Overcoming computer addiction

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Internet addiction: Is it all in your brain?
Video: Internet addiction: Is it all in your brain?


Computer addiction is on the rise as more and more people have access to personal computers. Private computers don't have to be the standard desktop or laptop computer - they can also be tablets, smartphones, game consoles and even televisions (eg Smart TV) because they have similar functionality and can be just as addictive as a regular computer. Computer use can be beneficial and productive, but if you are addicted to the computer, it can have serious consequences for many areas of your life. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome computer addiction without eliminating computers from your life. This often requires self-discipline, but also support from others, and sometimes professional help.

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Part 1 of 3: Avoiding computer use

  1. Limit your time on the computer. This may seem difficult at first, but it is the first step in recovering from computer addiction. Remember, you don't have to stop using the computer completely, just set reasonable limits for now.
    • You can set a limit by setting a timer. When it goes off, shut down your computer and turn it off. Walk away and do something else.
    • You can ask family, friends, or roommates to help you enforce the limit. They can take the computer away from you for a certain period of time or ensure that you are not behind it during the indicated hours.
    • Try to organize more activities for yourself. The busier you are, the less time you have to sit at the computer.
    • Ask friends or family how much time they think you can reasonably spend at the computer each day. Try to limit your computer time to two hours or less.
  2. Only use the computer for necessary tasks. Maybe you need a computer for work or school. If so, use the computer as much as needed for those specific applications. Otherwise, get rid of it.
    • You can remove programs that are not needed for work, such as games or entertainment software.
    • You can ask friends or family to set a password, or "parental controls", to block you from accessing websites or programs not related to your work.
  3. Limit where you can use the computer. Depending on the nature of your computer addiction, you may benefit from limiting where you use the computer. For example, if you only use the computer in a public place, you can avoid behavior that is easier for you to do in private, such as cybersex, online gambling, or watching movies.
    • You can commit to using the computer only in the kitchen, in the library, at a coffee shop, or at a friend's house.
  4. Keep a diary of your computer use. Write down the dates, times, and duration of your computer use. Also write down how you felt before, during, and after each computer session.
    • Writing down your feelings before a computer session can help you identify things that trigger your computer use.
    • Once you have identified the triggers, you can avoid them to avoid computer use.
    • If avoiding the triggers is impossible, you can choose another activity to replace computer use.
  5. Make a plan to change your behavior. Overcoming addiction isn't easy, and it requires a plan. You can try a simple plan, such as quit all of a sudden; however, it is more likely that a slower, more methodical plan will be more successful in computer addiction.
    • Determine how much and how often you want to continue to use the computer.
    • Determine what activities are acceptable to continue doing on the computer.
    • Make a calendar for overcoming your addiction. You can get rid of the computer by using it one hour less a day every week.

Part 2 of 3: Finding other ways to spend your time

  1. Get some exercise. Exercise can be a great way to get away from the computer. It keeps your body healthy and releases endorphins, hormones that make you feel good.
    • Try something that might be similar to the things you like on the computer. For example, if you like computer games where you explore new places, take a walk in the woods.
    • If you like computer games that you play with other people, try a team sport.
  2. Try a new hobby. Start with a creative pursuit such as music or art. If you're not sure where to start, you can sign up for a course. You can also ask someone to join you in this activity if you don't want to do it alone.
    • If you enjoy doing design work on the computer, you might enjoy a creative class.
    • If you use the computer to read and learn about the world, visit a museum or lecture.
    • If you do a lot of online shopping, go to town or the mall.
  3. Seek new forms of relaxation. If you enjoy playing online games, try playing board games with friends or at your local games store. If you like to watch movies on your computer, go to the cinema to see a movie.
  4. Spend time with friends. Choose friends who have healthy relationships with their computers. Make plans to spend time outdoors together, doing things that don't involve or require a computer.
    • If you want to play games together, play board games or outdoor games.
    • If you want to watch a movie, go to your local cinema.
    • You can also prepare meals together or go to a restaurant, take a walk, or listen to music from a CD or record player.

Part 3 of 3: Seeking treatment for computer addiction

  1. Recognize the symptoms of computer addiction. It is not always easy to know if you are indeed addicted to the computer. Maybe you just want to use the computer less than you do. But the degree of your addiction will likely affect how difficult it is to quit or cut down on your computer use. Symptoms of computer addiction include:
    • Preoccupation with the Internet, including social media presence and future online activity
    • Feeling moody, restless, or depressed when the computer is idle
    • Computer use negatively impacts important relationships, family life, or work
    • Using the computer to escape from real life problems or difficult emotional states
    • Spending significantly more time on the computer than intended
    • Hiding the magnitude of your computing from family and friends
    • Having to sit at the computer to feel satisfied
  2. Join a support group. Support groups are everywhere for people suffering from computer addiction. These groups don't cost money to attend and can put you in touch with other people who are going through the same thing as you.
    • If possible, find a group that meets in person.If you have to use the computer to access an online group, you may be using the computer more than you intended.
  3. Seek counseling. Find a local therapist who can work with you on your computer addiction. You can start with private therapy sessions or join a therapy group for those struggling with computer addiction.
    • Some therapists accept health insurance.
    • Online guides can help you find a therapist who specializes in addiction.
  4. Seek support from the people in your life. Talk to the people in your life about your addiction. Let them know that you are concerned about your own behavior and would like their support in working to change it.
    • You can ask loved ones to help you monitor your computer use. You can say, "I'm afraid I'm addicted to the computer." Would you like to monitor my behavior and intervene if you see me getting sucked into it? "
    • You can ask your loved ones to do something fun together to engage in non-computer activities. You can say, "I want to find positive ways to spend my time without sitting at the computer." Can we prioritize spending time together without the computer? We can go for a walk once a week or make dinner together every night. "
    • Ask your loved ones not to get involved in computer-related activities while you are working on recovery. You can say, "I know you have no problems with your own computing, but I have a really hard time with my own computing. Would you mind not using the computer around me so often, or at least not asking me to join you while you're using it? "