Treating animals well

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Treating Animals Well: Caleb at TEDxYouth@IsaacDickson
Video: Treating Animals Well: Caleb at TEDxYouth@IsaacDickson


All animals make our life better. They can be our friends or inspire our imaginations. All animals deserve good treatment from humans - both pets like cats and horses, as well as wild owls and even predatory alligators. By caring for pets and domesticated animals, as well as showing respect for wild animals, you are showing kindness to the entire animal kingdom.


Part 1 of 3: Taking care of your pets

  1. 1 Make a lifetime commitment. No matter how old your pet is, what matters is the willingness to look after him for the rest of his or her life. Animals also have feelings and a special bond with their owners, so if you're not serious about it, it's best not to have pets. There is no need to buy animals from "bird markets" or from irresponsible breeders, whose goal is only the number of kittens or puppies. Contact only breeders with a proven track record or take an animal from a shelter. Before starting a pet, ask yourself the following questions to see if you are ready:
    • Why do I want to have a pet?
    • Do I have enough time and money to look after him?
    • Do I have the appropriate terms and conditions? Do I have enough room for the animal? If I rent an apartment, will the owners allow me to keep my pet?
    • Who will take care of my pet if I leave, get sick or die?
  2. 2 Monitor the health of the animal. A healthy pet is a happy pet. Taking care of your pet's health by regularly visiting your veterinarian and monitoring for symptoms of possible illnesses can help ensure that your pet is feeling good, feeling good, and showing your kindness.
    • Do not forget about the need for regular vaccinations against rabies and other diseases. See your veterinarian annually, not only for check-ups, but also for the necessary vaccinations.
    • Keep your pet clean and well-groomed. For example, dogs and cats need to be brushed regularly and horses need to be brushed.
    • Watch out for fleas and other parasites like ear mites and take immediate action.
  3. 3 Provide a comfortable personal space for the animal. Like humans, pets love to sleep, be alone, play and live clean. Providing your pet with a comfortable and clean place will show your kindness and increase the feeling of affection between you.
    • Prepare a cozy bed, be it a special bed, a box of bedding, or an armful of clean hay. Put something of your own, like a worn T-shirt, in there so that the animal can smell your scent.
    • Prepare places where the animal will eat, play, relieve itself. Try to place the eating area and the toilet as far apart as possible, as many animals will simply refuse to eat next to their litter box.
    • Small pets (cats and dogs) can live in the house with you.
    • It is important that pets living in the yard have a safe place to hide. For example, they all need a roof to protect them from rain, snow and other weather conditions. This is especially important for small animals, as they cannot regulate body temperature in extreme heat or frost.
    • Keep the area where your pets live is clean. For example, if you keep turtles or fish, then you need to clean the aquarium every week. Likewise, remember to change the litter in the litter box daily.
  4. 4 Feed your animals regularly. Water and adequate daily nutrition are essential for your pet's health.Feeding will also help your pet feel your kindness and strengthen the bond between you.
    • Feed the animals at the same time every day to get them accustomed to a certain order. Check with your veterinarian or online for how often to feed your pet.
    • Use only suitable food. For example, for cats and dogs, you need to combine dry food and special canned food, and pigs are fed vegetables and fruits. You can always find out at the clinic or read on the Internet which brands and types of feed are best to use. Always choose the best your income allows to keep your pet healthy.
    • In addition to feed, make sure the animals always have fresh and clean water. Change the water at least once a day, or more often if your pet drinks it or gets food.
    • Do not feed pets with leftovers from your table and other human foods such as chocolate, as these are harmful and even fatal. Be sure to find out what types of food should in no case be given to the animal.
    • Reward treats for good behavior. Make sure to eat treats in moderation, as they can contain sugar and contribute to weight gain.
  5. 5 Choose the right time to interact with your animal. Like humans, animals often like to be alone. Sleep well to build trust and show his kindness.
    • Do not touch or play with your pet while sleeping, eating, drinking, or cleaning. This can scare him, cause stress or irritation, which can lead to an unpleasant reaction.
    • Do not catch the animal, as this may scare it. Your desire to catch, pick up and cuddle your pet often goes against its own desires and behavior. It is better if the animal will come to you when it wants.
    • If you are at the same altitude, it will be less threatening. The pet will relax and probably even welcome your attention.
  6. 6 Show your love. Always show your love through a kind and affectionate attitude. This builds trust and encourages the pet to come to you on its own.
    • Pet your pet and pick it up gently and gently. Do not grip the animal or pull on its tail.
    • Reciprocate good behavior. This will strengthen the love and trust between you. To do this, you need to talk to the animal and call it by name.
    • Play with the animal. Most animals are naturally energetic, so they need to play for health and good mood. Buy toys for your pet, walk with him, play the way he likes.
    • Be patient if your pet does something wrong. Do not shout or beat him for wrongdoing. Pets understand positive reinforcement best and will become afraid of you if you yell or beat them.
  7. 7 Report animal abuse. Alas, not all people are kind to animals. If you suspect that someone is hurting the animal, report it to the authorities immediately. This is one way to show your good attitude. Here are some signs of animal cruelty:
    • The animal sits in the yard on a chain without food, water or a roof over its head.
    • The person screams, kicks or hits the animal.

Part 2 of 3: Handling Animals with Care

  1. 1 Do not force contact with animals. Chasing or approaching an animal when it barks, neighs, or hisses at you can scare and injure it. The same goes for trying to scratch, kick, or bite you. Better to just walk away and let the animal calm down.
    • The animal is calmer when you are on the same level. If the animal is small, such as a dog, cat, rabbit, or turtle, lower yourself to the floor next to it. You do not need to look at the animal head-on, as this can stress it and provoke a defensive reaction against you.
    • Always remember that animals behave with you the same way you treat them.
  2. 2 Approach the animals slowly. Animals are more sensitive to behavior and odors than humans. No matter what the animal is - horse, cat, dog, turtle or bird - you should always approach slowly and calmly so as not to scare or stress him.
    • Try not to approach animals from the side where they cannot see you. Fear can injure the animal or cause it to hurt you.
    • Let dogs, cats, and other animals sniff you first. Reach out and let the animal sniff. Then it will decide for itself whether it can come closer. If you have touched other animals, it is worth washing your hands, as not all animals will like the smell of other species.
    • Give the animal a few seconds or minutes to come up to you. It can be timid, so give it time to get used to you. If you approach an animal against its will, it can cause stress in it.
  3. 3 Raise the animals calmly. If a pet comes up to you in search of your attention or asks for your arms, move calmly and slowly. If the animal is relaxed, you can pick it up, while properly supporting the body so as not to cause harm.
    • Take the animal under the paws or by the paws and belly. This will make your pet comfortable and safe. If the animal is not very small, then you can also gently grab it with your hands. Do not forget about calmness and patience so as not to frighten the animal. If the animal shows unwillingness to be raised, it is better to let it go and wait for another occasion.
    • Lift large animals correctly. For example, if you need to lift a horse, cow, or pig, use the right equipment, such as a crane, to provide support for your legs, head, and torso.
    • With your pet in the correct position, start slowly to stand up. This will reduce the likelihood of fear and stress in the animal.
    • Never lift an animal by its head, individual limbs or tail. So you run the risk of causing him serious injury.
  4. 4 Hold the animal firmly. Having calmly taken the animal in your arms, you should calm it down so that the pet can relax. In this case, your interaction will bring pleasant emotions to both of you.
    • Maintain the balance of the animal so that it feels safe. You do not need to turn your pet over so as not to cause mental or physical injury.
    • Sitting down will make both of you more comfortable. It will be more comfortable for the animal to curl up and snuggle up to you, showing a new level of trust. Do not forget to talk and pet your pet while it is in your arms.

Part 3 of 3: Respect for Wild Animals

  1. 1 Don't forget that wild animals are wild first and foremost. Everyone who spends time in nature has seen animals inhabiting uninhabited areas. While animals like raccoons or foxes can seem pretty cute, remember that they live in the wilderness and behave differently from pets - they chase and kill prey or those they see as a threat.
    • Remember that many species of animals (for example, crocodiles) cannot be tamed, so do not even try to do this, even when they are small.
    • Wild animals cannot be kept at home without special permission.
  2. 2 Admire the wildlife from a distance. Do not disturb wild animals, lest they injure them or they will injure you. Observe and admire from afar, showing your kind attitude and not wanting to scare the animals.
    • There is no need to chase, pet or pick up wild animals.
    • Be quiet and calm. You'd better use binoculars or a camera to get a better view of the animals.
    • Keep pets away from wild animals to prevent disease transmission or conflict.
    • Stay out of the wildlife habitat during mating season or when they are protecting their offspring.
  3. 3 Do not feed wild animals. It may sound harmless, but feeding the animals can have serious consequences, such as changes in natural behavior and harm to health; also such animals can more easily become prey of predators. Do not feed wild animals your food or leave food for them in the forest or your garden.
    • All food, including animal feed, should be stored in closed, locked areas.
    • If you live in a rural area or in a city where wild animals often wander, dispose of trash in lockers that are closed. On a hike or outing in nature, always look for special places for trash or take it with you. Never throw rubbish on the ground in nature, or leave heaps of rubbish in your garden.
    • Remember that salt from sweat on shoes and perfumes can also attract wildlife.
    • Never use food to lure a wild animal closer.
  4. 4 Do not interfere with the animals living near you. Create conditions in your yard so that animals can live safely and not interfere with you. Maintain your garden to attract birds and small animals, and avoid using pesticides to show your kindness to wild animals.
    • Use organic fertilizers for your lawn and garden plants. So you will protect not only wild animals, but also your pets.
  5. 5 Be careful on the road. As civilization develops, man increasingly invades the natural habitat of wild animals. Villages and roads are built in areas where deer or foxes are found. Show conscientiousness and care when driving carefully in areas where wild animals live.
    • Do not stray from the path in an attempt to avoid hitting animals on the main roads. This can lead to serious accidents and even loss of life. Just watch the road carefully.
    • Never drive off-road to hit an animal with your vehicle. This is cruel and can have legal consequences.
  6. 6 Treat the game with respect. Some wild animals, such as deer, are nutritious and healthy. If you have a hunting permit, be responsible. Learn to shoot well to be able to kill the animal quickly and painlessly. Eat the meat of shot animals, but don't hunt just for fun.
  7. 7 Report injured animals to the authorities. If you accidentally shoot down an animal, see injured or sick animals in the wilderness, then report it to the relevant organizations. They will choose the best solution and help the animal.
    • If you saw wounded animals in the reserve, then inform the caretaker about it.
    • You can call your local wildlife relief organization or the police if you are not in a wildlife sanctuary. You can also find out the phone numbers you need from your local animal welfare society.
  8. 8 Help save wild animals. Many animals around the world are threatened with extinction, your region may be no exception. By donating to charities or volunteering to help local animal rescue groups, you will contribute to the safety and health of the wildlife.
    • Donate funds annually to conservation organizations such as WWF. These funds use funds to save endangered animal species around the world. If you want to help wild animals in your area, you can always donate money to a nature reserve or park.
    • Spend time helping such organizations. This will help them save administrative costs and focus them on things as important as vaccinations or habitat restoration.


  • You will have to wait for new pets or pets to dare to approach you. Don't be discouraged if this happens later than you would like.
  • If you detain an animal (for example, hold it in your arms or stroke it) against your will, then this can cause psychological or physical trauma or provoke a defensive reaction - and then you will suffer.
  • If the animal looks alarmed, it is best to leave and let it calm down.
  • Avoid being rude when playing with the animal, as this can make it stressful or tempting to attack you.