How to avoid abusive relationships

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Avoid Abusive Relationships
Video: How To Avoid Abusive Relationships


Abusive relationships, even if you have experienced them, will leave mental or physical scars forever. Not to mention property damage or trust issues. They must be avoided at all costs.


  1. 1 Identify them early and nip them in the bud. Just walk away, don't give the potential abuser a chance to dig their teeth too deeply. Just move on.
    • In the beginning, they are always adorable and full of attention.
  2. 2 Watch for signs of early dominance.
    • Does he let you down and never apologize? Does he keep himself waiting for an hour or more, but refuses to tolerate your ten minute delay?
    • Does he sometimes call you names and then laugh it off? Does he criticize your weight, your appearance, your age, anything that makes you feel depressed?
  3. 3 Understand that he can be violent without actually using force. Verbal abuse is almost as cruel and humiliating.
    • Is he trying to isolate you from your friends and family?
    • Does he constantly complain about your friends, wanting you to spend more time with him and less time with family and friends?
    • Is your food never as good as that of his mother or his ex?
    • He wants to force you to do things in bed against your will (threesome, anal sex, etc.), threatening that he will leave if you refuse?
    • Do you come from a date with him feeling squeezed and nervous?
    • Does the mention of his name make you nervous?
    • Does he make you feel guilty when you show that you no longer accept his nonsense?
    • Does he aggressively and constantly text you when you are absent?
    • Does he alternate threats with affectionate words?
    • Do you feel puzzled by your romance?
  4. 4 If you can answer yes to half of these questions, you are in the early stages of an abusive relationship. There is only one thing to do: cut off all contact from day to day.
  5. 5 When you decide to leave, don't tell him, just leave.
  6. 6 Call him or write a letter explaining why you are leaving him.
  7. 7 Refuse to ever talk to him again.
  8. 8 Don't answer his emails / messages / calls.
  9. 9 Ignore him if you meet on the street.
  10. 10 Even if he is stalking you, someday he will stop, switching to someone else.
  11. 11 Never sleep with him again. You will lose control.
  12. 12 Don't rush into other relationships for a while. Take a moment to rebuild everything he destroyed.


  • Remember that it is much better to be alone than with a bad partner and in a wrong relationship.
  • Learn this lesson and remember to spot early signs of dominance and abuse in your next relationship.
  • Never tell your next man about what happened, one way or another, most men allow themselves to abuse what they consider to be "damaged merchandise."