How to get rid of a musty smell

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Remove Musty Smells from Vintage Clothing - Odor Elimination Secrets
Video: How to Remove Musty Smells from Vintage Clothing - Odor Elimination Secrets


1 Machine wash fabric (clothing, drapery, bedding) with 1 cup of white vinegar for a normal load. Soak for 30 minutes.Continue washing as usual, adding liquid softener while rinsing. Also add a scented fabric softener to the dryer. Repeat the process if necessary.
  • The vinegar smell should disappear after drying.
  • You may be using too much detergent and softener. This can cause them to build up on clothing and create a musty odor.
  • 2 Machine wash fabric (clothing, drapery, bedding) with 1 cup of baking soda for a normal load. Soak for 30 minutes. Continue washing as usual.
  • 3 Wash or soak clothing in bleach. Bleach can remove both stains and unpleasant odors caused by mold. Put your clothes in the washing machine, being careful not to overload them. Add liquid detergent and set the water temperature to "warm". After the machine fills with water, add a glass of bleach. Continue washing as usual. Remove and rinse the garment if you notice it is fading.
    • Bleach can damage clothing, especially silk or woolen garments, so make sure the garment label does not say “do not use chlorine bleach” before washing.
    • Wash your clothes with chlorine bleach as little as possible, as it can damage the fabric.
  • 4 Dry your clothes outside in the sun. The sun's rays and fresh air will naturally remove odors.
    • Make sure the clothes are completely dry before putting them in the closet. Moisture is the main cause of mold.
    • Watch the weather and bring your clothes inside if it rains. Don't leave your clothes outside overnight.
  • Method 2 of 5: Removing odors from household appliances

    1. 1 Wipe down appliances with a vinegar solution. Remove all food from the refrigerator and thaw it before cleaning. Mix 1 liter of warm water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Wipe down all appliances with this solution.
      • Apply this mixture to the interior surfaces. Saturate crumpled newspapers with it and fill the inner spaces of the equipment with them. Let the newspapers sit for 24 hours until they dry completely. Remove newspapers and wipe the interior with a damp cloth.
    2. 2 Open a box of baking soda and put it in the refrigerator. If the refrigerator is used, the smell will be absorbed within a few days. Change the baking soda box regularly.
    3. 3 Place a plate or saucer of vanilla extract (a few teaspoons) in the refrigerator. Leave the extract on for 3 weeks to remove bad odors.
      • The vanilla extract will harden in the freezer, making it ineffective as a deodorant.
    4. 4 Get rid of unpleasant odors in the oven.
      • In a glass bowl, mix 1/2 cup dish soap, 1 1/2 cups baking soda, 1/4 cup white vinegar, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Add water to the mixture so that it turns out in the form of a thick paste. Apply the paste to the inside of the oven and let it sit overnight (6 to 8 hours). The paste will remove dirt from the interior surfaces. Use a brush and water to dry the oven. Repeat if necessary.
      • Fill a spray bottle with a solution of 1/2 cup white vinegar and 1/2 cup water. Spray the inside of the oven and then wipe with a damp sponge. This will help remove unpleasant odors.
      • Sprinkle some salt over the burnt food leftovers in the oven. Wait until the oven has cooled down and then wipe the oven with a damp cloth.
    5. 5 Remove musty odors from your washing machine with bleach or vinegar. Mold can grow in washing machines and cause a musty smell even on washed clothes. Remove all clothing from the washing machine. Add a glass of bleach or vinegar to the machine. Set the water temperature to "hot" and run the machine for a short wash cycle.
      • Leave the door of the machine open from time to time (when not in operation) to prevent the formation of mold.
      • Clean the inside and outside of the washing machine with a solution of bleach (2 teaspoons of bleach in 1 liter of cold water) or vinegar (2 tablespoons of white vinegar in 1 liter of cold water. Wipe all surfaces with a paper towel soaked in water).

    Method 3 of 5: Removing indoor odors

    1. 1 Ventilate closed areas periodically. Mold and mildew prefer cool and dark rooms. Wash walls and floors with detergent and warm water.
      • Reduce humidity by installing a fan or opening a window. Ideally, of course, the air humidity should be below 40%.
      • Hire professionals to remove moldy suspended ceilings, carpeting, linoleum, or drywall. They cannot be cleaned of mold and are potentially hazardous to your health.
    2. 2 Remove indoor odors with a scent mixture. Pour water into a bowl and put cinnamon, orange peel and cloves in it; put the dishes on the fire and remove them when the water boils. Let the mixture cool.
      • Saturate a cloth with this mixture and place it on a hot battery.
    3. 3 Place kitty litter on a tray or drawer. Place a tray / drawer where you store unused clothing (in a closet or attic) to reduce moisture and remove odors.
      • Some air fresheners will also help temporarily eliminate musty odors.
    4. 4 Place mesh bags of crushed volcanic rock in damp areas. Volcanic rock is used to naturally deodorize basements, closets, sheds and even shoes.
      • Read the instructions on the volcanic rock bag to determine the number of bags required per square meter.
    5. 5 Wipe the area around windows and doors with a mixture of 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup vinegar. Then apply a thin layer of coconut oil to windowsills or around windows and doors. This will prevent mold from forming for several months.
      • Mix 3/4 cup bleach with warm water to disinfect surfaces and remove mold. Put on rubber gloves and wipe the surfaces with a sponge soaked in this solution. Wait 5 minutes and then wipe the surfaces with a sponge dipped in clean water.
      • Check windows, doors and walls regularly for mold spots or musty odors. Use the described methods to fix them.

    Method 4 of 5: Removing odors from furniture and carpets

    1. 1 Kill mold with chlorine dioxide. It is used on ships to remove musty odors and in libraries to combat mold. There are several convenient (small) packages of chlorine dioxide that are marketed for use on ships and indoors.
    2. 2 Remove mold from carpets with hydrogen peroxide. Mix 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and 5 teaspoons of water. Use a brush to apply the mixture to the affected area of ​​the carpet.
      • Try the mixture first on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet, as hydrogen peroxide can bleach the carpet.
    3. 3 Clean carpets with baking soda or carpet cleaner. Sprinkle baking soda or carpet cleaner on the dry carpet, then wipe the carpet with a damp cloth. Let the carpet dry and then vacuum it.
      • You may need to vacuum the carpet twice (in opposite directions).
      • Have the carpet dry cleaned or wash it yourself.
      • Machine wash small rugs (make sure they are machine washable before doing this).
    4. 4 Remove odors from cabinets. To do this, place crumpled newspapers or an open box of baking soda in the cupboard. After 2-3 days, unpleasant odors will disappear.
      • Wipe down the inside of a cabinet, dresser, or drawer with a mixture of 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup water.
      • Alternatively, place an open can of coffee beans in the cupboard. Leave it in the closet for 2-3 days.
      • Also, remove any items from the cabinet and sprinkle the cabinet shelves with ground coffee or soda.After 2-3 days, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth.

    Method 5 of 5: Removing odors from other objects

    1. 1 Remove odors from shoes with baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda on the soles and place the shoes in a sealed plastic bag. Place the shoe bag in the freezer overnight.
      • Wrap wet shoes in newspapers. Replace newspapers if they get wet. This will speed up the drying of the shoes and prevent unpleasant odors.
    2. 2 Air out your bag. Leave it outdoors in direct sunlight for a few days. Heat and light will kill mold and bacteria.
      • Place a cloth bag with cat litter in your bag.
      • If you are not using a bag, place a bar of soap (or several in different compartments of the bag) in it.
    3. 3 Remove the musty smell from the tent. Set up your tent outside on a sunny day. You won't be able to get rid of mold stains, but you can remove bad odors with a good brush (read your tent's instruction manual).
      • Make sure the tent is dry before folding it.
    4. 4 Removing odors from the car interior. Sprinkle baking soda or carpet cleaner on the upholstery and floor, then vacuum it.
      • Leave an open can of ground coffee or a box of cat litter in the trunk overnight to get rid of odors.
      • Spray your rugs with a mixture of bleach and water (1/2 cup of bleach in 4 liters of water), then rinse with water. Do this on a warm, sunny day to dry your rugs outdoors.
    5. 5 Deodorization of books. To do this, pour crushed volcanic rock on the bottom of a plastic container (with a lid), put books on top and close the container with a lid (for several days).
      • Place paper towels between the pages of the book and then place the book in the freezer overnight.
      • Open the book and leave it outside on a hot, sunny day to ventilate.


    • Most air fresheners do not eliminate unpleasant odors; they simply mask them by tricking your olfactory receptors.
    • You can't get rid of a musty odor unless you identify and address the root cause, such as mold or mildew.
    • If you don't have a washing machine, soak your clothes for 30 minutes in a sink or tub filled with warm water.
    • Make sure your clothes are clean and dry before storing them in your closet or dresser.
    • Avoid storing items in cold, dark, humid places as this tends to promote mold growth.
    • Clean the washing machine or dresser drawers if the musty odor persists.
    • Dry the towels before throwing them in the basket with other laundry.
    • Do not use bleach or ammonia to clean household appliances, as they can damage the appliances.
    • Repair pipe or roof leaks in your home to avoid mold.
    • Throw away moldy carpet or upholstery.


    • Chlorine dioxide is an irritant. Always ventilate the area after using chlorine dioxide. Or keep your cabinet doors closed if you're deodorizing your cabinet.
    • Large areas of mold in basements and attics can be toxic. In this case, wear a mask and gloves, do not inhale mold spores, and wash your hands thoroughly.
    • Find a trusted firm to help you get rid of mold. Do not try to remove the mold yourself.
    • When using cleaning products or bleach, work in a well-ventilated / ventilated area.
    • By mixing chemicals, especially bleach, you put yourself in danger. When mixing cleaning agents, use clean glassware or a measuring cup. Do not use plastic bottles.
    • Spray the baking soda solution onto a dry surface (cabinet, carpet, upholstery). If the surface is damp, the baking soda will not be able to absorb odors and will be difficult to rinse / remove.