How well to study

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Study Smart: 10 Advanced STANFORD Study Tips
Video: How to Study Smart: 10 Advanced STANFORD Study Tips


You should not only study hard, but also do it wisely. Do not prepare for the exam one night before it - you need to study regularly and in advance. In order to study well, learn some tricks and decide on your preferences. The level of involvement in the study of the subject depends on your desire and environment.


Method 1 of 4: Caring for the Body

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Remember, water keeps your body running. During class, place a glass of water on the table so as not to be distracted from the material being studied. Water keeps you hydrated, which improves your memory.
  2. 2 Eat well. Certain foods not only improve your overall well-being, but also help you focus better on your studies. In the morning before the exam, it is recommended to eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and fiber, as well as slow-digesting foods. Your diet in the two weeks leading up to the exam is just as important as your preparation for the exam. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables.
    • Be sure to eat blueberries and almonds.
  3. 3 Stimulate the work of the circulatory system. She is responsible for the blood supply to the brain. Research has shown that 20 minutes of stimulation of the circulatory system improves memory. But remember, you don't have to do this. Run or dance if you like. Do this during your break - this will not only stimulate the circulatory system, but also relax and relieve stress.
    • You need to increase your heart rate. After increasing the frequency, continue to do the exercise for twenty minutes.
  4. 4 Get enough sleep. Sleep for 7-8 hours to gain strength. If you do not get enough sleep, you will feel tired and will not be able to study with full dedication, that is, you will not understand the material being studied and will not remember it.

Method 2 of 4: Learning Smartly

  1. 1 Strictly adhere to the created class schedule. Set aside a specific interval of time that you devote exclusively to your studies. Even if the exam takes place in two weeks, prepare for it every day.
  2. 2 Understand the essence of the subject being studied. Many students mistakenly believe that only important information that will be discussed in the exam should be memorized. Remember that it is better to understand the material being studied than to just memorize certain data. Once you understand the material, you will remember it better. You may think that trigonometry will not be useful to you after the exam, but most likely, you will still need it.
    • Try to connect the material you are studying with your daily life. It's not that easy, but over time you will learn to do it faster. Take some free time and use your imagination to relate the subject matter to your daily activities.
  3. 3 Use flashcards to better remember information. These cards can be used to study almost any subject. By writing information on the card, you will remember it better. After creating the cards, test your knowledge yourself, and then ask another person to do it.
    • If you see a term on one side of the card and try to remember its definition, next time do the opposite — read the definition and try to remember the corresponding term.
  4. 4 Rewrite your notes. Some students consider this unnecessary because they have already spent time recording the lecture directly in the classroom (audience). Rewrite your synopsis with additional information. To do this, use a tutorial or other source of knowledge.
    • So you go beyond just reading a textbook or lecture notes.By reading, reflecting and writing at the same time, you will understand and remember the material being studied much faster and better.
  5. 5 Take breaks. After exercising for 45-60 minutes, take a break for 10-15 minutes. This is an effective way to learn. After the break, check yourself how you have assimilated the previously studied material. Going back to previous information will help you remember it better.
    • Do not watch TV or play during breaks. This will distract you from your studies and may not want to return to it. It is recommended to go out for a walk during the break.
  6. 6 Test yourself. Do this within the last 20-30 minutes of your daily routine. This will quickly skim through what you've learned and recall concepts you've already forgotten. Many textbooks have tests or questions at the end of paragraphs or chapters. Answer them even if they are not part of your homework.
    • You don't need specific questions for self-testing. Just cover definitions of terms or important information with your hand, and then try to explain the terms or concept in your own words.
    • If you are mistaken, take a look and remember the correct definition.
  7. 7 Don't cram. Memorizing the material the day before the exam will not lead to positive results. It is better to look through the notes and textbooks a few days before the exam in order to assimilate and remember the material. Remember that memorized information quickly disappears from memory and ignore those who claim that memorization is very effective. Some students do really well with memorized exams, but don't follow them. Do what suits your skills and needs.

Method 3 of 4: Preparing to Learn

  1. 1 Write down important information. Be sure to write down your homework in class. If your instructor has informed you that the exam will take place next Friday, write it down. On the calendar, mark the exam on each day of the week prior to the exam. By writing down your homework assignments, you will remember them better.
    • Create a class schedule to avoid being overwhelmed on some days.
    • Follow the schedule you created. To do this, look through it every time you sit down to do your homework.
  2. 2 Plan your class time. People work and study at different times of the day. Exercise at different times and determine which time of the day is most productive for you. As a rule, most students take a break after returning from school and then begin their homework. During rest, it is recommended to eat, and only then start exercising. In the evening, you can relax if you complete all your homework during the day.
    • Some practice at night or early in the morning depending on personal preference.
    • If you play sports or perform other duties after school, carefully plan each day of the week. Remember that after a workout, for example, most students put off their homework until later.
  3. 3 Create a learning environment. You will need a desk and good lighting. It is also a good idea to get rid of distractions such as your audio player, TV, and mobile phone. If you are not used to working in silence, play instrumental music.
    • Do not exercise while lying on your bed. This will make you more likely to fall asleep.
    • For greater concentration on the subject being studied, change the environment, for example, move to another room. You can also work out in a cafe or library.
  4. 4 Create or join a subject group. Many students find these groups to be extremely effective. Remember, you don't have to study the subject alone. Even if you think you are less proficient than the other students in the group, try joining the group anyway. You will definitely contribute to the work of such a group of students.
    • Studies have shown that students who study a subject in a group of other students receive higher grades.
  5. 5 Determine your learning style. Most people perceive information by ear, visually and kinesthetically. If you have more developed visual channels for receiving information, emphasize important data. If your auditory canals are dominant, try humming basic data. If you are a kinesthetic, you have to express important information with action.
    • By defining your learning style, you will achieve the best results. You will remember the material less well if you do not study in accordance with your style of assimilating information.
    • You need to spend at least two and a half hours every day on lessons. Therefore, it is better to set aside 30 minutes for each item.

Method 4 of 4: Thinking Right

  1. 1 In class, focus on your studies. Don't see lessons as a fun pastime. Sit at the first desk (if you can sit where you want). Don't sit with classmates lounging around in class. This way you can concentrate exclusively on your studies.
  2. 2 During the lesson, try to concentrate on different aspects of the topic under study. By focusing on one moment, you will not be successful. By switching between different aspects, it will be easier for you to focus on the topic being studied.
  3. 3 Do not be distructed. Most students cannot help but be distracted. If you feel that you are losing focus on the topic you are studying, force yourself not to be distracted. Remind yourself that you are in a class and need to learn. This may sound silly, but this will bring you back to focusing on the subject of the lesson. But remember, this may not work for you.
    • To calm yourself down and not be distracted, close your eyes and breathe deeply.


  • In your synopsis or study guide, emphasize important points and meaningful information so that you don't waste time studying secondary facts.
  • They say that if you listen carefully to the teacher, then you will receive 60% of the information you need. Therefore, it is extremely important to listen carefully to the lecture.
  • During the lesson, focus on the teacher's words. If you do not understand something, be sure to ask a question.
  • Don't get distracted and try to avoid being distracted.
  • Add additional notes from reference books and other literature to your notes.
  • If you do not understand the material, get help before you start studying it.
  • During class, do not watch TV, turn off music, do not eat, do not sleep, so as not to lose concentration and better assimilate the material.
  • Turn off your phone.
  • You can play soft and soothing music without words.