How to get rid of dreadlocks

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Remove Dreadlocks Without Cutting
Video: How To Remove Dreadlocks Without Cutting


If you've worn dreadlocks enough already, then it's probably time to say goodbye to them. Many people believe that the only way to get rid of dreadlocks is to shave your head. While cutting off dreadlocks is quick and easy, it's not the only way to get rid of them. With a little time, patience, and a few tweaks, you can comb your hair while maintaining it, even if you've worn dreadlocks for several years. Through this article, you will learn how to get rid of dreadlocks on your own at home, or how to find a suitable professional or salon for professional dreadlocks removal.


Method 1 of 3: Cutting off dreadlocks

  1. 1 Cut off the dreadlocks with scissors. How short you cut your dreadlocks depends on how long you want your hair to be. Cutting off your dreadlocks even if you plan to shave your head baldly will make the process much easier.
    • If you plan to shave your head bald, cut the dreadlocks as close to the scalp as possible - where the hair is less tangled.
    • If you want to keep the length short and not complicate the process, cut the dreadlocks at a distance of 2-4 cm from the scalp. The rest of the hair will be relatively easy to detangle and comb.
    • If you want to keep your hair longer than 4 cm, read on to find out how to comb your dreadlocks.
  2. 2 Wash your scalp and hair thoroughly. If you do not plan to shave off your scalp, then you should apply conditioner to the remaining hair and leave it on for a while or make a hair mask with hot oil.
  3. 3 Shave or try brushing the remaining hair. You can either go ahead and shave off the remaining hair, or try brushing it out.
    • Option 1: Cut your hair with a clipper or using shaving cream and a razor. Be careful not to cut yourself!
    • Option 2: When the remaining hair is completely saturated with conditioner, comb the strands with a sturdy comb, spray, conditioner or oil for frizzy and frizzy hair.
  4. 4 Style the rest of your hair and enjoy the unfamiliar freedom! Go to the hairdresser for a stylish haircut that you like. It is considered normal if a few days after untangling the dreadlocks, the hair is naughty, sticking out in different directions and breaking - which is why it is recommended to wait a couple of days before cutting, so that the hair smoothes and takes on a normal look.

Method 2 of 3: combing dreadlocks

  1. 1 Take the time and ask someone for help. Removing dreadlocks is very time consuming, so set aside a few days for this process, especially if you will be doing it yourself. The more helpers you have, the faster you will unravel the dreadlocks.
    • Many recommend taking a weekend break or even taking a little vacation to get your dreadlocks removed.
    • If you can't remove all the dreadlocks in one go, try to work consistently. You can either braid the untangled curls into braids or twist into a ponytail. You can also hide under-braided dreadlocks under a headscarf, bandana or hat.
  2. 2 Prepare all tools. There are many commercial products out there that are designed to remove dreadlocks, but you can always assemble your toolbox from what is available at your local store or pharmacy.
    • A strong comb will be very useful for every person. A metal comb is perfect for this. If you use a plastic comb, it is best to have a few spare ones in case they break.
    • Deep cleansing shampoo. If your dreadlocks are waxed, then you will need to use a special wax remover. Many people note that baby shampoo does an excellent job of removing wax residues.
    • 2-4 bottles of conditioner to lubricate your hair to make it easier to detangle. Almost any conditioner will work, but it is better to use a specialized detangler, dreadlocks, or conditioner for frizzy hair - they will be more effective. Some use baby sprays and coconut and olive oils.
    • Spray bottle with water.
  3. 3 Trim the ends of the dreadlocks. If you haven't worn dreadlocks for a long time (less than two years), you can skip this step. However, many find it helpful to trim at least one centimeter of dreadlocks before starting. The more you cut, the less combing you have to do!
  4. 4 Soak your dreadlocks. It is very important to soak your dreadlocks in water so that they are properly wet, and only then comb them. Submerge the dreadlocks in the hottest water you can tolerate for 10 minutes.
  5. 5 Apply shampoo to dreadlocks. Apply shampoo to the dreadlocks, carefully distributing it over the entire length and depth of the curls. Use a deep cleansing shampoo or a special shampoo to remove wax. Rinse off the shampoo until clean, soap-free water flows. This may take 20 to 30 minutes.
  6. 6 Apply conditioner to your dreadlocks. Apply conditioner from the top of each dreadlock and work down the entire length. Use both hands to massage in the conditioner. Add more conditioner to the ends of the dreadlocks.
  7. 7 Detangle the dreadlocks one at a time. Select the curl you want to start with. Start by stepping back 1 centimeter from the end of the curl. Use a hairbrush (or metal comb) to part your hair. Detangle a few strands of hair, and then use your fingers and a comb to completely detangle the curl, and then comb through with a comb. When you're done, move on to another part of the curl and repeat the process all the way down to the scalp.
    • If you have helpers, ask them to untangle the strands from the back, and untangle the front strands yourself.
    • You can use more than just a scallop. Some people use regular combs and even knitting needles to untangle knots. You can use whatever is at your fingertips and feels comfortable to work with.
    • This unraveling process takes a lot of time and patience, so sit back and prepare some entertainment, such as playing music or a movie.
    • Your arms, shoulders, and head will probably hurt. If the pain is severe and difficult to tolerate, then you can take pain relievers, which are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.
  8. 8 Keep your dreadlocks moist and oiled. Keep a spray bottle handy and regularly check that the dreadlocks you are working with are sufficiently wet. If you want, you can add conditioner: you can massage it with your hands, or use a conditioner in the form of a spray.
  9. 9 Expect to comb out a lot of your hair. A lot of hair may fall out while you unravel your dreadlocks, but don't panic! Many of these hairs have long since fallen out on their own. In the process of removing dreadlocks, you should not lose new hair.
  10. 10 When you're done, wash your hair, be sure to apply conditioner to it. You will probably need to trim the uneven edges, but it is recommended to do this after a few days - give your head and hair a little rest before cutting.

Method 3 of 3: Professional Dreadlock Removal

  1. 1 Find a hairdresser or stylist who specializes in braiding and dreadlocking. You can try to find such specialists over the Internet (for example, by doing a keyword search for "dreadlocks weaving") or ask someone who might know a suitable craftsman.
  2. 2 Sign up for a consultation. This will allow you to meet with a stylist, and the stylist will be able to look at your hair, assess its condition and tell you the cost of the work. Remember that removing dreadlocks in the salon is also time-consuming, and removing dreadlocks completely can be quite expensive.
    • If possible, compare prices in several salons or several craftsmen before spending such a significant amount.
  3. 3 Make an appointment with a dreadlock remover. Think of this visit as a little vacation: just sit back and try to enjoy the process. Your wallet may be empty after the procedure, but your hands and hair will surely thank you.


  • If you are not sure that you can cope with combing dreadlocks, then try combing one curl, and then evaluate your strength. Once you understand what awaits you, you can make the right choice about which method is right for you.