How to get rid of mosquitoes

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard
Video: 15 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard


There is nothing more annoying than the buzzing of a mosquito near your ear and the realization that in a few seconds you will see a fresh bite of this insect on an open area of ​​your body. Mosquitoes are often found in humid areas and are disease carriers in many parts of the world. Our article will help you avoid being bitten on your next trip out of town and reduce the number of mosquitoes in your backyard. Read our tips on how to get rid of mosquitoes once and for all.


Method 1 of 3: Keep mosquitoes away from your skin

  1. 1 Kill them with a firecracker. A mosquito cracker, usually made of thicker metal or plastic than a fly cracker, is attached to the end of a spring cable. This increases your chances of being hit by a stationary mosquito, increasing the impact momentum.
    • If you don't have a cracker, any object that extends your hand and allows you to swing faster will do. Try using a rolled magazine or newspaper.
    • No crackers at hand? Try clapping your hands to kill the mosquito. Two hands will be more effective than one, as the air from the hand will blow the mosquito into the other hand.
  2. 2 Apply a chemical mosquito repellent. Keeping mosquitoes away from your body is the best way to avoid being bitten. Apply these insect repellent to bare body areas and clothing if you are outdoors throughout the day. If using sunscreen, apply it before mosquito repellent.
    • Means containing from 30% to 50% of the substance diethyl-meta-tulamide are the most popular types of insect repellents, they are recommended for use by adults and children from 2 months, and their effectiveness lasts several hours. Products with a lower content of this substance provide protection for a shorter period of time, and they will need to be applied more often.
    • Products containing up to 15% of the substance picaridin, which have to be applied frequently, are quite popular. Picaridin is odorless, adheres to the skin and does not stick like diethyl-meta-tulamide. Studies have shown that this substance is just as good at protecting against mosquitoes as Diethyl Metha-Tulamide and can be applied to babies 2 months and older.
    • Protect babies under 2 months old by pulling on a mosquito net with elasticated edges on the stroller as a substitute for chemicals.
  3. 3 Use an oil-based product. The safety of using a repellent that is made by combining synthetic chemicals in the laboratory can be controversial, so there are many natural remedies that can be used in lieu of chemical defenses. Citronella oil, cinnamon oil, and castor oil have properties that help keep mosquitoes at bay. Most natural mosquito repellents will need to be applied more often than chemical protection.
    • Lemon and eucalyptus oils are sold as Repel®. Repel is a 40% combination of eucalyptus extract, which has a pleasant scent and does not stick to the body. It will also be effective for itchy bites.
    • Tea tree oil is also a very effective natural mosquito repellent. Find the commercial products that include it.
    • Try protective wood soap. Researchers from Australia and China who have been working on it in recent years have collaborated to create this mosquito repellent. It is an all-natural product made from a combination of natural oils to help protect you from mosquito attacks when you are outdoors.
  4. 4 Wear loose-fitting clothing that covers your entire body. Long-sleeved shirts and long trousers will help keep mosquitoes out on the street. Covering your skin is a key factor in keeping out mosquitoes.
    • You can also spray your clothing with a mosquito repellent that contains permitrin or another EPA approved product for added protection. Do not spray permethrin directly onto your skin.
    • Do not wear heavy, dark clothing in warm weather. Mosquitoes are attracted to body warmth, so keep your body cool to avoid getting bitten. Mosquitoes are also most attracted to the colors red, black and blue.
    • Do not wear perfume if you go outside during the season when mosquito populations are particularly high. Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat, but they are even more attracted to things that are designed to mask the smell of sweat, such as perfume.
  5. 5 Protect yourself at night with a mosquito net. If you sleep in a mosquito-prone area, get a mosquito net to place around your bed or mattress so that it reaches the floor on all sides. This is the only effective way to protect yourself from their bites, especially if doors or windows are open.
    • Check if there are holes in the mesh; even too long toenails can cause holes in the mesh.
    • Do not touch the net while sleeping.
    • Dog kennels and other animal quarters should also be covered with mosquito nets if there are too many mosquitoes.
  6. 6 Protect your home from insects. Check window screens and repair them if they have holes or damaged spots that insects can fly through. Silicone putties or patches come in handy. Close the gaps in the doors, especially under the door, using the sealing strip. There is no sure way to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside, but the above measures can really help.
  7. 7 Stay indoors when mosquitoes tend to prefer outdoors. There are usually a lot of them at dusk, dawn and darkness, so if you can, stay indoors during this time. If you do go out at a time when mosquitoes are especially active, protect exposed areas of your body.

Method 2 of 3: Remove mosquitoes from your yard

  1. 1 Use citronella derivatives to ward off insects. Mosquitoes don't like citronella oil. In addition to applying citronella to the body, you can also use it in one of the following ways:
    • Light a candle or citronella stick. Smoke in the air will drive away some insects.
    • Plant citronella in a pot in your yard. You can break off a twig and rub it over your skin, or use it to rub your porch with it - the smell can keep mosquitoes away.
    • Use citronella incense. Check what other ingredients are in it, and don't sit right next to the smoke, as any smoke inhalation is potentially harmful to your health.
  2. 2 Vaporize other essential oils. Buy an aroma lamp and use a candle to heat water and an essential oil such as eucalyptus, lavender, or catnip oil (preferably a mixture of several oils). The heat of the candle will vaporize the oil into the air, and both the heat and the oils will help create mosquito protection within a radius of up to 2-3 meters.
  3. 3 Set aside the dish of soapy water. If you are dining outside, you can prevent mosquitoes from approaching by placing a bowl of soapy water somewhere inconspicuous. Mosquitoes will be attracted by a source of moisture, and soap bubbles will prevent them from flying away.
  4. 4 Use mosquito-resistant lighting. Place LED, yellow, or sodium lamps around the doorways.
  5. 5 Cover an open space. If you live in a place where there are a lot of mosquitoes, you should use a net outside as well as inside. Place a mesh or other covering around your porch or outside. Waterproof coating will keep rain, snow and insects out.
  6. 6 Grow garlic in your yard. Eating garlic as a repellent hasn't been proven to be effective, studies show, but some people believe that garlic has some effect as a barrier. Since garlic is delicious, it can be a good idea to grow it, but don't rely on it as your only way to keep mosquitoes away.
    • Plant garlic around your home to keep mosquitoes away. It can be planted around the house, on the balcony, and so on.
    • Ground garlic bought from a nearby store and scattered around your yard can be a good defense. Be especially careful in the areas around the patio and porch. This will prevent your pets from getting bitten if they sleep there.
  7. 7 Use a mosquito trap system. Mosquitoes can be effectively killed with a special machine that uses heat and carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes and then exterminate them using nets, containers or chemicals. While a mosquito trap system can be expensive, it is quite effective and worth considering buying if you want to keep mosquitoes out of your yard.
    • Mosquito trap system will not exterminate of all insects in your yard. Each area has more than one type of mosquito, and different types of mosquito trap systems are designed for different types of mosquitoes. Ask your neighbors what kind of mosquito trap system has proven to be the best.
    • Avoid using electronic flies. This device kills many insects quite effectively, but usually they are harmless insects. Plus, they generate a pretty nasty sound.

Method 3 of 3: Remove insect breeding sites

  1. 1 Dry or blow off all standing water sources in your yard. Mosquitoes are attracted to water, especially standing water. Mosquitoes can inhabit places such as old tires, puddles on the road, clogged ditches, uncleaned fish stakes, empty flower pots, and anywhere else that water can remain for several days.
    • Use a power brush to remove water from hard-to-reach surfaces. Use a siphon pump for more water collection.
    • If mosquitoes are bothering you due to standing water in drain pipes, ditches, and drains that you cannot control, you should call the public utility and explain that water is a source of mosquito breeding.
    • If a specific water source cannot be removed, add bacteria of the class Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI). BTI is an anti-larval bacteria that will kill mosquito larvae for a month, while being safe and non-toxic to children and animals.
  2. 2 Keep water sources and pools clean. If you have an ornamental pond or pool that is barely used, it can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Do yourself and your neighbors a favor by regularly cleaning the water in these areas and not letting it stagnate.
    • Remove vegetation from an area near a pond or other water source.
    • If you have a birdbath or other shallow source of water, change the water frequently or shake it up to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.
    • Treat the water source with suitable chemicals to prevent mosquitoes from settling there.
  3. 3 Mow and trim bushes regularly. Too much grass and unkempt bushes can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Maintain your lawn regularly and trim shrubs and other vegetation.


  • Lavender is great for repelling mosquitoes, just like lavender oil.
  • Apply toothpaste to the bite to keep it from itching. It almost always works instantly.
  • If you are going to travel to areas with large mosquito populations, consider purchasing mosquito nets.
  • Antistatic wipes have been shown in numerous studies to be an excellent means of reducing mosquito bites.
  • Apply lemon juice to the bite.
  • Using mosquito nets, whether treated or not, when hung from a distance, helps keep mosquitoes out of human contact.
  • Cook the garlic and spray with a spray bottle.
  • Hanging water bags and small holes around the area will help you catch flies, not mosquitoes, bees, wasps, or caterpillars.
  • Spray products containing permethrin on walls, ceilings, and the like. As soon as the mosquito touches the treated area, it will die.


  • Sometimes mosquitoes develop immunity to certain types of insect spray.
  • Citronella oil candles or oil sticks may be no different than other candles, which simply spread heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide that repels mosquitoes.
  • The theories surrounding vitamin B are interesting enough (and vitamin B will not harm most people if taken internally), but its effectiveness in fighting mosquitoes remains unproven.

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