How to get a man to marry you

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Secrets on How to Get a Man to Marry You
Video: 15 Secrets on How to Get a Man to Marry You


If you are in love, then it is only natural that you want to spend the rest of your life with your chosen one. However, languishing in anticipation of the coveted marriage proposal can be extremely annoying. If you want to get married, focus on building healthy, lasting relationships that will last a lifetime. Also, work to become the best version of yourself, as this will make both you and your partner happier. Finally, try giving him a few hints, if necessary, so that he understands what you think about marriage.


Method 1 of 3: Build Healthy Relationships

  1. 1 Plan to marry someone whose personal values compatible with yours. Values ​​include views on family, money, faith, and attitudes towards others. If you agree on these things, it will be much easier for you to stay on the same wavelength, building a life together.
    • Sometimes happy marriages also occur between people with opposite values, but this requires much greater compromises and joint efforts, and these problems can potentially become a source of conflict in the future.
    • For example, if you think it is important to raise children according to church rules, but your boyfriend hates organized religion, you may argue about it when you one day have offspring.
  2. 2 Take your time studying his views on marriage. Marriage is a big step, and just because the thought of it gets you excited doesn't necessarily mean that your boyfriend is thrilled too. As you get closer, ask him questions that will help you understand how he thinks about the concept of marriage in general. If he is not ready to marry, there is probably nothing you can do to change his mind.
    • For example, if he talks about a past relationship, note if there is any sign of fear of commitment in his story. If he has been hurt in the past, he may need more time before he can open his heart enough to think about marriage.
    • He may also say something like, "The marriage certificate is just a piece of paper," which may mean that he does not intend to marry.
  3. 3 Be honest in front of each other. If you want a man to marry you, he must completely trust you. In turn, if he is a suitable candidate for marriage, you too should feel that you can trust him. This trust requires open and honest communication. Do not lie to him, and also do not put up with his deceptions.
    • If your intuition tells you that you need to hide something, such as meeting a friend at lunch, think about why you have this feeling. If your boyfriend has a good reason to object (for example, your friend has strong feelings for you), it may be best to skip this lunch. If he has a habit of acting unreasonably or controlling you, or if you think he is trying to keep you away from friends, this may indicate abusive behavior.
  4. 4 Take responsibility for your part in the fight. At certain points in your relationship, there will be disagreements. If something gets out of hand and there is an argument between you, apologize for your words and actions that contributed to this. This will allow him to see that the two of you can overcome any adversity in a mature way, and this may help lessen his marriage-related fears.
    • During an argument, try to express your feelings without calling names or losing your composure. Ask your partner to treat you with the same respect.
    • Don't let the person manipulate you into taking all the blame for the disagreement. In almost every case, both parties to the conflict contribute to the situation.
  5. 5 Compliment and encourage him. If you want a guy to feel like he can happily spend the rest of his life with you, take every opportunity to build that confidence in him. Tell him often how much you love him and how much he means to you, and give him specific compliments about the qualities and characteristics that you value in him the most.
    • For example, you might say something like, "You are so hardworking and I really respect that about you," or, "I love your smile!"
    • If he is worried about a job interview, you can say, “You are so smart and your skill level is much higher than the job requires. If they don't choose you, then they don't deserve you! "
  6. 6 Support him when he goes through tough times. A strong and healthy marriage requires supporting each other, solving problems together, and encouraging each other during difficult times. By showing your guy that he can rely on you, he may be leaning more toward the prospect of spending the rest of his life with you.
    • For example, if he is sad about the death of a relative, you can just sit quietly next to him, holding his hand. Don't make him talk, he will do it himself if he wants to.
    • If he's worried about work, you can cook him delicious food or take him to a restaurant for dinner so he can get distracted.
  7. 7 Watch for alarm bells in your relationship. Sometimes, when we are blinded by love, it is difficult for us to slow down and recognize the warning signs early on. For example, if a guy grabs, pushes, or yells at you during an argument, this behavior is likely to escalate in the future.
    • Other examples of red flags include trying to keep you away from family and friends, suppressing your feelings or making you feel bad, blaming you for your actions, or insisting on taking control of all of your finances.

    Advice: If you think you are in an abusive relationship, reach out to family members, friends, or a support group who can help you get away from the abuser safely.

Method 2 of 3: Love yourself

  1. 1 Do what interests you and encourage him to do the same. In a healthy relationship, everyone should have their own hobbies and friends. This will not only help you feel more fulfilling and confident, but it will also strengthen your relationship.A little time apart will make you miss each other and have something to talk about when you see each other again!
    • For example, you can ride a bike with your best friend while he watches a football match with his buddies.
    • Of course, if you have the same interests, you can enjoy them together! The main thing is not to be afraid to do something yourself.
  2. 2 Set aside time for taking care of yourself. Whenever possible, prioritize self-care. You will feel happier and more relaxed, and your boyfriend will likely appreciate that you take responsibility for your well-being. This can increase your chances of getting an offer, but even if it doesn't, you will still benefit immensely from self-care!
    • Self-care can be either a physical process (for example, relaxing in a bubble bath, applying a balm to deeply moisturize your hair), or anything that makes you feel psychologically, spiritually or emotionally healthy (for example, yoga or meditation, long , a quiet walk, or keeping a personal journal).
  3. 3 Repeat positive affirmations if your self-confidence drops. Almost everyone at times has doubts about themselves. If you feel like you're not good enough, make a list of your best qualities. Then look in the mirror and say them out loud.
    • For example, you might say, “I am a very good friend and I try my best to make others feel good about themselves. I deserve to be loved. "
    • If you're feeling insecure because you haven't received an offer yet, remind yourself of the good things the guy did for you. For example, you might say, “Anton drove for two hours to see me on the day I failed my economics exam. I know that he loves me even if we are not engaged. "
  4. 4 Make an effort to be financially independent. The ability to contribute to the household and make your own financial decisions will give you more confidence. Develop a career that suits your personality, talents, and interests. While at work, work hard and treat your bosses with respect, as this may help you progress to higher positions over time.
    • In some cases, financial anxiety can be the reason why a guy still hasn't proposed, so financial stability can help take some of the stress out of him.
  5. 5 Regularly go in for sportsto relieve stress and maintain health. Exercising 20-30 minutes a day is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Try to go jogging in the afternoon as a light cardio workout. You can also sign up for yoga classes, go swimming or volleyball, do strength training, or watch an instructional video and do the exercises in your living room.
    • In addition to relieving stress, exercising will keep the body healthy and strong, which will boost self-esteem.
    • If you look and feel your best, you will seem more attractive to your beloved man, and perhaps this will push him to propose to you.

    Advice: Try exercising together for a positive relationship!

Method 3 of 3: Let him know you are interested in marriage

  1. 1 Talk about your future together. If you want to gauge how interested your man is in marriage, try bringing up future plans. For example, you can talk about where you would like to live, whether you want to have children, or what kind of work you would like to eventually get. Incidentally mention him as part of your plans, and then pay attention to his reactions.
    • For example, you might say something like, "I would like us to go to Europe together one day." This will let him know that he is part of your desires.
    • If he says something like: “I would really like that!”, - most likely, he also thinks about a joint future. If his answer is evasive, for example, "Yes, maybe," - he probably does not value this relationship as much as you do.
  2. 2 Spend time with happy married couples. When he sees other people in a happy, serious relationship, a guy may consider raising the issue as well. If you have friends who are great examples of healthy, strong marriages, try to plan time with them whenever possible.
    • For example, you can have picnics, plan fun double dates in movies or restaurants, or even travel together.
    • Attending weddings together can be another way to get a guy thinking about marriage.
  3. 3 Point to the wedding rings you like for a clear hint. If you really want to let him know that you are dreaming of an engagement soon, take a magazine or catalog with images of wedding rings. Then, as if by chance, look at it in the presence of the guy and show him several options that you liked.
    • This will not only let him know what you think about marriage, but it will also help him understand your tastes. For example, perhaps he envisions a classic large diamond ring, while you prefer rings with an unconventional gemstone or unusual design.
    • Try not to show him rings that are over his budget. If he thinks that your needs are higher than what he can afford, he may not dare to buy a ring at all.
    • If you'd rather not buy rings at all, you can report it instead of showing the different options. It will still let him know what you think about marriage.

    Advice: It's okay to talk to your boyfriend about engagement rings. However, don't tire him out by talking about the wedding before he proposes, or you'll scare him or make him feel pressured.

  4. 4 Make him an offerif you think he's ready, but he just hasn't taken the first step yet. Don't be afraid to take the initiative! If you really want to get married, but your man hasn't proposed to you yet, there is no reason why you can't do it yourself. Decide for yourself whether to get on one knee or just stretch the ring, the main thing is to let the guy know that you are asking him to marry you.
    • Try to think of ways to make the proposal special and personal, such as taking the guy to where you had your first date or to a place that offers a romantic view. Once you're there, tell your partner how much he means to you, and then ask him if he will be yours forever!


  • Don't try to pressure or trick a man into marrying you. If you do this, chances are it will be an unhappy marriage that won't last long.