How to discipline yourself effectively

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be More DISCIPLINED - 6 Ways to Master Self Control
Video: How to Be More DISCIPLINED - 6 Ways to Master Self Control


Feeling weak, lazy, or that you could achieve more? Do you want to lose weight quickly or take exams? Then this guide is for you.


  1. 1 Eat healthy foods: this is the golden rule. C] tlfqnt at least 5 fruits or vegetables a day and avoid fast food at all costs. Collect all the food in your home that you still enjoy but that you know is not useful and burn / throw it away. Even foods like coffee and energy drinks that claim to help you will only make your mood and overall well-being worse. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes / illegal drugs that are useless. Eat only fruit and healthy breakfast cereals throughout the week and see if you can stick to that diet.
  2. 2 Get rid of bad habits. Remove the plug from the TV / computer / game console and ask a family member / friend to hide the cable. Throw away any cigarettes or illegal drugs you have: don't even try to sell them. Try, for at least a week, giving up something that you often do for pleasure but is useless, such as masturbating or hanging out on Facebook. The longer you live without resorting to your bad habits, the more satisfied you will feel until you finally realize that you no longer need these things.
  3. 3 Exercise is vital. Improving your fitness sharpens your nerves and increases your ability to remember and learn, as well as makes you more receptive and less anxious.Don't over-exercise because you will feel tired, which will force you to lie in front of the TV or eat some chocolate, but none of these ideas are good.
  4. 4 Get a good night's sleep. Sleep as much as you can every day. Sleep well. Get as much as you can every day. Avoid using electronics just before bed; instead, try reading. Don't lie in bed even on weekends: it will make you lazy for the rest of the day. If you find yourself feeling tired, getting up early and not lying in bed at the same time, then this means that you did not go to bed early enough.
  5. 5 Educate yourself. Stop watching pointless reality TV shows and read more often. Read everything that contains information: novels, magazines, dictionaries, travel guides ... anything that will expand your knowledge. Avoid things like media review magazines. If you don't have enough books at home, surf the web: find random but useful articles, but keep in mind that not all articles may turn out to be true. If you are a cultured person, you will have more knowledge at your disposal for solving problem situations and will be of more interest to the people you meet. Treat reading as a leisure activity that replaces TV / video games or any other bad habit you want to get rid of.
  6. 6 Punish and test yourself. This does not include physical abuse and self-flagellation. It’s good if you make a list of rules to follow, such as “no TV, no chocolate, no felting in bed, and so on,” and if you break one of the points, you will take a very cold shower. This may sound harsh, but it is a very effective disciplinary method as it scares you away from breaking your personal rules.
  7. 7 Train your mind. In addition to reading, solve math problems from a textbook or website. About 20 minutes a day: The questions shouldn't be hard, but they should require thinking and the use of logic. Don't overdo it, as you will overwork your brain.
  8. 8 Be polite and reasonable. While it seems normal for teenagers and young adults nowadays to have outbursts of rage and bad language, it is actually very immature. Don't worry about accidental swearing, such as burning your finger or tripping over, as this depends on the conditions and breaks out almost automatically. When talking to friends, family, co-workers, etc., use a friendly and confident tone.
  9. 9 Get rid of emotional extremes. These include hatred, anger, anger, sadness, jealousy, etc. They are mostly useless and will cloud your judgment. Stop constantly reading newspapers / watching news channels. Suppress Your Strong Feelings: While it seems natural to voice an angry opinion about something, it is actually stupid. Do not hold any grudge against anyone, but respect your dignity and do not succumb if someone provokes you. Don't be biased and be open-minded. Respect other people and so on. Avoid overly emotional attachment (often falling in love / throwing the words "love" and "hate" to the wind).
  10. 10 Make sure that you are very often in a good mood without your bad habits.


  • Admire that you are disciplining yourself. Don't forgive yourself for breaking your little rules. You have to take it seriously otherwise you will never change.
  • Be optimistic but realistic at the same time.
  • Your conscience and will are vital. Don't give up when faced with a difficult task. Reward yourself.
  • Don't feel sorry for yourself.
  • Be as impartial as possible. Stay away from events such as riots or demonstrations that encourage anger and resentment.Make friends with different people and listen to what they say about your feelings. Make friends from different racial and social backgrounds. Impartiality is a key element of self-discipline.
  • Avoid loud, passionate, angry music and love songs. It affects your mood and ultimately your attitude and actions. Find a CD of classical music (better than Mozart, whose music is quite soothing) and listen to it when you feel angry, when you are upset, or when you need to think and relax.


  • Take the above processes seriously, otherwise you will never change.