How to bathe a pet ferret

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BEST METHOD - How to Correctly BATHE Your Ferret | Ferret Care
Video: BEST METHOD - How to Correctly BATHE Your Ferret | Ferret Care


Before bathing your pet ferret, consider things to know and consider, such as choosing the right type of shampoo, where and when to bathe your pet, and how to minimize stress for you and your ferret. Fortunately, ferret bathing skills can be learned quickly, especially if you have many ferrets.


  1. 1 Choose the right shampoo. Use a shampoo that is safe for ferrets, cats, or kittens. Baby shampoo works too. Don't use dog shampoo: It may contain harsh chemicals that are safe for dogs, but very harmful to ferrets. Don't use strong shampoos or dish detergent. Ferrets need a very mild shampoo.
  2. 2 Choose the right place. A good place to bathe your pet ferret is the bathroom sink. You can use the bath, but this will usually put stress on your back and your knees. Do not use the kitchen sink for sanitary reasons.
  3. 3 Bring plenty of clean towels.
  4. 4 Fill your sink with warm water.
    • Always check the water temperature; you don't want to scald your little furry pet. Also, be aware that a ferret's body temperature is slightly higher than that of a human: 37.2 ° C - 104 ° C, with an average of 38.8 ° C. Water that feels warm to you may be a little cool for your ferret.
    • Fill the sink until there is enough water to submerge your ferret's body when its feet are still touching the bottom. You don't want your ferret to feel like it might drown.
  5. 5 Lather your ferret with shampoo.
    • Hold the ferret in one hand with its hind legs touching the bottom of the shell. Pour the shampoo directly onto the ferret's back and lather it well. You can also shampoo your hands first and rub them together, but this can give the ferret time to run away.
    • Starting from the back, apply the shampoo to the rest of the ferret's body, including the top of the ferret's head, distributing the shampoo evenly.
    • Be careful not to get the shampoo in your ferret's eyes, nose, and ears. If shampoo does get in your ferret's eyes, rinse gently with clean, warm water with your hand in a handful.
  6. 6 Rinse your ferret's fur thoroughly. Leaving the shampoo on your pet's coat can dry it out and cause itching. It also provokes pollution.
    • Rinse your pet ferret's fur the first time with water from the sink.
    • Drain and refill the sink with clean, warm water, keeping an eye on the temperature. Rinse your ferret again.
    • Drain the water again and turn on warm tap water. You can keep your ferret directly under the tap if the jet is not too strong. Alternatively, you can use a cup and pour water over the ferret.
    • Use your hand to gently rinse the ferret's head. Do not pour water directly on your head, you do not want to drown your pet.
    • Rinse your ferret well everywhere. Remember to rinse hard-to-reach areas such as your neck or armpits. Again, the shampoo must be completely rinsed off the ferret's fur or it may be itchy.
  7. 7 Use a towel to dry your ferret as much as possible.
  8. 8 Let the ferret dry completely on its own.
    • Place one or two clean towels on the floor or in the tub, for example.
    • Let the ferret rub dry on the towel, and between the layers of towels. You can help your pet climb between the layers of towels.
    • Enjoy this show. Always watch your ferret while it is drying so that it does not get dirty right away.


  • Bathe your pet ferret only a few times a year, no more than once a month. Bathing your ferret removes the natural lubrication of its skin and fur. After the bath, the ferret's skin needs to work hard to restore the lubricant that has just been removed. This can cause your ferret to smell stronger. But don't worry, this will only last for the first day or two.
  • It may be helpful to have a helper.
  • If your ferret really doesn't like swimming, you can first let him play in the sink or bathtub without water to get him used to the place. Then turn on the tap a little and have the ferret explore the water. Give him his favorite treat as you gradually moisturize his fur.


  • Do not use dog shampoo as it can be very harmful to ferrets. Use only mild shampoo: baby shampoo or shampoo safe for ferrets and cats.
  • Your ferret will probably want to have a bowel movement soon after the bath. If he does this on towels, he can step on the feces, get smeared with them, and even fall asleep on them. Always watch your ferret while it is drying. In addition, this process will be so interesting to watch that you yourself will not want to miss this sight.
  • The wet fur will make the ferret heavier than usual. Be careful to ensure that you are able to support your pet's full weight during and after bathing.
  • Don't let the shampoo get into the eyes of your pet ferret. Some shampoos are very baking and your ferret won't forget it.
  • Some ferrets like the taste of shampoo. If your ferret does too, try to prevent it from licking off the shampoo as much as possible. A little shampoo will not harm a pet ferret, but too much shampoo can cause ferret disease.
  • Do not bathe your ferret too often, as this can lead to dry, flaky skin and rough fur. Do this only a few times a year, no more than once a month.
  • After bathing, the pet ferret will try to dry out as quickly as possible by rubbing against whatever it thinks might speed up the process. This includes your cute cushions, dusty floor, and sand. Household Toilet So while your ferret is still drying, keep it away from dirt and dust, and house pet toilets.

What do you need

  • A mild shampoo, such as baby shampoo or shampoo, that is safe for ferrets and cats.
  • Lots of towels to dry your ferret (and you).
  • A cup to pour water over the ferret (optional).