How to get rid of pigeons

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
6 Ways To Get Rid Of Pigeons
Video: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Pigeons


1 Use bird-spiked stripes. These strips can be installed in almost any place where pigeons like to gather, for example, on the roof of a house. They can be purchased at a hardware or garden supply store. Follow the instructions supplied with the spike strips when installing.
  • For a less prickly alternative, a spring toy can be purchased from a toy store. Stretch the toy along the balcony railing so that the distance between adjacent rings does not exceed 4 centimeters. Secure the spring with wire or tape every 20-30 centimeters. As a result, the pigeons will not be able to land on the ring-covered surface.
  • 2 Extend weather-resistant ropes in areas where pigeons congregate. Pull the rope over the place chosen by the birds at a height of about 2-3 centimeters. It will become more difficult for pigeons to maintain their balance, and they will not be able to sit in this place.
  • 3 Install the sloped planking. The metal, plywood or PVC sheath has a slippery surface that birds cannot sit on. For example, three-sheet profiles that form a right-angled triangle are suitable. Their wide base can be laid in a place chosen by birds, while the sides form slopes at angles of 40 and 60 degrees, and pigeons cannot sit on them. Place these profiles on eaves, ledges, window sills, and other flat areas where pigeons like to gather.
  • 4 Don't feed pigeons. Never feed pigeons near your home and make sure others do not. Pigeons are well aware of everything related to food. They constantly return to the places where they are fed.
    • This rule can be disregarded if you control the fertility of pigeons and consider the behavior of the flock and the long-term memory of the birds to achieve results over the long term.
  • 5 Eliminate other food sources. Pigeons can feed on grass seeds, berries from pyracantha bushes and olive trees, as well as cat or dog food left outside. Try not to leave seeds in your backyard for long, unless you are planting grass. Limit pigeons' access to food sources to keep them away from your home.
  • Method 2 of 3: Blocking Access

    1. 1 Close access to the attic. Seal all holes between the roof tiles and in the walls of the house. Use wire mesh, silicone sealant, or plastic mesh to block off any areas where pigeons like to nest. Cover the space above the rafters with sturdy plastic netting to prevent birds from nesting there.
      • To make it even more difficult for pigeons to access the attic, cut off the tree branches that grow near it.
    2. 2 Close the chimneys. Pigeons love to nest in chimneys and chimneys. Cover the pipes with stainless steel grates so that smoke can still escape but no birds can enter. If you have no experience of such work, hire a specialist. It is necessary to block access to the pipes for the pigeons.
    3. 3 Stretch a net over the areas where the pigeons make their nests. For such purposes, it is convenient to use a grid, since it does not block the view. Cover with nets where pigeons nest and lay eggs, such as around outdoor air conditioners. Thus, you completely block access to the pigeons.
    4. 4 Hire specialists. If pigeons have infiltrated your attic or other areas of your home, hire a professional to install one-way doors. These devices allow birds to get out, but prevent them from getting inside. You can also hire professionals to clean up bird droppings, feathers, and other debris from your home. In this case, you do not have to purchase rather expensive special equipment and protective equipment, since the cleaning specialists already have them.

    Method 3 of 3: Scaring away pigeons

    1. 1 Use a garden hose to water the pigeons. Pigeons will probably not like being hit by a strong jet of water. Pour water over them as soon as they come to you. It is best to do this right away, as it may be too late after the birds have nested.
    2. 2 Install pigeon deterrents. They have the appearance of light kites or the silhouette of a hawk. Place them in places favored by pigeons. However, keep in mind that over time, pigeons can get used to the sight of immobile predators that “nest” in the neighborhood. To prevent this from happening, periodically move the deterrent devices to new places.
    3. 3 Use reflective objects. When sunlight hits a reflective surface, they split, which scares birds away. Use reflective tape or foil balloons to ward off pigeons. In order to save money, you can also hang old CDs on the site.


    • Pigeons are quite intelligent and have a powerful incentive to return home. If you can get to them, it will be easy to catch them in the dark, but it is useless to let them go at any distance: they will return, unless they settle in a new place and start breeding their offspring there.
    • Pigeons reproduce very quickly. If there are a lot of pigeons, shooting or catching them will not allow you to get rid of them for a long time. The surviving birds will quickly multiply and restore their numbers.
    • A humane way to reduce the number of pigeons is to control their breeding rate. This can be achieved with a special pellet feed located in special feeders. These granules are too large for smaller songbirds. The initial cost can be quite significant, but this method is designed for an extended period and can reduce the number of pigeons by 95 percent. This food can be ordered online or purchased at a garden supply store. This method is approved by various animal welfare societies.
      • In many regions this feed can be used without special permission.


    • Do not harm pigeons unnecessarily. Remember that they are living beings. Any expulsion of them must be humane and in accordance with animal welfare laws.
    • Never use polyethylene gel. On contact, this sticky repellent can harm animals and birds. It can stick to the feathers of other birds, impairing their ability to fly. A small bird or animal can get stuck in the gel and die a slow painful death.
    • Do not use ultrasonic devices, as they are not only harmful to pigeons. Such devices can harm other birds as well as dogs and cats. While one of the ultrasonic devices is licensed for use in airports, it is not available for home use.