How to drive a car in economy mode

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to use ECO, Sport and normal driving modes. Crazy MPG!
Video: How to use ECO, Sport and normal driving modes. Crazy MPG!


The economy mode of driving a car is designed to reduce fuel consumption by reducing the load on the engine. It is possible to reduce fuel consumption by 37% only through changes in driving style, which is why more and more people are trying to learn how to drive in an economical mode due to the constantly rising cost of fuel. Some driving practices that help to save fuel are highly controversial and even dangerous, so this article will focus only on the simplest and safest methods to reduce fuel consumption and save money.

Economy driving techniques depend on the type of vehicle you have (that is, whether it has a gasoline or diesel, hybrid, electric engine). Some of the recommendations may not work for your vehicle.


Method 1 of 4: Preparing the Machine for Eco Mode

  1. 1 Prepare your vehicle. Malfunctioning machines pollute the environment. The driving techniques discussed below will not work if the condition of your car is poor. Regardless of whether you plan to drive in Economy mode or not, you should do the following:
    • Go through service and inspection. Cars that are not monitored pollute the atmosphere. Maintenance and inspection is a prerequisite, without which fuel economy will be impossible.
    • Use only quality spark plugs. Candles with the addition of iridium create a more powerful flash, and this increases the efficiency of fuel combustion. This improves driving performance, uses fuel more economically and reduces exhaust emissions.
    • Use the lowest viscosity oil recommended by the manufacturer. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, as oil with a viscosity below the allowable viscosity can damage the engine. If the oil "does not stick" - burns or leaks - switch to synthetic oils (including gear oil), as they reduce friction in the gearbox and in the engine, as well as extend the life of these elements of the car. In addition, the oil will have to be changed less often, and this will compensate for its high cost.
    • Try to fill with light 0W-20 engine oil. Thanks to this oil, your engine will need to exert less effort to operate as it is easier to pump. This will allow more kilometers to travel before the next refueling, however, theoretically, engine life could be reduced.
  2. 2 Monitor the condition of your tires and wheels. In order to save fuel, it is very important that the tires are not worn out or damaged, as the machine only comes into contact with the road, which can increase fuel consumption if the tires are in poor condition.
    • Check the correct installation of the wheels and balance them. Tires often wear unevenly and may be offset, which affects gas mileage.
    • Check your tire pressure regularly.If the pressure is less or more than necessary, the wheels will either not be in strong contact with the surface, or the contact area will be too large, and this leads to increased fuel consumption.
    • Do not over-pump the wheels to prolong the roll. This will wear out the tire faster and reduce grip. On rare occasions, an over-inflated tire may burst while the vehicle is in motion, which could result in a serious accident.
    • Wipe down the headlights and make sure all the bulbs are on. In some cases, you will need to follow the vehicle in front at a certain distance. You will need to see it well for both fuel economy and safety.
  3. 3 Remove unnecessary items from the car. Get rid of unnecessary items in the trunk. The more things you carry, the greater the load on the engine and gearbox. By removing excess weight, you can save fuel.
    • Don't put away things that might really be useful to you. The slight reduction in fuel consumption will not pay off if you have to call a tow truck instead of self-installing the spare tire, which you removed from the trunk to reduce the weight of the car.

Method 2 of 4: Traffic Safety and Fuel Economy

  1. 1 Reduce the load on the engine. It is best to move at a constant speed; driving at the maximum permitted speed or slightly slower, as well as driving in cruise control are important conditions for saving fuel. However, it is also important to vary the speed according to the road surface.
  2. 2 Try to drive the car as if you have no brakes - roll as often as possible by inertia. Thinking over the route of movement, choose roads where you do not have to brake sharply and then accelerate. Coasting will help you reduce fuel consumption to such an extent that even smooth acceleration afterwards will not affect fuel consumption in any way.
    • In new cars, the injectors slam shut when the foot is off the gas and the car continues to move, but fuel is not consumed, apart from the small amount needed to engine braking, that is, the resistance of the engine to movement.
    • Do not shift into neutral if you want to coast. The engine will go into idle mode, and this will lead to an increase in consumption. Just leave gear and let the car roll with minimal engine running.
  3. 3 Roll carefully. This is not always possible due to drivers trying to squeeze in front of you. Use common sense and remember safety.
    • Keep your foot on the brake. If you need to stop abruptly, you should be able to react quickly. As you release the accelerator pedal, the brake pedal controls the speed.
    • Compliance with traffic rules is more important than fuel economy. It's also cheaper because if you first have to pay a non-stop ticket at a stop sign and then pay a premium rate for an accident you caused by coasting, you will lose all the money you saved.
  4. 4 Handle the gas pedal with care. This pedal supplies fuel to the engine, making it run faster, which also increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Careful handling of this pedal will help you save on fuel.
    • Step on the pedal slowly and remove your foot, when you see that soon you will need to slow down (for example, when approaching a red traffic light or a car with brake lights on). The remaining meters you will drive by inertia.
    • The pedal should not go down more than 2.5 centimeters. Some newer cars have systems that kick the pedal up if pressed too aggressively.
  5. 5 If you need to increase your speed, do it quickly. Consumption increases more smoothly if fuel enters the engine in one quick burst rather than gradually.In modern cars, slow acceleration increases fuel consumption. On the other hand, acceleration increases fuel consumption anyway, so try to coast as often as possible.
  6. 6 Avoid idling. If you are stuck in a traffic jam or just need to wait in the car, turn off the engine. Standing for more than one minute will save you 19% on fuel.
    • Heating the car at idle speed in cold weather increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. It is better to drive the first 5-10 kilometers very smoothly and accurately. But if you are already following the previous tips, you are likely to drive smoothly all the time, which will help the engine warm up properly.
  7. 7 Use the "accelerate and slide" technique in hybrid cars.Acceleration and sliding will reduce consumption, but it is better to use this technique on free roads with light traffic.
    • Accelerate to the permitted speed. This will allow you to use fuel as efficiently as possible. For Toyota Prius, the most economical speeds are 25 km / h and 40 km / h, because at these speeds the engine simultaneously pushes the car forward and charges the battery.
    • Roll between accelerations using the gas pedal for battery power. This skill requires an understanding of how hard to press and under what conditions. Follow the indications of the computer. Learn to use your electricity to the maximum, and you can drive more kilometers with one gas station.
  8. 8 Take advantage of the high ground. In fact, this means that you should go uphill slowly and descend quickly. A slow climb will save you fuel as you won't be wasting more than you should. Faster descent down the mountain means less fuel consumption; in addition, you can coast far without using engine power. If you start driving this way while driving on low hills, you will very soon find yourself spending less money on fuel.
    • When descending a mountain, you can accelerate to high speed, spending a minimum of fuel. Don't move your foot far from the gas until you feel like you're going faster than you need to.
    • Apply this technique to all hills. For example, if you are descending a mountain and you see that there is a red light ahead (where the slope has already ended), stop on the hill, before reaching the stop line, in order to then travel some distance by inertia.
    • Do not stop or park on an uphill. There is nothing worse than pulling away after stopping in this position, as your engine will have to push the car and also fight the gravity that will pull the car down. Stop at the top of the hill or at the foot of the hill if safe to do so.
  9. 9 If possible, "sit on the tail" of large cars. A thin air pocket is formed behind the machine. Drafting is movement in this pocket. Try to get into this pocket as it will improve aerodynamics. This tactic is not always safe, so consider if it works for you.
    • Be extremely careful when drafting. Chances are that you will focus on the car in front instead of following the road. Keep your distance and watch the traffic situation.
    • It is useless to drive behind a truck. This usually doesn't make sense as trucks travel slowly and, at best, traveling 50 meters at 95 kilometers per hour will cut fuel consumption by 10%.
    • Hang on the tail of the truck very dangerous... For fuel consumption to begin to fall, you need to be at a very short distance from the truck. All trucks are massive, clumsy cars with their own characteristics. Best to go in front of them or on the side... The rear of the truck is raised high above the road, so in the event of a collision, it will pierce the windshield of the passenger car too high and the passenger car will not be able to absorb the impact.This could result in serious injury or even death. Lorry wheels can also fly rocks and other debris that could damage your machine.

Method 3 of 4: Car Climate

  1. 1 Limit the use of the air conditioner - only use it on the track. Air conditioners consume a lot of energy by cooling the air, which increases the flow rate. However, if you open the window, it will result in air resistance, which will disrupt air circulation in the car, and this will also increase fuel consumption. Therefore, the use of an air conditioner is justified only if it is cheaper than the consequences of improper air circulation.
    • The air conditioner is more efficient than open windows when driving at high speeds (over 70 km / h). A climate control system without air conditioning uses less energy, but cooling may not be sufficient in extreme heat. In addition, heat from the engine can enter it. It is best to turn on the air conditioner at low power or open the windows so that a vortex forms inside.
    • There is still debate over which is more efficient - windows or air conditioning, but the most ardent supporters of economy take ice water into the cabin to cool them, turn off the air conditioner and close the windows.
    • Automatic air conditioning systems work best at minimum temperature and minimum fan speed.
  2. 2 Turn the air conditioner on and off. If you live in hot climates where using the air conditioner is a must, try to turn it off after it has been running for a while. A few minutes after turning off the air conditioner, provided the air conditioner is running, it will still be cool in the cabin. When the air starts to heat up, turn on the air conditioner, cool the air and turn it off again.
    • The effectiveness of this method will depend on the vehicle model. In some cars, the power of the air conditioner is adjusted and it may use less energy.
    • You shouldn't constantly readjust the climate control system, especially if it has a thermostat and many control buttons, and not just a fan speed switch and fixed values. This can lead to damage to the drive mechanisms, which are usually difficult to replace.
    • Conventional combustion engine vehicles generate a lot of "extra" heat, so don't be afraid to use a stove.
  3. 3 If you have a convertible, try to cover the roof. Although the owners of such cars believe that the whole point of such a car is precisely the ability to drive with the roof down, the absence of a roof creates strong air resistance, which will cause the engine to exert more effort in order to move the car.

Method 4 of 4: Planning Routes with Economy in mind

  1. 1 Plan your route with fuel economy in mind. If you have multiple routes to choose from, choose the one with fewer stops. A full stop and acceleration from scratch will significantly increase the flow rate.
    • If you need to make several stops along the way, plan your route so that you are at the farthest place first, and make all other stops on the way back. Driving to the farthest spot at the start will give the car a chance to warm up. If you drive a short distance first, it will take longer to warm up due to frequent stops. Since the engines only start to run more efficiently when they are warmed up, the first route will save you some fuel.
    • Driving on roads between small towns is especially good, because there you don't have to stop often, slow down and accelerate, unlike busy highways. Steep ascents and descents also affect fuel consumption.
    • If you are descending a slope, think about where you will stop in order to hit the gas in time.
  2. 2 Park in a way that makes it easy for you to get out. Do not look for places near the entrance, as you will have to constantly brake and accelerate due to pedestrians and other drivers entering or exiting the parking lot. It is better to park at the back of the parking lot.
    • Try to park on an elevated position with your nose to the road. When you get back in the car and start it, you can roll off by inertia using the force of gravity.


  • Buy a device that allows you to monitor your driving style... This is a device that connects to the vehicle's diagnostic system (all cars manufactured after 1996 have it). It allows you to calculate the kilometers traveled if there is no such option in the car. Keeping track of the distance traveled regularly can help you adjust your driving style.
  • Consider buying electronic fuel consumption meter... It can be fixed anywhere. It will transmit information in real time, including data on the cost of each kilometer, consumption in liters per hour, remaining time and distance including fuel. It will help you stick to the principles of economical driving.
  • Try not to annoy passengers with your thrifty driving techniques. Passengers should be transported so that they are comfortable traveling. It will be useful to slowly accelerate and slow down. Coasting can be intimidating to people, and an inoperative air conditioner or constantly pressing and releasing the gas pedal can cause irritation. Remember that it is more important to keep the friendship than to save a couple of hundred rubles.
  • When driving in traffic jams, first of all think about not aggravating the traffic situation, and only then about reducing consumption. If the car is idling, or if you constantly accelerate and drive short distances, you will spend more than in a calm but not ideal movement (fast acceleration, air conditioning on, and so on).
  • Keep a log of your fuel consumption to see how your actions are contributing to fuel economy.
  • Try to take passengers who are with you on the way, and ask someone in the car yourself, if you really care about the environment and the preservation of natural resources. The main weight in the car is the weight of the car itself, so if there are several people in the car, this will significantly reduce fuel consumption per person. The most efficient road transport in this sense can be considered a city bus running on diesel fuel, due to the low cost of fuel per person.
    • The larger the vehicle, the greater the fuel consumption due to weight and air resistance. The capacity is increased, but at the same time the wear of the parts is accelerated. A large vehicle is only effective when most of the seats are occupied.
  • Try to fill only half the tank. The more gasoline is filled, the heavier the car and the higher the fuel consumption.
    • Remember that driving with a minimum of fuel will accelerate the wear of the fuel pump. Modern electric pumps use fuel in the tank to dissipate the heat generated by the pump. If you regularly drive with a tank less than a quarter full, you will shorten the life of the pump. Replacing this part is usually very expensive, so keep this in mind.
  • Consider the weather conditions. Try not to ride in strong winds, especially if the ride involves long traffic on the highway. If it is raining or snowing outside, you will not be able to save fuel, but you should not save it in these conditions, because safety is always more important.


  • Some of the methods described in this article can irritate other drivers on the road. There are articles on WikiHow dedicated to this issue.
  • Opinions differ regarding the movement of trucks. It is better to refuse this technique altogether so as not to get into a dangerous situation.
  • Do not put yourself and other road users in danger.
  • Refuse dangerous techniques.They will not only put you at risk, but other drivers as well.
    • Always stop when the stop sign requires it and do not cut corners at speed.
    • Do not turn off the engine when driving downhill. This way you will not be able to control the steering wheel and brake. Hybrid cars do not have this problem, since they have the function of powering the steering and brakes from electricity.
    • Do not create accidents by driving at low speed on a busy road.