How to ignore your husband

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
When Your Husband Ignores You, Here’s What You Should Do!
Video: When Your Husband Ignores You, Here’s What You Should Do!


There are often times in relationships when we need a break. Marriage is sometimes stressful, and bad habits or bad moods are best ignored. There are many tactics for ignoring your husband at a time when it is absolutely necessary. However, ignoring your husband for too long can have a very negative impact on your relationship. If you have an unresolved issue in your relationship that bothers you, the issue should be discussed and resolved, not ignored.


Part 1 of 3: Good Ways to Ignore Your Husband

  1. 1 Ignore your husband when he is out of sorts. If your husband is angry about something, or is just in a bad mood, sometimes it's best to just leave him alone. When a person is angry, it is difficult for him to reason sensibly. Therefore, the most correct way out of this situation would be a short-term dismissal.
    • Often a person in a bad mood wants to vent their anger. For example, if your husband has a difficult day at work, he may react very aggressively to any little thing. If you think your husband is in a bad mood, do not take it personally, even if he reacts aggressively to you.
    • If the husband is angry and tries to provoke a fight, the best reaction is to retreat. Ignoring provocation can feel like defeat. But, in fact, this behavior is the best way out. A person in anger does not lend itself to sound logical arguments and will not calm down just like that, even if you try to apologize and make excuses. If your husband is trying to drag you into a conflict, just respond with short general phrases like “yes,” “good,” until the husband calms down and leaves you alone.
    • Remember, this behavior should not be protracted.At some point, ignoring your husband is a good way to avoid an argument, but this behavior should not be constant. There are situations when a person is angry because of failures at work or a bad mood, because of which he attacks loved ones and loved ones. But if this behavior is not the exception, but the rule, it can be a serious problem. If your husband is naturally temperamental, you should sit down and discuss his behavior.
  2. 2 When you are angry, just go to bed. If you and your husband are arguing and arguing late into the night, it's best to just start getting ready for bed. Try to ignore any negative feelings you have towards your husband at this moment and go to bed. If you still feel upset in the morning, calm down and talk to your husband later.
    • If it's late and you and your husband are still fighting, start getting ready for bed. Do not think about what your husband did, how he upset you. Try relaxation techniques (such as curling your leg muscles, deep breathing, and other relaxation exercises). This will help you relax and fall asleep faster.
    • After arguing for too long, you might say something in the heat of the moment that you will regret later. When a person gets tired, the brain starts to work worse, because of this it will be much more difficult to conduct a conversation. Plus, you'll be even more irritable at night. In the morning, you will be able to think more soberly. You will be prepared to solve the problem and will be able to think things over.
  3. 3 Learn to accept your partner's bad habits. Everyone has bad habits. Often, people do not even realize that their behavior can annoy someone. If your husband has a habit or behavior that annoys you, it may be better to ignore it than try to change it.
    • Unfortunately, some bad habits don't just go away. Your husband may constantly forget to throw away empty juice containers, even if you remind him of it several times. In this case, it's best to just come to terms with this habit. If you learn to calmly accept your husband's bad habits, it will be easier for you to ignore them.
    • In some situations, you may be able to convince your husband. Your husband may still forget to put the dirty towel in the basket after his shower, but he will most likely stop leaving it on the bedroom floor.
    • Ignore behaviors that annoy you. Don't take it personally. For example, you may be annoyed when he leaves the lights on in an empty room, but this is just a bad habit. It has nothing to do with how much he values ​​and respects you.
  4. 4 Get distracted. If you can't ignore your husband, just take action. The best way to deal with this is to distract yourself. Read a book, go cycling, take up a new hobby, clean the house. There are many activities that can help you take your mind off your husband for at least a few hours. Various activities can help you ignore your husband's behavior, and when you are ready, you can discuss the situation.
  5. 5 Be polite but honest. If you need to ignore your husband's behavior for a while, you don't need to report it. You can ignore your husband while treating him politely. This is how adults cope with family troubles and conflicts.
    • When you and your husband are in the same room, be more formal than usual. If you tend to be more casual at home, treat your husband as you would with the host of the party you are invited to. Nod to him when he says something, smile when appropriate, but don't pay too much attention to the conversation and don't try to start the conversation first.
    • In addition, you can try to avoid being in the same room with your husband. For example, if your husband is in the living room, you can spend some time in the bedroom. You can apologize briefly and politely and go to another room.For example, say something like, "If you don't mind, I'll sit in the kitchen for now."
  6. 6 Try not to communicate directly. If you don't want to talk to your husband just yet, try gesturing with him. Silent communication may not please your husband, and it is usually ineffective in resolving conflicts. If your husband has upset you and you don't feel like talking to him, find another way to communicate. For example, you can write him a message or leave notes for him without saying anything.
    • Let your husband know in advance if you are upset about something and need to be alone for a while. If you're too angry to talk about it in person, write him a letter or message explaining it. Don't just ignore it without explaining anything.
  7. 7 Give clear, short answers. This is another great way to ignore someone, but still communicate. You can ignore the behavior of your husband, while communicating with him in short phrases. For example, you can answer him something like: "mmm, understandable" or "good." With such general phrases, it is difficult to strike up a conversation. Thus, the husband will understand that you are not in the mood, and now you do not want to communicate with him.

Part 2 of 3: Solving Bigger Problems

  1. 1 Focus on yourself. If you don't feel like hanging out with your husband, try to understand why you are feeling this way. In a relationship, it rarely happens that only one person is to blame for the situation. You may be inadvertently pouring your bad mood or frustration onto your husband. Take some time to think about what is bothering you.
    • Think, perhaps, you could behave differently in marriage? Are you not as attentive as you used to be? Do you sometimes take your husband for granted? Are there ways to deal with annoying behavior while in a good mood?
    • Is there a larger issue causing your concern? If you are constantly stressed and unhappy with something, even if it seems to you that it is not related to your marriage, it can manifest itself in many ways. For example, if you are in trouble at work, you may be irritable. You may feel annoyed when your husband jokes about going to the gym. If something bothers you, talk to your husband about your concerns. Then, do your best to fix it and be happier.
  2. 2 Consider if your marriage is the problem. However, this may not be just a problem on your part. If you are constantly reluctant to interact with your husband, your marriage may be in danger. You may not like the tone in which your husband talks to you. You may feel that you no longer have time for each other. Perhaps your husband does not satisfy you in bed to some extent. If you find a problem you need to work on together, work together to solve it. If this is the case, ignoring your husband will not be beneficial.
  3. 3 Take time to discuss the problem. Talking about marriage issues is never easy. But you can plan ahead where, when, and what you’re going to say to help reduce stress.
    • Choose a place that is calm and free of distractions. For example, don't talk about your marriage in a crowded restaurant. It is better to have a conversation in the living room, but the TV should be turned off.
    • You shouldn't have any time limits. For example, if you have a parenting meeting at 7, you do not need to start talking about marriage at 6. Choose any day of the week (for example, a day off) when neither of you has any plans or any restrictions.
  4. 4 Use "I-affirmations" if something is bothering you. When discussing a problem, it is important to use “I-statements”. Your sentences should be structured in a way that emphasizes the feeling you are experiencing without conveying your judgment.
    • Self-affirmations should be based on how you feel about the situation. You need to take responsibility for your feelings.This keeps judgment to a minimum. There is no need to provide facts about your marriage, just express your emotions about the situation.
    • Self-affirmations have three main parts. Start with “I feel,” then express your emotions, then explain why you feel or think that way.
    • When discussing your marriage, don't say, "You're being stupid when you attack me after a bad day at work." Instead, use "I-statements": "I feel bad when you have bad luck at work because I don't like you yelling at me."
  5. 5 Use non-verbal signs. Sometimes it may take a few days for you to cool down after a conflict or quarrel. You can ignore your husband verbally if you just talk to him less. However, the lack of communication needs to be compensated for, this can be done with the help of non-verbal communication. Be more physical with your husband. Hug him and kiss him goodbye. Hold his hand or place your hand on his knee as you sit together. Work to make your husband feel safe in your relationship even when you have a fight.

Part 3 of 3: How to avoid mistakes

  1. 1 Think about the problem you need to solve. If you don't feel like hanging out with your husband, that's a relationship problem. Of course, in some moments it is worth simply ignoring the annoying habits of the husband, but in some situations the problems should not be ignored, but solved.
    • If your husband cannot contain his anger and anger, this is worth discussing. As mentioned, it's okay to ignore his angry behavior. However, if your husband attacks you in a fit of anger, this issue needs to be discussed.
    • Addiction is bad for relationships. If your husband has an alcohol or drug problem, talk to him about treatment. This problem cannot be ignored.
    • If you are not in an open relationship, side affairs should not be ignored. If you suspect your husband of cheating, it is worth dealing with this problem.
  2. 2 Don't ignore your husband's good behavior. Taking good behavior from your partner for granted can be detrimental to your relationship. Even if you are upset with your husband's behavior, try to appreciate his good deeds.
    • Even small gestures like buying groceries or taking out the trash should be appreciated. They deserve thanks and a kiss. Most people respond positively when someone expresses gratitude or affection.
    • When you are with someone for a long time, you stop appreciating their good behavior. Try to periodically remind yourself how you would react if your husband was just an acquaintance to you. You wouldn't be afraid to say "thank you" if he held the door for you or gave up his seat on the bus. Remember to thank your husband.
  3. 3 You should not completely ignore your husband without saying a word. Complete ignorance is a refusal to communicate with your husband as a form of punishment. This has a very negative effect on marriage. This is a passive-aggressive way of dealing with a problem that only leads to misunderstandings. Don't completely ignore your husband without saying a word, as this is a form of manipulation. If you need to retire for a few days, inform your husband about it. Tell me why you are angry and why you cannot communicate with him calmly.
  4. 4 Don't ignore your husband for more than a few days. Remember that ignorance hurts people. Many people believe that indifference to them is worse than shouting and insulting them. It's okay if you need to be alone for a while. Plus, you can ignore a certain type of behavior or habit. However, if you completely ignore your husband, it will hurt and anger him. Don't stop communicating with your husband. Let him know in advance that you need to be alone for a while. This will ease the tension.
  5. 5 See a psychologist if necessary. Wanting to ignore your husband can be a sign of adultery. If you often find yourself thinking that you do not want to communicate with your husband, try talking to a family counselor about this. A good professional will be able to listen to you, make recommendations, and help turn your marriage back on track. You can find a family counselor online and make an appointment. In addition, you can ask a therapist to give you a referral.