How to keep cats out of your garden

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden
Video: How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden


Other domestic cats and stray cats can explore gardens in search of food, mate, or latrine. If you are having trouble with intruders, then you should pay attention to why cats flock to your garden and make adjustments to scare them away. You can learn information on how to scare cats away using the methods below.


Method 1 of 3: Method One: Technology Solutions

  1. 1 Purchase a sprayer with a motion sensor. You can find animal restraining water sprayers on the Internet for prices ranging from $ 40 to $ 100.
    • Place the sprayer where cats can enter the garden or where you want to protect from them.
    • Consider purchasing more than one sprayer if you are dealing with a neighbor's cat. Cats are active animals, and while water is an extremely effective repeller, it won't help long if the cat finds multiple paths into your garden.
  2. 2 Invest in ultrasonic devices. Choose the ones that are triggered by traffic, which are available on the Internet for prices ranging from $ 20 to $ 60. When the cat jumps into your garden, they should start making unpleasant noises and distract the cat from the inviting environment of your garden.
    • Humans cannot hear high-frequency sound, but it will be unpleasant for other species of animals as well.
    • This remedy is best used by those people who have more serious problems with cats than patrolling the territory and dealing with natural needs.
  3. 3 Buy cat repellents. These tools are available in most pet stores and on the Internet.
    • Spray pellets or spray near areas of the garden used by cats to litter.
    • Cat repellents often use carnivore odors to keep cats away from exploring.
    • Choose a non-toxic formula to reduce the risk to pets, children, or plants.
    • This may be a better solution than ultrasonic devices or sprayers against cats visiting your garden solely to use the toilet.

Method 2 of 3: Method Three: Removing Decoys

  1. 1 Remove bird feeders. If cats are hunting in your garden, they may be seeing easy prey.
    • If you don't want to remove the feeders, make sure they hang loosely where the cat cannot climb or jump to attack the birds.
  2. 2 Close the sandboxes. If your children have a play sandbox, make sure that it is only open when playing.
    • Cats are attracted to sand as litter. Allowing children to play in the presence of feline feces can put them at risk of contracting zoonotic diseases.
    • Remove the sandbox if it won't close.
    • The American Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPCA) suggests distracting cats from the garden by placing a small sandbox nearby.Despite the fact that you will need to refresh it regularly, it will become a more attractive place for cats than your garden.
  3. 3 Remove food and water sources from outside. If you feed your cats outdoors, it is only a matter of time before other cats start using your home as a source of food.
  4. 4 Keep cats at home with unsterilized cats during rutting. Untamed cats can smell them and visit your garden.

Method 3 of 3: Method Two: Protecting Garden Plants from Cats

  1. 1 Cover the ground with birdcage netting. After preparing the ground for planting seeds or seedlings, cover the area with a layer of bird cage netting.
    • Cut holes in it with metal pliers in the places where you want to plant the plants.
    • Such solutions are best for weaning cats from using flower beds as a toilet.
  2. 2 Cover the space between the plants with rocks.
    • After planting a flower bed or garden, spread a layer of flat stones around the plants. Water will still flow to them, and cats and weeds will be restrained.
    • Pine cones can be used instead of stones. The sharp tips of the bumps are unpleasant for cats. In any case, limiting the amount of open land will diminish the attractiveness of your garden.
    • There are also garden cat scat mats, called Cat Scat Mats, which are pressed into the ground. They have plastic spikes that cats don't want to walk on. However, if you need to walk into your garden to weed and water your plants, rugs can be uncomfortable for people as well.
  3. 3 Plant rue in your garden. Fragrant rue is mostly an ornamental plant, however, cats usually do not like its smell.
    • Be careful when touching the rue in hot weather. Blisters may appear on the skin.

What do you need

  • Spray arm with motion sensor
  • Ultrasonic repeller with motion sensor
  • Cat repellent in granules or spray
  • Stones
  • Pine cones
  • Garden Cat Mats
  • Birdcage mesh
  • Ruta
  • Sandbox cover


  • If these methods do not work, you can try to find out who the owner of the cat is. Some owners prefer to keep their pets locked up more if they go to fight or cause other problems for other families.