How to eat the ugli fruit

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Ugli Fruit: How to Eat Ugli Fruit
Video: Ugli Fruit: How to Eat Ugli Fruit


The charcoal fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and fiber. Since it contains less than 40 calories per bite, it is also a great snack for dieters. Although it doesn't look very attractive on the outside, it has a sweet, savory pulp on the inside. It can be enjoyed raw, either on its own or added to other dishes.


Method 1 of 4: Selecting and Preparing the Ugli Fruit

  1. 1 Know when and where to look. The charcoal fruit is only available from December to July, and you may have to go to a specialty store to find them.
    • The charcoal fruit is another name for the Jamaican tangelo. It was first found in Jamaica and exported in 1914.
    • Although the fruit is exported, the quantity may be limited, so it can be quite expensive; on average, it costs 2-3 times more than grapefruit.
    • Check out stores in your area that are renowned for their wide selection of international goods, including imported goods. Many standard grocery stores may not sell charcoal fruit, and local stores almost never sell them.
  2. 2 Choose a fruit that seems heavy for its size. You cannot tell how ripe the ugli fruit is by its color alone. Instead, look for a fruit that feels heavy for its size and gives off slightly when pressed against the flowering end with your finger.
    • Most would agree that the fruit looks ugly on the outside. The peel is yellow-green in color with orange veins, and the thickest from the side of the root.It looks a bit like a noble mandarin, but it has more pores and a more gnarled or lumpy appearance.
    • Don't worry about bumps, uneven color, or loose skin. None of this says anything about the quality of the fruit.
    • Most fruits are large, but small fruits have more aroma and sweetness. The diameter varies from 10 to 15 cm.
    • If the fruit has soft areas or brown spots, lightly press on them with your finger. If the finger has gone into the pulp, then this is a spoiled fruit.
    • The fruit should be slightly squeezed, especially at the floral end, but should not be soft.
  3. 3 Store the fruit at room temperature. You need to eat the ugli fruit within 5 days if stored at room temperature. If you refrigerate it, you can store it for 2 weeks.
    • The fruit does not need to be stored in any container.
    • Check the fruit daily to make sure it hasn't spoiled. Look for developing soft areas and press with your finger to see if the skin has torn. If the skin is torn, the fruit may already be overripe and rotten.
  4. 4 Wash the fruit before using it. Rinse the charcoal fruit under cool running water and pat dry with a paper towel. Although you will not be eating the peel, you will be touching it while processing the fruit, so it is very important to keep the peel and hands clean.

Method 2 of 4: Eating the ugli fruit

  1. 1 Eat the ugli fruit with a spoon. Cut it in half and eat with a spoon, scraping the flesh straight from the rind.
    • When you cut the ugli fruit, the flesh will be similar to the flesh of an orange, and the fruit will be more fleshy and juicy than an orange.
    • Unlike grapefruit, the ugli fruit is sweet enough not to add sugar. If you add sugar, it can become overly sweet.
    • In this form, the ugli fruit can be regarded as a simple and light breakfast.
    • If you want to use the ugli fruit as a light yet exotic lunch or dessert, cut it in half and sprinkle it lightly with sherry or cherry brandy before serving.
  2. 2 Peel and slice. Peel and slice, just like tangerine. The slices can be eaten one at a time.
    • The rind is thick, but loose and plump, so you can peel the rind with your fingers.
    • Seeds are very rare in it, so you shouldn't worry about removing the seeds before consuming.
    • The slices are also very easy to separate, so it is also easy to do with your fingers.
    • Enjoy this fruit as an appetizer or side dish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Method 3 of 4: Using the ugli fruit in your meals

  1. 1 Use the ugli fruit in cold dishes. Like many citrus fruits, the ugli fruit goes well with cold dishes, such as dark green salad or tropical salad.
    • For a simple chopped salad, use a variety of leafy greens such as leafy lettuce, curly endive, mung bean lettuce, and lettuce. You can also add additional fruits like strawberries or add other notes like chopped almonds, crumbled blue cheese, or granola. Avoid adding too many other flavors as they may not combine or overlap the flavor of the ugli fruit.
      • For spices, lean towards olive oil and vinegar.
    • For a simple fruit salad or fruit dish, pair the ugli fruit with other tropical fruits or complementary fruits such as mango, pineapple, strawberry, or grape. Don't add other savory citrus fruits like noble tangerine as they taste quite similar.
    • In addition to using the ugli fruit in cold dishes, you can use it as an addition to certain desserts, such as cheesecake.
  2. 2 Substitute it for oranges or grapefruit. The taste of the ugli fruit is similar to that of these citrus fruits, and the structure is also similar, so the ugli fruit is a good substitute.
    • In fact, as a species of tangelo, the ugli fruit is essentially a hybrid of a grapefruit (or pomelo) and a noble mandarin.
    • The taste is closer to that of an orange than a grapefruit, but it has a spicy note that is not found in an orange. Basically, these fruits are very juicy and sweet.
  3. 3 Preserve the ugli fruit. The peel and juice of the ugli fruit can be used to make marmalade, in the same way that marmalade is made from an orange.
    • In a saucepan, combine one chopped charcoal fruit with 3/4 cup (180 ml) white sugar and 1 tbsp. l. grated peel of the ugli fruit. Boil the ingredients over high heat, stirring frequently, and cook for 7-10 minutes. When ready, there should be almost no water in the marmalade, it should become thick and shiny.
  4. 4 Add wedges at the end of the cooking process. If you are using the ugli fruit in a cooked dish such as a stir fry, you should add the prepared wedges at the end of the cooking process to keep them from falling apart.
    • Ugli fruit wedges work well for stir-fry with sweet sauce and sweet vegetables such as bell peppers. Cook all the other ingredients first and add the wedges 5 minutes before the end of cooking, stirring gently and keeping them on fire for as long as necessary to warm them up without falling apart.
    • You can also use the fruit wedges as a side dish with roast duck, ham, or other meats made with a tropical or citrus frosting. Let the ugli fruit sit at room temperature before using it as a side dish, or garnish the meat with the ugli fruit, then return to the oven for 5 minutes to warm the wedges.

Method 4 of 4: Using the ugli fruit in drinks

  1. 1 Make ugli fruit lemonade. Freshly squeezed ugli from the fruit can be mixed with water and sugar to make a lemonade-like drink.
    • Make a simple syrup by mixing 1/2 cup (125 ml) white sugar with 1/2 cup (125 ml) water, and heating the mixture in a small saucepan over medium heat.
    • Once the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup into a pitcher and add 1 cup (250 ml) of freshly squeezed charcoal fruit juice to the mixture.
    • Add 3-4 cups (750-1000 ml) cold water to the pitcher and stir well to combine the ingredients. Serve chilled.
  2. 2 Make a hot punch. Combine ugli fruit juice with rum or sweetener. Warm up to make a sweet, enjoyable drink.
    • Squeeze the juice out of the two charcoal fruits using a juicer. Pour into a saucepan and then add 60 ml. dark rum and 1 tbsp. l. (15 ml) honey. Heat over medium heat until honey dissolves.
    • To serve, remove from heat, sprinkle with a little cinnamon (if desired), and serve in two clean mugs.
  3. 3 Make a fruit cocktail. If you mix the ugli fruit with sugar, ice, and other fruits or juices, you get a delicious and savory fruit cocktail.
    • Peel and 4 pieces one charcoal fruit, then peel and chop one banana. Place them in a blender, then add 1/4 cup (60 ml) pineapple juice, 1/4 cup (60 ml) milk, and 2 tbsp. l. (30 ml) white sugar or honey. Mix well until smooth, add 8 ice cubes, and mix again until the ice crumbles.
      • This is enough for 4 servings to be consumed immediately.
    • You can also experiment with your own variations. Any flavor and aroma that pairs with citrus will likely work, such as strawberry, mango, or other tropical or citrus fruits.

What do you need

  • Paper towels
  • Knife (optional)