How to get rid of house flies with cloves

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 12 September 2024
How to Get Rid of House Flies With Cloves
Video: How to Get Rid of House Flies With Cloves


Have you ever sat at a picnic table on a lovely Sunday afternoon just to fend off unwelcome flies? The following instructions will teach you how to get rid of flies using only the subtle scent of cloves, which flies cannot tolerate.


  1. 1 Take a sweet and ripe apple (any variety).
  2. 2 Take 20-30 carnations.
  3. 3 Stick the carnations in the apple in a random order.
  4. 4 Place the carnated apple on a plate and place in the middle of the picnic table.
  5. 5 Watch. You will be surprised to see how quickly the flies disappear. They hate the subtle smell of cloves and will never come close to the table to share a meal with you while the cloves-decorated apple is on it. Bon Appetit.


  • There is a fly in your house and you want it to get away! When the sun goes down, turn off the lights everywhere except the bathroom. The fly will fly to the bathroom, where you can deal with it.
  • Flies often hang upside down on a warm ceiling at night and in the early morning. Pour some liquid soap into a cup and add water to create a light lather on top. Then go under the fly and raise the cup to it. When the fly senses danger, it will fall a few centimeters down to fly away. At this point, she will be stuck in soapy water. You can kill more than one fly with just one cup of water.
  • Buy whole carnations from the store. They look like small sticks with a ball at the end. Press into the apple with the pointed end.
  • If you only have ground cloves, then do the following: pierce the apple several times with a knife. Sprinkle it with ground cloves and place it on a small plate. Then fill the kettle with cold water, put it on low heat and put 3 tablespoons of ground cloves in the water. It will turn out like an air freshener!
  • A whole clove can be wrapped in small pieces of gauze and tied.Then hang where flies enter the house or just fly, such as in doorways or windows. To enhance the flavor, simply squeeze the package.
  • When cleaning, you can use clove oil; this will scare off flies even more.

What do you need

  • Cloves (found in the spice section of supermarkets, grocery stores, etc.)
  • Apple