How to add a filter to Yahoo Mail

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create  a Yahoo Mail Filter
Video: How to Create a Yahoo Mail Filter


We receive many emails every day. Organizing emails according to their priority can save time. Yahoo Mail has a built-in filtering system that allows you to automatically sort your inboxes into appropriate folders. For example, the necessary letters can be sent to a specially created folder, and unnecessary ones - to the "Spam" folder. This makes it easier to process emails, especially if you receive hundreds of emails a day.


Part 1 of 3: Creating folders

  1. 1 Sign in to your Yahoo Mail inbox.
  2. 2 Create a new folder. Click on "Folders" in the left pane. A list of available folders will be displayed, and to the right of it is a button with a "+" sign. Click on this button to create a new folder.
  3. 3 Name the new folder. Give it a short but descriptive name to help you identify the contents of the folder.
  4. 4 Create some more new folders (if necessary). To do this, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Part 2 of 3: Adding a Filter

  1. 1 Open the settings. To do this, click on the gear-shaped icon (upper right corner of the screen) and select "Settings" from the menu that opens.
  2. 2 In the preferences window, in the left pane, click Filters.
  3. 3 A list of existing filters will open. Click on one of them to view its settings.
  4. 4 Add a filter. To do this, click “Add”.
  5. 5 Enter a name for the filter. It should be short and informative.

Part 3 of 3: Setting up the filter

  1. 1 Enter filter settings. They include:
    • Sender
    • Recipient
    • Subject
    • E-mail body (text of the letter).
  2. 2 Designate the destination folder. This is the folder where the filtered email will be sent. Select the desired folder from the drop-down list.
  3. 3 Save your changes. To do this, click “Save”.
  4. 4 Add some more filters. To do this, repeat steps 3 through 8. Make sure the added filters are complementary and not contradictory.
  5. 5 Sort the filters. Use the arrows to move the filters up or down to determine their priority (that is, the first filter in the list takes precedence over the second, and so on).
  6. 6 Click “Save” to exit the setup window. You will be returned to the mailbox.