How to use lemons

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to do with Lemons?  🍋🍋🍋 5 Best Ways to Use Up All Those Lemons
Video: What to do with Lemons? 🍋🍋🍋 5 Best Ways to Use Up All Those Lemons


If you have any fruit at home that you cannot do without, then it is a lemon. It can be eaten raw or cooked, made into drinks, cleaners, deodorants, and also used for scientific research and homemade personal care solutions. Lemon can be used for decoration and much more. It is possible that there are an infinite number of lemon lovers out there, but this article is a great source of inspiration for those who think that lemon can only be used to make lemonade.


  1. 1 Prepare a variety of lemon drinks.

    Lemonade is the most common way to use lemons, but other beverages exist, including:
    • Lemon fizzy drink
    • Lemon juice
    • Soda with lemon and lime
    • Lemon soda
    • Lemon cocktail
    • Hot lemon drink
    • Soda with lemon and lavender
  2. 2 Use lemon for cooking.

    Lemons add moisture, flavor and sophistication to many dishes. They can be used to prevent premature brown spots by sprinkling lemon on foods such as apples, potatoes, and bananas.
    • Fried chicken with lemon
    • Chicken with lemon and green beans
    • Asian Lemon Chicken
    • Baked tilapia with lemon pulp
    • Place the lemon inside the poultry meat. This will soften the meat.
    • Add flavor to many dishes by sprinkling with lemon juice. Add lemon to soups, vegetables, and desserts like puddings.
  3. 3 Use lemon for baking.

    Lemon tarts, biscuits, and other sweets are a favorite among baking lovers. Some recipes include:
    • Candied ginger and lemon cakes
    • Lemon Polenta Pie
    • Greek lemon pie
    • Lemon gravy pie
    • Lemon cakes
    • Make a lemon sour dough pie. Add some lemon meringue to the filling.
    • Lemon gravy
    • Lavender Lemon Cookies
    • Lemon pie.
  4. 4 Clean surfaces with lemon.

    Lemons are great for peeling. Lemons cleanse, disinfect and give a great scent to clean surfaces. Here are some ideas on how to use lemons for cleansing:
    • Lemon can be used to clean the microwave.
    • You can clean the bath with lemon. This can be done with a toothbrush and lemon juice.
    • Make a lemon window cleaner. Lemon can also be used to clean surfaces in the kitchen.
    • Lemon can be used to clean kitchen utensils.
    • Lemon can be used to clean wood cutting boards. This kills bacteria and removes stains.
    • Lemon can be used to clean copper surfaces. Real brass and chrome can be peeled off with lemon.
    • Lemon sponges for cleaning surfaces.
    • Grills and ovens can be cleaned with lemon juice combined with salt.
  5. 5 Improve the scent with lemon.

    Almost everyone likes the scent of lemon, and can be used to remove unpleasant odors in your home. Here are some ideas:
    • Make lemon juice air freshener.
    • Keep your trash can clean with lemon. This is a great way to get rid of overripe lemons and keep them clean at the same time.
    • Get rid of the smell of fish on your hands.
    • Eliminate the smell of burning food in your home.
    • Leave half a lemon in the refrigerator to remove odors. Change your lemon every week.
    • Get rid of the smell of mothballs with lemon.
    • Get rid of unpleasant foot odor with lemon.
  6. 6 Make lemon-based personal care products.

    Lemons can lighten hair color and help moisturize hair. Here are some ideas:
    • Accentuate your hair color with lemon
    • Use lemon juice to lighten hair
    • Dye your hair with lemon juice
    • Make a parsley and lemon hair rinse
    • Make a lemon, lime, and coconut hair care product
    • Make a lemon hair spray
    • Soften hair with lemon
  7. 7 Make other self-care products with lemon. Lemons can be used to soften, moisturize, and improve the odor of various parts of the body. Some uses for lemon include:

    • Take a lemon shower
    • Make a lemon face cleanser
    • Make rose water and lemon cleanser
    • Make a hair mask with oils and lemon
    • Use lemon for firm skin
    • Rejuvenate your skin with lemon juice
    • Treat dry skin with lemon
  8. 8 Get rid of insects with lemon.

    Lemons help get rid of fleas and garden insects, helping to protect pets and plants.
    • Make a lemon-based flea spray to protect your pets. Be careful when using this product on cats as they hate citrus fruits and may react badly. For example, lemons can be used to get rid of cats.
    • Lemon peel can be used to get rid of ants, cats, moths and nocturnal insects.
  9. 9 Use lemons in scientific experiments.

    You can charge various items with lemon as a charger, or explain scientific ideas in an innovative way. Here are some ideas:
    • Craft a Lemon Charger
    • Make an invisible message with lemon
    • Make a clock running on lemon


  • A few drops of lemon can be added to regular dish detergent to remove dirt better.
  • More juice can be squeezed out of the lemon if it is placed in the microwave for 20 seconds.
  • If you want to use rotten or hard lemons, see How to Make Old Lemons Fresh. Also read the article "How to store lemons."
  • When making a pie, substitute lemon juice for vanilla extract.
  • Lemon can even be used for clothing. For example, read How To Lighten Blue Jeans With Lemon Juice.
  • To preserve lemons in salt, cover them with salt and refrigerate for three weeks. Lemon can be used as needed or for Moroccan recipes.

What do you need

  • Lemons