How to keep live bait

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The best bait for fishing is live bait, such as minnows. Before coming to the lake for your next fishing trip, prepare the equipment and materials you need to keep the minnows alive long enough to hook them onto the fishing hook.


Method 1 of 1:

  1. 1 Fill your camping foam cooler with distilled water or water from a lake or river. The chemicals in tap water can kill minnows.
    • The foam cooler maintains a constant temperature to help keep your minnows alive for longer.
  2. 2 Pour lake, river, or distilled water into a zippered plastic bag and gently add your minnows.
  3. 3 Zip the bag and place it in a water cooler for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, allow the minnows to leave the bag and float freely in the foam cooler.
  4. 4 Store your cooler, water, and minnows in a dark, cool place such as a closet.
    • Minnows are delicate and thrive in cool water. The water will heat up too quickly if you keep the cooler in a lit place.
  5. 5 Place the aerator in a foam cooler to provide oxygen to the minnows.
  6. 6 Pour a few caps of hydrogen peroxide into the cooler if you don't have an aerator.
    • Hydrogen peroxide helps form oxygen in water. Repeat this procedure as needed to saturate the water with oxygen.
  7. 7 Add some ice cubes to the foam cooler. Repeat this as needed to keep the water cool.
    • Add as much distilled water as needed to refresh the minnow water.

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  1. 1 Add lake or river water to the bucket. If you don't have water from a lake or river, add distilled water to your bucket.
  2. 2 Place a zippered plastic bag and water in your bucket. Give the minnows enough time to adjust to the temperature of the water in the bucket.
  3. 3 Release the minnows into the bucket.
  4. 4 Submerge the bucket in the lake or river where you are fishing.
  5. 5Placing a bait bucket in a lake or river allows oxygenation of the water, which keeps the minnows alive.
  6. 6 Place the aerator in a bucket if you need to keep it out of the water for a specified amount of time.
  7. 7 Place the jar of ice cubes in the water in the bucket to keep it cool enough for the minnows.


  • Do not add ice directly to water while minnows are in it. Instead, place the ice in a small jar and then place the jar in a foam cooler or bucket. Ice can contain small amounts of chemicals or chlorine that will kill the fish.

What do you need

  • Foam cooler
  • Bucket
  • Water from a lake or river
  • Distilled water
  • Plastic bag
  • Dark, cool place
  • Aerator or hydrogen peroxide
  • Ice cubes
  • Small jar