definitions, events and dates, title and formula).
    • Flashcards also help you focus on what you don't already know. Having memorized a term or word well, you can put aside the corresponding card, focusing on what you don't know yet.
  6. 6 Prepare for a specific type of work. For example, if you need to memorize dates, it is best to use flashcards. To work through problem solving, you should focus specifically on solving as many problems as possible. To prepare for an essay on literature, you should involve a group discussion of the book you have read.

Method 5 of 6: Writing the Test Successfully

  1. 1 Write down the facts. If you need to memorize a number of facts for the test, then start by writing these facts at the top of the sheet. So you will not forget about them in the process of writing your work.
  2. 2 Always read the terms and conditions. The conditions may stipulate the volume of necessary answers or the number of questions to which an answer must be given.Read the terms carefully so as not to lose points through carelessness.
  3. 3 Plan your time. Keep track of time to handle all the work. At the very beginning, go through all the assignments to plan your time. If you have a topic for an essay, you do not need to spend a lot of time on other assignments so that you have time to write your essay. Always keep track of how much time you have left.
  4. 4 Start with what you are strong at. If you are good at short answers, then start with them. This will give you the exact answer to the part of the job that you can do best in order to get the most points.
  5. 5 Read the questions carefully. Sometimes the teacher can phrase the question as confusingly as possible. Make sure you understand the question correctly. In other words, do not rush to answer, barely reading the first words of the question.
  6. 6 Review the distribution of points for questions. In some cases, you will not receive points for an incorrect answer. Otherwise, you may not receive points if you skip a question, but an incorrect answer will result in points being deducted. In the first case, you can try to guess the answer to the tests. In the second case, trying to guess can cost you extra points.
  7. 7 Approach the test questions correctly. Test questions can simplify things a little. You do not need to provide an answer as it is already listed among the other options. On the other hand, sometimes in such tasks, two similar answers at once may seem correct.
    • After reading the question, try to answer it before reading the options available. This way you will not be held hostage by the options available. If your answer is on the list, then select it and move on. If not, re-read the question. You may have misunderstood it.
    • When you find it difficult to choose an answer, you should first discard those options that are definitely not correct. Sometimes one or two answers are obviously wrong. Do not take them into account when thinking about the correct answer.
    • If you can't decide which option is correct, then choose at random and move on (only when points for wrong answers are not deducted).
  8. 8 Outline a short outline for answering long questions. If the test involves writing an essay, then it is better to write a plan. Focus on the main ideas of the future essay and the order of their organization. This will make your writing more logical and consistent.
  9. 9 Finally, check all the answers. If you have time left, be sure to check the work. In the math exam, review the paper for inattention errors. Also check that all questions are answered so that there are no gaps in the work.

Method 6 of 6: Your Physical Condition

  1. 1 Healthy sleep. Having a good rest will help you remember information better. Thus, by simply getting enough sleep at night, you will spend less time preparing for the test.
  2. 2 Proper nutrition. A healthy diet contributes to the proper functioning of your body. Avoid sugary drinks and eat a nutritious diet with lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Good nutrition is the key to an active brain.
  3. 3 The required amount of water. As with the rest of the body, the brain needs water to function properly. Drink plenty of fluids to keep your brain running at full strength.
    • The liquid consumed includes not only water, but also tea, coffee and juice. The main thing to remember is that juices contain a lot of sugar, so it's best not to overdo it. Fruit can be added to the water to make it more flavorful and more delicious.
    • Despite the standard rate of eight glasses of water a day, your needs may vary. So, women usually need about 9 glasses of water a day, and men all 13 glasses.
  4. 4 Regular physical education. Exercise energizes not only the body but also the mind, improving blood flow to the brain. Try to practice a little every day. For example, during breaks, you can take a short walk or go for a run. Recharged with energy, you will memorize the material with a vengeance.