How to get rid of discouragement

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
FIGHT DISCOURAGEMENT - Powerful Motivational Speech
Video: FIGHT DISCOURAGEMENT - Powerful Motivational Speech


Sadness is a mood characterized by lack of motivation, grumpiness, and general dissatisfaction.This condition is usually less severe than depression or anxiety, but it can last for weeks or months if left untreated. Making physical and mental changes, as well as making changes in your environment, may improve your attitude and wrest you out of the clutches of discouragement.


Method 1 of 3: Change Your Environment

  1. 1 Go out into the sun. A lack of vitamin D can lead to mild depression (blues), which is sometimes associated with the changing seasons. Fortunately, the sun's rays will provide you with the vitamin D you need.
    • Try to go out in the sun with your face, legs, or arms exposed for 20 minutes every day. This time is enough for the body to absorb vitamin D, and the skin is not harmed. Most people get this amount of sunlight randomly, such as when they go shopping. The main thing is not to be in the sun for too long, unless you have applied sunscreen.
    • In winter, some people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (seasonal depression) because short daylight hours prevent the body from producing enough vitamin D. your doctor's own condition and available treatment options, which may include phototherapy using a special lightbox that simulates sunlight.
  2. 2 Arrange a day for yourself. Instead of using all your vacation days to relax by the sea or in the country, devote one day to your favorite activities. Perhaps you are mired in work and have forgotten what it feels like to enjoy the moment.
    • Take yourself to a restaurant, theater, or sports event. If you are energized by shopping, try a little shopping therapy, but avoid it if you usually feel empty or depressed afterward.
    • Consider using your day off to start or finish a project you wanted to tackle but couldn't find the time to, such as gardening or renovating a room.
  3. 3 Rearrange your home or office. The changes will give you a new perspective on the world. Don't just move things on the table, but move the table to the other end of the room.
    • Make sure everything is clean and tidy. By clearing space and ordering your surroundings, you can dampen your anxiety and focus on the task at hand without being distracted by the clutter around you. The cleaning process itself can have a therapeutic effect, allowing you to focus all your efforts on one achievable goal.
    • Consider going through the dresser and closet and getting rid of the clothes you don't wear. Sometimes we accumulate more things than we really need, and if you get rid of the excess, then you can feel lightness in your soul. And if you donate these things to charity, you will feel satisfied with yourself because you are helping others.
  4. 4 Don't go to social media while you are in a state of discouragement. Do not surf the Internet or watch TV after work for one week. Dedicate this time to your hobbies and social activities.
    • A 2013 study found that people using social media are less satisfied with their lives. Watching others' success can make you feel inferior. Likewise, spending a lot of time watching TV or movies undermines your creativity as your body is seated for too long, leading to boredom and lack of cognitive activity. Take a break from reality TV, glamor movies, and social media for a more fulfilling life.
  5. 5 Drive outside the city limits. While you shouldn't run away from your problems, a temporary change of scenery can be helpful.Buy a plane ticket or plan a trip for two days or more.
    • Think about the environment in which you spend all your days, and visit a place that is very different from your usual environment. It will help you change the sensory signals that are sent to your brain every day, energize and unleash your creativity and imagination.
    • In what environment do you feel most alive and energetic? Are you craving the hustle and bustle of a big city or spending time in a quiet forest? Do you like the whisper of the sea waves or the wind blowing on the top of the mountain? Think about where you feel most free and satisfied, and plan a trip to that place, even if you can only spend one day there.

Method 2 of 3: Make physical changes

  1. 1 Exercise for at least one hour a day. If you are already in sports, change the time or type of training. Special programs, such as a self-defense course, can restore motivation and speed up metabolism.
    • Exercise has been shown to increase energy levels and suppress anxiety, and relieve anger or sadness (not to mention improve sleep quality and help the body fight disease).
    • Consider group sports if you've never tried them before. Many people find that group activities increase motivation and help them achieve better results. You can also do weightlifting or boxing to relieve anxiety by literally releasing this energy during your workouts.
  2. 2 Leave your car at home. Replace driving with walking whenever possible. Every time you exercise, your body releases large amounts of endorphins that make you happier.
    • Scientists believe that nature can help solve problems and cheer you up. Walking in the woods or along the paths in the park dispels discouragement better than walking in the city.
  3. 3 Stop using alcohol and drugs. Alcohol is a substance that causes depression, and after drinking alcohol, mood and motivation are often lowered. Many drugs have the same effect. Try to abstain from alcohol for several weeks to see if it is causing your problem.
    • If you need help or advice to stop drinking, this wikiHow article may be of help. Likewise, if you need help with drug addiction, this wikiHow article might be for you. If you suspect you have a drug or alcohol problem, see your doctor immediately. He will help you break these habits in a safe way.
  4. 4 Get up early. Change your schedule to exercise in the morning or go for a walk before work.
    • Excessive sleep can be counterproductive, making you even more tired than before. Most adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Once you get enough sleep, you will wake up refreshed, not sleepy, and you will not have the urge to rearrange your alarm.
    • Use your extra time wisely to do things that take you out of your routine. Don't watch TV or waste time on social media.
  5. 5 Pamper yourself with a haircut, manicure, massage or spa afternoon. Better yet, plan to do these things with a close friend (or girlfriend).
    • Taking care of yourself and your body can help relieve stress. Deep tissue massage works especially well for this purpose, however, you can do anything that makes you feel better.
    • If you can't afford to see a massage therapist, take a hot bath with Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil (such as lavender or orange) for aromatherapy. The salt will relax sore muscles and help release tension throughout the body.
  6. 6 Eat properly for several weeks. Fast food and junk food can affect your health and mood over time. Make sure that half of each meal is fruits and vegetables, and the rest is filled with whole grains and foods high in lean protein.
    • Several studies have shown that junk food affects a child's concentration, mood, and school performance. This is most likely the case for adults, who may suffer from discouragement at work or in life due to high-calorie foods that are low in nutrients.
    • Try to eat nuts, berries, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, sage, oily fish like salmon, and whole grains to stimulate mental alertness. Also consider taking dietary supplements with omega-3 fatty acids.

Method 3 of 3: Make an emotional change

  1. 1 Set goals. People often feel discouraged after they achieve their goals and suddenly find themselves without any particular drive to motivate them. Set short-term and long-term goals, and assign rewards for achieving them.
    • Consider telling your friend about your goal - you can report to him about your progress towards the goal, and he will motivate you to stay on track. If you set a goal to run 5K in two months and share it with a friend, he or she might ask about your training progress or how the race went. If you don't tell anyone, it will be more difficult for you to leave the house and exercise to achieve your goal.
  2. 2 Explore your relationship. If you find yourself surrounded by negative or cynical people, you risk losing your motivation and desire for life due to their influence. Limit the time you spend with these people, or ask them to be more positive for mutual benefit.
    • Vkontakte and other social networks are the main sources of this type of influence. Never before in history have we had so many social interactions as we do on a daily basis (even though these relationships are most often superficial acquaintances with, in fact, strangers to us). If you find that your VK or Twitter page is full of people who constantly complain, criticize or publish depressing posts, hide their news from the feed or unsubscribe from them. This kind of constant negative influence will not help you to get out of the state of discouragement.
  3. 3 Call an old friend. Reconnect with the people who are most important to you, especially those who bring out the best in you.
    • Reconnecting with people who have meant a lot to you throughout your life will help you remember what kind of person you were, how you have changed, and where you are going.
    • Think of a friend who is guaranteed to make you laugh and feel alive and energetic, call him and offer dinner and clubbing. Dress smartly, have fun and allow yourself to really rock out.

You will need

  • Dietary supplements with vitamin D
  • Sunlamp
  • Walking shoes
  • Fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts
  • Films with a cleansing and ennobling effect