How to keep fit as a teenager

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Fit Fast For Teenagers
Video: How To Get Fit Fast For Teenagers


During adolescence, your body will grow and change. Therefore, during this period of your life, it is important to keep fit, develop healthy eating habits and play sports. If you want to get in your best shape, start eating right. Try to sit back and watch less TV and be physically active for at least one hour a day. If, as a teenager, you decided to take your fitness more seriously, you can even sign up for a gym or schedule your workouts at home.


Method 1 of 3: Improving Your Diet

  1. 1 Eat foods that provide you with a healthy and balanced diet. The first and foremost thing to do to stay fit as teenagers is to eat right. Avoid unhealthy foods, which include most convenience foods and convenience foods. Instead, focus on consuming enough dairy and protein to help you grow. These include milk, yogurt, chicken, beef, fish, and beans or tofu.
    • If you (like most teenagers) still live in your parents' house, ask them to help you with your diet. Have them buy healthy snacks for you and serve you whole foods with no processed foods at every meal.
  2. 2 Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should make up a significant part of your daily diet. Make it a goal to eat four servings of fruits and five servings of vegetables every day. For example, have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and a handful of berries for breakfast, a small salad and an apple for lunch, and a serving of boiled vegetables for dinner.
    • Fruits and vegetables are sources of healthy sugars (far better than those added to processed foods) and fiber. Both are necessary for your body.
  3. 3 Eat foods that provide you with calcium and iron. These two minerals are vital for the growing body of a teenager. Make it a goal to consume at least 1,300 ml of calcium daily. This means drinking a lot of milk and consuming dairy products, including hard cheese and yogurt.
    • Iron is especially important for young girls. It is found in a variety of foods, including beans, nuts, beef, pork, chicken, and eggs.
    • If you are trying to cut back on sugar, then you should consider including whole milk in your diet instead of low fat or 1% fat, as it contains less sugar.
  4. 4 Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is important for teens to get vitamins from their diet. Vitamins stimulate normal development and are an important part of overall physical condition. Fiber will keep your digestive tract healthy and also make you feel fuller.This is because foods that contain fiber are deposited in your stomach and are slowly digested. Fiber is found in foods like celery and beans.
    • Get your vitamin A from eggs, dairy products, and dark leafy vegetables. Vitamin B is usually taken from meat or fish. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries and tomatoes.
    • Foods rich in minerals include broccoli, potatoes, and citrus fruits (potassium), as well as red meat, chicken, seafood (zinc and phosphorus), whole grains, and nuts (magnesium).
    • In addition to looking for important vitamins in the food you eat, you can take a daily multivitamin. It will supplement your diet and help you get the nutrients you need.
  5. 5 Drink 6-8 glasses of liquid daily to stay hydrated. Your body needs plenty of water and other fluids to function well. This is especially true if you are increasing your daily activity or starting to exercise regularly. Maintain moisture levels in your body with water, fruit juices, tea, and other healthy options. Avoid sodas and energy drinks.
  6. 6 Eat healthy snacks between meals. The teenage years are the years of active growth, so when your stomach rumbles, don't reach for a piece of cake or a bag of chips. Instead, opt for healthy snacks like yogurt, fruit, or smoothies.
    • Don't worry if you often feel hungry, as more physical activity and activity increases your appetite.

Method 2 of 3: Maintaining Your Daily Activity

  1. 1 Be active for at least one hour a day. An hour of activity each day will help you get in better shape and reduce the negative impacts of a leisurely lifestyle. You don't have to go to a gym or exercise to be active. Try walking or cycling to see a friend instead of driving, or sign up for a local pool and swim after school.
    • Increasing your daily activity has many benefits. Hour of daily activity bOFor most of the week, it will reduce stress, energize and reduce the risk of certain diseases.
  2. 2 Go in for sports or sign up for a section where you will actively spend time after school. Sports and athletic exercise are great ways to boost your teen's daily activity and fitness levels. If you enjoy participating in sports activities, try getting on a school team. Or find a section that you can attend after school and actively spend time there (for example, swimming).
    • The activity you choose does not have to be a team sport such as football or basketball. You can try other activities if you like, such as gymnastics, horse riding, skateboarding or karate.
  3. 3 Join a gym or workout. These options will help you stay active by providing regular exercise in a fun, friendly environment. Look for gyms near you that have afternoon or evening classes in popular sports to attend after school.
    • If you're not interested in traditional gyms or workouts, look for other group physical activities that include zumba, Pilates, or martial arts.
  4. 4 Walk or cycle to school. If you live close enough to school and can safely walk or cycle there in a reasonable amount of time (say, less than 30 minutes), try incorporating this activity into your daily routine. A 30-minute walk to school will provide half of your daily activity requirement and improve your health by raising your heart rate and exercising your leg muscles.
    • If you do a part-time job after school or on weekends, walk or bike there as well.
  5. 5 Take short walks during breaks. If you have a 15-minute break or 45-minute lunch break during your school day, take this opportunity for a quick walk. Taking short walks will boost your physical activity and get you in shape. Instead, if your school has stairs (and most schools do), you can walk up and down several times. In the evenings, do the same for your homework. Take one or two 15-minute breaks and go for a walk, jump rope, or jog.
    • From the above, it is obvious that you do not need to wait for free time to be active.
  6. 6 Reduce your computer and TV time to two hours a day. Most teens spend many hours a day watching TV or playing video games. These activities are detrimental to your fitness and can lead to weight gain. Limit the time spent at the monitor screen to two hours a day (or less). This gives you more time to exercise.
    • You can engage in physical activity even while in front of the screen. If your parents have an elliptical trainer, use it when watching a movie. Or try lunging during commercial breaks while watching your favorite show.

Method 3 of 3: Creating a Workout Plan

  1. 1 Start with exercise at home. Create a basic workout plan to improve your fitness. Regardless of whether you go to the gym or not, start with basic exercises at home: do push-ups, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, do torso lifts and, if you have dumbbells / barbells, squat, do bicep curls, and chest press.
    • If you're unsure of where to start (what exercises to include in your training plan, how much weight to lift, etc.), talk to your gym trainer or look online for weight training guidelines for teens.
  2. 2 Warm up and cool down before and after your workout. Begin each workout with a gentle 10-minute stretch. Warming up helps prevent injury and increases the number of calories burned throughout your workout.
    • Likewise, taking the time to cool down at the end of your workout will make you feel less tired at the end.
    • Over time, if you find that you enjoy running, consider joining a cross-country running team.
  3. 3 Study with a friend. Find a friend who also wants to be active throughout the week and practice with him. You can also ask your family members (brother or sister, cousin or sister, or even your parents) if they would like to join you. Having a class partner makes it easier to stay motivated and fit. In addition, he can provide you with moral support.
    • You are more likely to stick to your workout schedule if you have a friend who supports you.


  • Be creative and have fun with your daily exercise routine. Try Dance Dance Revolution (music video game series), Wii Fit (sports video trainer), swimming, horse riding, water polo, dancing, or going to the gym!


  • If any exercise hurts you, stop doing it. If you experience severe pain after exercise or pain out of proportion to the amount of exercise you do, tell your doctor.
  • If you are worried that you are doing an exercise incorrectly, talk to your sports coach or look for an online guide to learn the correct technique.
  • Do not skip meals and never intentionally deprive yourself of food.And while it might be tempting to cut a ton of calories from your diet in one fell swoop, it's bad for your body.
  • To stay fit and healthy as a teenager, do not smoke or drink alcohol. Smoking and alcohol is negative for your health - keep this in mind.