How to get rid of frogs

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of Frogs Easily 🐸 | Top 8 Methods
Video: How To Get Rid Of Frogs Easily 🐸 | Top 8 Methods


Frogs reduce insect populations in the surrounding area and are relatively harmless, with the exception of some venomous species that pose a threat to domestic animals. Introducing some natural predators in the area, such as cats or even snakes, is a good way to reduce the frog population. You can also drive them out by getting rid of the habitats of frogs, for example, ponds and puddles. Before you start getting rid of frogs, check your local laws to make sure you can legally do it.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing to Get Rid of Frogs

  1. 1 Identify the type of frog you are dealing with. This information will not only help you get rid of frogs, as different species respond to different methods, but will also ensure that you are not doing anything illegal as some species of frogs are protected by law. Here are some types of frogs that are aggressive enough to be killed:
    • Bull frogs, outside of their habitat, eastern North America. They compete with local frogs, eat them and infect them with chytridiomycosis, an infectious disease that has led to the extinction of 100 species of frogs.
    • Reed toads, outside of their habitat - Central and South America. Although they are not considered frogs, many people reading this article are dealing with these amphibians. They are especially common in Australia.
    • Cuban tree frogs, outside of their habitat - Cuba. Tree frogs are a big handicap in Florida, where they even cause power outages.
    • Singing tree frog, outside its native environment in Puerto Rico.
  2. 2 Check local laws. It is illegal to kill non-invasive species in many parts of the world, but humans are striving to regulate populations of invasive species. Some species are so invasive that it is illegal to release them back into the wild after you catch them.
    • If you are unsure of the origin of the frog, take a picture of it and send the picture to your local government fish and wildlife authorities to identify the species.
    • Before taking matters into your own hands, it is worth discussing the issue with your local fish and wildlife authorities. Talk to them about the best way to get rid of them in your area.
  3. 3 Don't touch the native frogs. If the frogs are found to be indigenous, then do your best to leave them alone. It is better not to kill native species, even if they are poisonous, as they are an important part of the local ecosystem. Their presence only says that the local ecosystem is in order! Frogs kill insects and help moisturize the earth.
    • If you are disgusted with the very fact that frogs live in your yard, then there are ways to drive them away from your property. For example, you can remove all the foliage so that they have nowhere to live in your yard.
    • Close the well, close the windows and doors, and then you will not give the frogs a reason to look into your house and stay there.

Part 2 of 4: Deprive the frogs of food and shelter

  1. 1 Drain off any standing water. Frogs are attracted to moisture, so most frogs will lose interest in your yard after you remove water sources and look for another place to lay their eggs and shelter overnight. You can take a pump to get rid of water sources.
    • Birdbaths, wetlands, water bowls, and artificial ponds are just a few examples of water sources that attract frogs.
    • Removing standing water sources will also drive away mosquitoes and other insects that frogs feed on, making the site even less attractive to them.
    • If you have a water source in your yard that you want to conserve, such as an artificial pond, alternatively install a filter or a working fountain. This will cause the water to circulate, thereby eliminating most mosquitoes and other insects. Frogs will still be attracted to the water, but due to the decrease in the amount of food, many will eventually leave.
  2. 2 Prune vegetation. Tall grass, shrubs, or other bushy plants are ideal hiding places for frogs. Eliminating these elements will cause frogs to be visible, which they try to avoid. Tall plants around the water source are especially troublesome. If you want to keep tall or bushy plants somewhere in your yard, plant them as far away from the water source as possible.
  3. 3 Remove all trash. Like tall grass, the clutter in your yard is a great hiding place for frogs. Take it away and many frogs will walk away. Clean up empty pots, old lumber, piles of wood shavings, or other debris that could create a damp, dark place for the frog to hide.
  4. 4 Turn off outdoor lighting. ... Light attracts insects and insects attract frogs. Turning off outdoor lighting at night will reduce the number of insects and frogs.
    • Turn off your garden and porch lights.
    • Close curtains and curtains in your home to reduce the amount of light coming in from the inside.
  5. 5 Keep pet food indoors. Although unusual, some frogs can actually steal food from a dog or cat. Feed pets inside the house and keep a bowl in the house when the dog or cat is not eating.
  6. 6 Destroy insects in your area. Since flies, mosquitoes and other insects are the main food source for frogs, killing the bugs will keep them from entering the yard. Here are some ways to deal with them;
    • Use an insect trap. Place a trap on your porch to attract and destroy all flying insects.
    • Spray organic insecticides. Many chemical insecticides will also kill frogs, while most organic insecticides do not.
  7. 7 Install a guardrail. Surround your property or pond with a net or plastic fence. Do not use a wire net as a frog can easily slip through this type of fence.
    • Make sure the fence is in contact with the ground and is high enough. Frogs can jump quite high, so a standard size fence will work better than a low fence.
    • Take precautions to make the fence strong. Dig a minimum of 30.5 cm of support posts into the ground and cover the base of the fence with soil.

Part 3 of 4: Using scare elements

  1. 1 Get help from predators. Snakes and cats simply adore some frogs, with their help, the population of frogs in your yard will decrease, making it not at all attractive to them. Before you do this, make sure that the annoying frogs are indeed tasty prey for your cat or snake.
    • Remember that many frogs are poisonous. You should not try to corrode them by a predator sensitive to the poison of this type of frog.
    • Research which predators are suitable for the frogs you are dealing with. Cats and snakes are the easiest to introduce, but you can also make your yard more welcoming to other predatory animals like hawks and others.
  2. 2 Try natural repellents. There are several completely natural remedies that will either kill frogs on the spot or scare them away from your yard once and for all. Try one of these before resorting to chemicals, as chemical sprays tend to kill frogs slowly and painfully. Organic aerosols will generally do their job faster and more humanely.
    • Sprinkle citric acid on the frogs.In a large spray bottle, mix 600g of dry citric acid with 4L of water. ... Spray the solution directly onto the frogs. This will kill them almost immediately.
    • Sprinkle salt. If there are no plants near the pond, sprinkle some salt around the perimeter. The salt will burn the frogs' paws, thereby driving them away. Note, however, that the salt will also kill the plants.
    • Sprinkle caffeine on the frogs. The concentrated caffeine will kill frogs, causing heart attacks. You can scatter coffee grounds near frog gathering areas to scare them away, not kill them. This will cause discomfort to the frogs, but is unlikely to kill them.
  3. 3 Use chemicals only as a last resort. While there are chemical pest control methods you can take to get rid of frogs in your yard, these methods often kill frogs slowly and painfully. That is why, they should only be resorted to if no other method has been proven to be effective. Whenever possible, use deterrent rather than exterminating measures.
    • Try snake repellent. Spraying snake repellent around the perimeter of your yard is often effective against frogs. In fact, snake repellent is usually about as effective at killing frogs as at killing snakes.
    • Use a herbicide. Research shows that some chemical herbicides can modify male frogs, making them unable to reproduce. Spraying these herbicides in areas where frogs congregate will significantly reduce future frog populations.

Part 4 of 4: Physically Eliminating Frogs

  1. 1 Catch frogs with a net. Use a butterfly net or other long-handled net to catch the frogs one by one. If you have too many frogs, you may need to enlist the help of others to complete this task. Once you catch the frogs, you have two options:
    • Move the frogs. After catching frogs, consider moving them to a nearby pond or stream. However, when moving frogs, it is important to move the frogs to an area where their genus or species can naturally occur. Otherwise, you will upset the natural balance.
    • Freeze frogs to death. If it is not possible to move the frogs, you can humanely kill them by freezing them. Place the frogs in an airtight container with air holes punched in the lid. Leave this container in the refrigerator overnight. The frogs will be in a coma-like state. The next day, move the container to the freezer and keep the frogs there for 48 to 72 hours. The low temperature will kill them.
  2. 2 Collect and destroy tadpoles. Use a standard aquarium fishnet to scoop up the tadpoles in a pond or other water source. Put the tadpoles in the sun all day. The dry heat should kill them.
    • Place the captured tadpoles on cement or lawn. The drier the surface, the faster they will die.
    • You can also bury the captured tadpoles in the ground. That should kill them too.
  3. 3 Set indoor traps. If frogs have entered the room to catch them, install standard mousetraps. Place these traps near an entrance that leads from the street to your home, such as in front of garage doors, basement windows, and air vents.
  4. 4 Call a pest control officer. If you don't know how to get rid of frogs, or you are having trouble, call a professional.


  • If you don't want to get rid of a real snake later, use a rubber snake!
  • To lure out the frogs hiding behind the sofa or in the corner, turn on the sound of croaking. They will jump out.


  • Wash your hands after handling frogs. Many frogs secrete toxic substances through their skin.This substance is rarely fatal to humans, but can cause stomach upset, skin irritation, and other unpleasant symptoms if left untreated.
  • Check your local frog movement and control laws. In some areas, it is illegal to kill frogs. In others, it is illegal to move them. Check with your local and state wildlife authorities to determine which methods are not available to you.

What do you need

  • Water pump
  • Water filter or fountain
  • Fencing mesh
  • Fishnet for aquarium
  • Insect trap
  • Butterfly net
  • Chemical or organic repellents