How to look good in the gym

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: HOW TO LOOK GOOD AT THE GYM | Gym Style Tips


If you haven't been to the gym for a long time, starting a new exercise cycle can be tricky. You have to worry not only about achieving your goals, but also about how you look as you fight for them among the fat gym dwellers. Don't worry - every new gym goer goes through this. With a few simple tips, it should be easy to look presentable - even passionate - while exercising.


Method 1 of 3: Look Good During Sports

  1. 1 Comfortable clothes. When it comes to choosing workout clothing, comfort takes precedence. It is best to choose fabrics that allow you to move, bend over, sweat, and are easy to remove. Instead of using stuffy materials like denim, vinyl, polyester, etc., choose breathable materials like cotton, bamboo and man-made sportswear to keep you cool and comfortable while working out in the sweat of your brow.
    • "Wicking" fabrics are especially good choices for workout wear. These fabrics (usually artificial) carry sweat to the outside of the fabric, where it can evaporate rather than be absorbed into the body.
    • When in doubt, wear multiple layers. Wear several breathable clothing at the same time, and remove external items that get you hot and sweaty.
  2. 2 Emphasize your own figure. During your time in the gym, you have a little more freedom than usual and can wear tight-fitting or revealing clothing. Get the most out of it! For example, if you are a naturally fat woman, a well-fitting sports bra and tight yoga pants will show off your natural flair. On the other side. If you are naturally thin, you can expose your waist to reveal a toned tummy. Your ideal outfit will depend on your body type - each will be slightly different!
    • The only sure way that does not flatter the figure is to wear a one-color outfit, it gives almost everyone a “saggy look” (as if a person is wearing pajamas).It is much better to wear one piece of clothing in a neutral color (black, gray, etc.) and one piece of clothing - this will create a healthy contrast that emphasizes the figure.
  3. 3 Use sweeping accessories. Some people who are prone to heavy sweating may benefit from wearing sweat-absorbent clothing. Headbands, bracelets, bandanas, and other accessories can help manage your sweat levels, ensuring you look your best.
    • You can also carry an antiperspirant deodorant to enhance the effect to minimize sweat and odor.
  4. 4 Practice good hygiene. The clothes you wear are not the main criteria for your attractiveness in the gym - it is also about how you act and present yourself. For example, since any hygiene problems you have are likely to be especially noticeable once you start moving, it is important to take care of these issues, both for your own benefit and for the comfort of those around you. Below are just a few simple hygiene tips to help you look and feel great in the gym:
    • Wash your body and hair daily or every other day.
    • Bathe after each visit to the gym.
    • Cover cuts, scrapes, and sores with an appropriate bandage.
    • After finishing your workout, wipe off sweat with a disinfectant.
  5. 5 Increase the stretch as much as possible. For many, stretching before and / or after exercise is a routine. However, if you want to look passionate, this is your best chance! Stretching gives you a great opportunity to bend, twist, and twist in ways that emphasize your figure. Don't be shy - there is no reason to look bad during your warm-up.
    • If the gym has yoga courses, consider signing up. Flexibility is one of the main elements of yoga, so you will be working out many areas, some of which will naturally benefit. Plus, tight-fitting clothing is quite common for yoga practice.
  6. 6 Choose exercises to achieve your goal. Let's be honest - most people don't look sexy trying to complete a very difficult exercise. If you struggle to do another bench press or run the last 400 meters of your half marathon, there is a good chance that you will sweat, grunt, and choke. To look as good as possible, choose exercises that you don't have to struggle to do. Completing exercise with a healthy level of effort tends to help you look great; do not rush to the finish line or give up the last approach.
    • This does not mean that you should definitely avoid intense exercise. If you want to look good, you need to strike a clear balance between choosing light exercises that will help you look good effortlessly and being too difficult.
  7. 7 Know how to flatten individual parts of your body. Is there one part of your body that you are particularly proud of - the supersexual area? If yes, show her! Below are just a few potential “target” areas and some exercises to help you highlight them:
    • Arms: biceps curls, triceps strengthening, forearm exercises
    • Glutes: Squats, Deadlifts
    • Legs: Squats, lunges, running, cycling
    • Chest: Bench press, bent down / up press
    • Abdomen: crunches, squats
    • Back: pull-up, block deadlift
  8. 8 Get into the correct posture. Regardless of your attractiveness, improper exercise will give you a newcomer. More importantly, improper exercise can be unsafe, potentially leading to long-term injury. To avoid this, perform each exercise in the appropriate posture.If you are unsure how to do a particular exercise safely, talk to a gym worker. Since there are almost countless exercises, it is impossible to cover the full depth of this topic in this article, but here are a few tips to start with - this list is far from complete:
    • For weightlifting, use only weight that you can lift and lower smoothly and comfortably.
    • If you are standing, sitting, or moving, keep your back straight in an upright position, but do not squeeze your knees.
    • Do not write off or force yourself to do more than the allowable limit.
    • Avoid doing exercises with a hunched or bent neck and back, especially when working with the corresponding muscles.
  9. 9 Don't stick to one machine. It is very easy to forget that you are in a public gym, however, it will be a minor excuse for other members to catch you doing it. Resting on a cardio or strength machine is often viewed as bad form (especially "gym rats") because it deter other people from using the machine unless they specifically ask you to step away. This will give you the appearance of a beginner or selfish, so you should avoid these actions whenever possible.
    • Instead, take a break between sets, stand up, walk around, and stretch if desired. If you plan to resume exercising on the machine, leaving a bag or other personal item next to it is a way of “booking”, preventing others from quickly occupying the installation.

Method 2 of 3: How to Look Good for a Girl

  1. 1 Use a sports bra. One good rule of thumb for women looking to do heavy exercise is to invest in a comfortable, properly tailored sports bra. It provides excellent chest support and prevents unwanted vibrations, making them especially valuable for activities such as jogging, jumping rope, etc. However, a sports bra should work well for you. To be useful - being too tight or loose will be uncomfortable and may look bad.
    • The benefits of sports bras aren't just about your looks - some types can provide comfort while you workout by absorbing sweat and keeping you cool. Some modern sports bras have storage space!
  2. 2 Wear loose tops and slim-fit sportswear as well. Women have many options when it comes to choosing gym clothing - loose-fitting T-shirts and tight sportswear are generally fine. If you want to look especially good, consider layering (like wearing a blazer over a T-shirt or top) and match colors, although this is by no means necessary.
    • Unless prohibited by your gym dress code, you can wear more revealing items (such as tiny tops, etc.) as long as they are more breathable and comfortable. However, these types of outerwear are not essential for a good workout.
  3. 3 Wear shorts or sweatpants. Women also have a wide variety of underwear choices - sweatpants, yoga pants, leggings, sweatpants, etc., all options are acceptable, so choose the option that suits you best. In general, shorts are colder than trousers, so they are especially suitable for exercising on a cardiovascular machine, which promotes a lot of sweating.
    • If you're worried about sweat stains on your pants, wear dark colors like black or navy blue - any stains will be much darker than the fabric.
  4. 4 Don't wear transparent fabrics. When worried about your appearance, it's easy to forget that sweating in the gym is good - that means you are working hard! However, the profuse sweat makes clothes (especially white ones) translucent.This can lead to overly embarrassing effects, so try to wear dark colors or heavier fabrics to avoid this effect.
    • If you want to look super sexy and wear thin white fabric to the gym, you should obviously wear a bra.
  5. 5 Don't wear makeup. Typically, you want to skip makeup before going to the gym. Heavy makeup can be uncomfortable during exercise, especially when you start to sweat. Worse, sweat can smudge your makeup, giving you a smudged, messy look. Since you tend to go to the gym to work out (rather than show off), applying makeup is not beneficial.
    • Believe it or not, makeup while exercising can make you look bad. It will clog the pores of your face, leading to pimples, blackheads and other blemishes that will take time to heal.
  6. 6 Do not wear your hair loose. If you have long hair, it is not advisable to leave it loose during your workout. They will creep into your face while you exercise, blocking your view and causing irritation (not to mention the fact that they give a dirty, sloppy look). Although rare, loose hair can also get stuck in certain types of machines (as in weightlifting machines), resulting in serious injury. To avoid these problems, do a comfortable, neat hairstyle, such as a ponytail or bun.
    • If you don't want to mess with your hair, use special accessories like rubber bands, bandanas, and hoops to keep your hair tucked up. They also make it possible to look fashionable!
  7. 7 Don't wear jewelry. Like loose hair, excessive jewelry is undesirable in the gym. While small, split stud earrings are usually not a problem, hoops, necklaces, and bracelets for the arms and legs can be dangerous if they make it difficult to exercise properly or get stuck in the machine. It is usually best to leave these items at home so that not only will you avoid unnecessary anxiety, but you will also not look like a person for whom appearance is more important than training.
    • Another reason to avoid jewelry in the gym is the possibility of theft. If you leave jewelry in a public locker room, it could be stolen, even if you use a lock. It is wise to leave valuables at the reception, but the only way to keep them from loss and theft is to leave them at home.
  8. 8 Carry a functional bag. An overcrowded, full-length purse can look like a cannonball on a chain - not only is it a hindrance to your workout, but also another safety and cleanliness concern. If you need a bag, try a small, functional gym bag. They usually have more room than regular ladies' ones, and they always look great, even when dirty or drenched in sweat.

Method 3 of 3: How to Look Good for a Man

  1. 1 Wear comfortable, breathable outerwear. Compared to women, almost all of the same outerwear options are available for men (except, of course, tiny tops, etc.). Men in the gym look best in functional, comfortable, and breathable clothing. Many men prefer to wear regular cotton T-shirts, although as usual modern moisture-wicking fabrics are considered more comfortable and look great too.
    • If you want to show off your hands, an A-shaped tee (tank top) or a tank top. These types of T-shirts are sometimes even made with long side slits to showcase your abs or muscles - although sometimes considered "brotherly", this style provides good ventilation and is not usually banned in gyms.
  2. 2 Stick to long shorts. Generally, short shorts for men are slightly more acceptable in the gym than for women.An open upper thigh can be considered fashionable tactlessness unless the person is part of a cross-country marathon team. Therefore, if you usually wear shorts, it is better to opt for longer models. Even below the knee shorts don't look too baggy, so don't shy away from them.
  3. 3 Don't take off your shirt. While some men like to take off their T-shirts to cool off after a long run or while exercising, it is sometimes considered impolite to do so in the gym. In gyms, where this is not customary, you will look "dumb" compared to other people. Also, if you sweat a lot while exercising, taking off your shirt can leave more sweat on the machine, making it look vulgar to other people.
    • However, it's worth noting that some men swear that the process of getting rid of a T-shirt is a powerful motivator. If you're not sure if it is rude to be in your gym without a shirt, check with the staff or just watch others exercising for a few days.
  4. 4 Don't grumble or shout. As well as being without a T-shirt, being too noisy (especially when lifting heavy weights) can look ostentatious and draw attention. It is also somewhat disrespectful to the people around them, for whom the extra noise can be somewhat embarrassing and even frightening. While some nagging may be inevitable during heavy exercise, avoid doing it loudly so as not to create the wrong impression of yourself.
  5. 5 Don't brag about unnecessary gear or accessories. The gym is intended for sports and training, not for playing with equipment or other participants in training. While it is perfectly acceptable to bring gloves, headbands, accessories, reading materials, music, music players, and other items that make your workout more comfortable, these items should not be a source of pride in and of themselves. Stay in the center of the gym with a great warm-up - everything else should be just a tool to get there.
    • One of the latest gym trends is the use of training masks while exercising. They partially restrict the flow of air to the lungs, ostensibly to mimic the effect of being at a high altitude, where the amount of oxygen is limited. While some praise the high performance, there is little (if any) evidence to support these claims. This makes these accessories not only a fancy fashion choice but also a waste of money.


  • Look in the mirror if you are comfortable outdoors wearing gym clothes, everything is fine. If you look dull in such clothes, find something else!
  • Don't scold yourself too much if you want a day off. The great view in the gym really sets the rhythm of life and makes your workout easier, but who's going to really worry if one day you come in in whatever? After all, you are there for weight loss and toning!


  • Don't spend too much on sportswear. It is well known that the decision to go to the gym is likely to be short-lived, so spending too much on appropriate clothing is a waste of money. Plus, you can find some great deals if you go shopping in the surrounding area.
  • Make sure you have decent shoes. It is worth spending a little more on sneakers or trainers to make sure they protect your feet and not be uncomfortable.