How to avoid the bully's cruel nagging

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: How To Survive A Dog Attack? | Preventing Dog Bites | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz


You wake up and go to school thinking that a bunch of arrogant bullies will insult and kick you like a soccer ball. You are scared to death. What to do? Naturally, this situation is not normal, but, unfortunately, this often happens. Probably, each of us has experienced abuse (in different forms) on ourselves. Ultimately, you will have to find a way out and be able to fend for yourself. But what does that mean? Read our article and find out.


  1. 1 Watch what is happening behind your back. Explore your surroundings and be confident in the people around you. Usually, bullies have friends who follow them, and they can also rely on passers-by (people who won't tell the bully to stop). Stay in a circle of friends who care about you and support you in every way. If necessary, ask them to protect you.If you feel in danger, be sure to tell your discipline adult about it.
  2. 2 Avoid bullies. If there are no bullies nearby, you will not become a victim of them. Many bullies seek to embarrass their victim. Watch what you are doing if this unpleasant person is nearby so as not to fall into his trap. If this bully keeps bothering you, ask your parents or teachers for help.
  3. 3 Maintain eye contact. Eye contact is much more powerful than words or poses. Do not lower your gaze and do not look around as if you are afraid of something. If you look away, you are waiting for an attack. Look him / her directly in the eyes, or if you find it difficult, focus your gaze on his / her eyebrows. Let the bully see you as an equal by conveying the message that the situation is not funny or acceptable. Feelings of fear or tears are natural. Most bullies respect the real courage and determination that comes from your gaze.
  4. 4 Speak confidently with people who scare you. Don't be shy or mumble. Speak persistently and firmly. Practice this skill in front of a mirror. Sometimes, sharpness and resilience help. When you look the bully in the eye, be sure to be tough and aggressive by communicating your emotions through your body language. If you have not been able to overcome the bully, you may be able to convince passers-by to help, and not just stare at what is happening.
  5. 5 Change the subject of the conversation. Discharge and redirect the tension that is fueling the possible quarrel by changing the subject of the conversation to another. You can make a non-offensive joke, but the best thing to do is ask a question. The question should match your dialogue. There is no need to betray your tactics. Then tell an adult about what is happening.
  6. 6 Learn to persuade with words. Some bullies can be defeated verbally. Say something that will make him wonder if you are worth his effort or not, "Why are you picking on me?" You can touch his ego to avoid bodily violence, "Everyone knows that you can easily defeat me if we fight." If all else fails, ask, "What do you want?" and end with "I don't want to fight you." Remember confidence and eye contact. If he doesn't want to listen to you, you should leave. Be prepared to defend yourself if the need arises. Don't forget to tell the adults about it.
  7. 7 Try to leave. Try to leave the place of confrontation by gathering all your calmness into a fist. Many bullies play to the audience and it is in your best interest to get others to sympathize with you. If the bully pushes you or corners you into a fight, try to avoid danger. Sometimes, it helps to stand face to face with the bully. Don't let the crowd surround you. Tell them loudly and confidently to let you pass. Tell an adult about your problem.
  8. 8 Tell an adult about your situation. Share any incident with a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher. They have a responsibility to keep you safe. In most cases, you have to stand up for yourself on your own, and adults will always give you good advice or help you develop a strategy for fighting. It's important to have a well-thought-out plan in case something serious happens.
    • The bully will have to answer for his actions before the administration or other competent authorities. You will learn how different teachers and other empowered people react in such situations. The attitude towards such problems is very different. So don't look at private behavior, especially if the person seems to be very busy. Make sure your situation is not fake. It is natural for the administration to act fairly and impartially in the first place.If, after a few serious incidents (fighting, threats, or violent humiliation), they did nothing to prevent or resolve the problem, explain to another authorized person.
  9. 9 Get into a fighting pose. When a fight is imminent, your main weapon is body language. Don't overdo it so you don't look stupid. Tell the bully that you are not joking or playing. If you are serious about defending yourself, the bully will think twice about whether to be attacked or physically abused. Most importantly, at this moment, others should understand that the bully is behaving pitifully. Look the bully in the eye. Focus your attention on his movements and correct your position. Stand confidently. Basically, you are ready for a fight, make no mistake! Even if the conflict has exhausted itself without a fight, tell your elders about it.
  10. 10 Don't lie about your skills. Exaggerating your strengths and capabilities is an invitation to fight any bully. Stand still, focusing your attention on your opponent and wait for him to take the first step. Sometimes, surprise or uncertainty can break an opponent's confidence. Perhaps, but not a fact!
  11. 11 Smile. Act as if you are enjoying what is happening, although, in fact, everything will be quite the opposite. If you look at a bully with a smile on his face, he / she will usually think that something is about to happen. This is an easy way to psychologically influence or intimidate him / her. This way you dissuade him / her from clinging to you. If the bully asks why you are smiling, don't say anything back. Keep smiling and enjoy the thought of the bully being a little scared.
  12. 12 Gather your courage. If you've been forced into a confrontational state and feel like a fight is imminent, as a last resort, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself:
    • Cover your face with your hands, clenching them into fists, like boxers do. This position will protect you, especially your nose and eyes. Good vision is very important in combat. Always return to this alert.
    • Tighten your stomach in case the bully hits there.
    • Turn your body to the side to avoid being a big target.
  13. 13 Think about the consequences. Your life is not about filming. A fight will undoubtedly lead to trouble with the parents or the school administration. You also need to think about how the bully's friends will react afterwards. Fighting in real life has consequences. Don't get yourself involved in things that you ultimately can't explain. You may have to apologize later to this villain.
  14. 14 Be able to protect yourself. If a fight is imminent, act and defend yourself as if you have nothing to lose! You only do this to avoid future nagging., not out of revenge. A few blows to the stomach or face should stop the bully. Sometimes, all you have to do is knock the bully to the ground. Do this in a public place with witnesses. Even if you are embarrassed or beaten, you will have evidence to punish that person. Your problem has been resolved. Remember to tell your parents about the fight.


  • Get to know the bully and his intentions better. Does he want to be laughed at, or is he trying to offend you? If he wants to make a cheap laugh, he will not fight you, since most likely he is as versed in martial arts as you are. But, if he constantly runs into physical conflict, include a sense of self-defense, because the enemy is confident in his strength.
  • If you are a bully and bully other people, YOU SHOULD STOP THIS BEHAVIOR IMMEDIATELY! Otherwise, you will continue until you run into big trouble. Plus, people won't sincerely respect you because you don't respect others. Bullying behavior can lead to the fact that you will not have any friends.
    - Perhaps you are angry about something and cast your anger on innocent people.Are you doing this because you have experienced this behavior yourself? Many bullies don't want to be that way at heart. It's easier to be a bully than a decent person. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust will make it easier for you.


  • Such intimidation rarely escalates into life-threatening situations. Most bullies are not going to seriously harm you. However, if you get more than just kicks, fists, or punches, defend yourself to avoid danger. Your life is in danger if, for example, you are hit in the head, they are trying to strangle you, or the enemy has a weapon. This is a fight for your life, call the police or other rescue service as soon as possible. End the fight with a non-fatal blow, such as to the groin or nose, to cause nosebleeds. If a weapon is pointed at you, use your fingers to press down on your eyes. This is already extreme, therefore, do it if you have no other choice. As soon as your opponent backs away, run and scream for help. Don't stop running and calling for help until you get help.
  • Hooliganism is considered harassment; it is an offense. Make formal statements about every harassment when it is safe to do so, but keep in mind that this is not an easy process. Some parents, police officers, teachers, and other authorized people may not take your words seriously. You may need to follow their instructions. If this happens, find another person who can help you. Be extremely honest when providing information. Do not forget to talk about the self-defense that you used. This is the best way to gain the trust of a person. An official statement makes it possible that you will be heard, moreover, you will have written evidence that proves that you are a law-abiding citizen. Do you think bullies won't like this? Of course not. Don't give in to their psychological pressure. An official statement to the authorities will finally build a wall of support, and the bullies will respect your actions.
    --If you are being bullied by your parents or other adults, it will be more difficult for you to argue because they have power over you. Fear is a normal condition. But, don't let feelings of fear, shame, or guilt discourage you from telling another person, such as a teacher, a psychologist, or your friends' parents, about it. If you keep it a secret, no one can help you.
    - Keep in mind that intentionally touching without your permission (or the permission of an adult who has authority over you) is an offense, even if the offender is a child. Tell the person you trust about this.
  • When defending, do not forget about the boundaries. You protect yourself from harm. Sometimes, you defend yourself by using physical force, running away, and sometimes by eluding the problem in another way. Your goal is to protect yourself from physical abuse, nothing else. You don't do it out of revenge. Self-defense can incriminate you (you can be blamed). You must report every action in self-defense.