How to do nunchaku tricks

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learning Nunchaku Tricks with No Experience
Video: Learning Nunchaku Tricks with No Experience


Nunchaku or nunchaku are weapons. They consist of two sticks connected by a cord or chain. They became widely known for their films with Bruce Lee. You, too, can master this extraordinary skill, which will give you an insight into the martial arts, make you well equipped, and help impress others.


  1. 1 Get nunchucks. Visit a website for quality martial arts products and buy foam or rubber training nunchucks connected by a cord. Do not buy wooden, metal, or hard acrylic nunchucks first.
  2. 2 Buy a book. "Nunchucks; Karate Self-Defense Weapons" will be a useful transitional guide for those experienced in the martial arts. However, it might be worth buying a book that is designed for the beginner level.
  3. 3 Try to focus on the basic movements because they are important. Bruce Lee remarked, "I am not afraid of someone who studies 1000 different strokes. I am afraid of someone who studies one hit 1000 times" - so train!
  4. 4 Do your research. Watch Bruce Lee's "Fist of Fury" movie, paying close attention to the scene in the karate dojo. Play the video game "Soulcalibur" as Maxi. Go to YouTube and type "nunchaku" and / or "nunchaku technique". The video demonstrates a high level, although it is not as difficult as it looks.
  5. 5 Feel the nunchucks. They should be soft and not hard as you might expect.
  6. 6 Master the basics. Now you "felt" them and you can rotate them faster, make an 8-figure, skip between the legs, over the shoulder and under the armpits.
  7. 7 Try to complicate the task. Try to replicate some of the movements you've seen on the Internet. Naturally, they need to be done slowly the first time. Gradually master the more difficult movements, since many difficult tricks are just basic techniques performed in an unusual way. Most often, they show some foundations, performed with brilliant speed and impeccable coordination. It may be difficult for you to remember to start slowly, but persist and you will quickly learn.


  • After you have mastered the transfer of nunchaku, try to perfect a technique that allows you to twirl the nunchaku around any part of the body without the intervention of the free hand. In fact, stopping the nunchaku spinning uncontrollably is a useful skill for practicing with two pairs of nunchaku.
  • Train! You won't get better if you don't devote enough time to practicing techniques and tricks.
  • If you want to use two pairs, buy a second of the same type as the first so that they are the same weight, counterweight and length.
  • Watch the movements of real masters performing tricks with and without nunchakis to get an idea of ​​how to apply one or the other impressive trick.
  • It is relatively easy to transfer the spinning nunchucks from hand to hand when the free end is worn around your body or body parts. Use your imagination.
  • Get rubber nunchucks (if you don't already have them) when you feel ready, as rubber is heavier, then get wooden ones.
  • You can find free tutorials online at:
  • Try using two pairs at the same time. See what happens!


  • Keep in mind that if you use the nunchucks in the wrong way, you can seriously injure not only others, but also yourself. Be careful when demonstrating tricks.
  • As I said, nunchucks are essentially ancient, deadly weapons. This article in no way encourages you to walk the streets beating up passers-by! While nunchucks are fun to use, they are a martial arts weapon and should be treated like any other weapon or martial art. Sincerely.
  • Wooden, acrylic, or steel nunchucks may be prohibited by law in some areas or countries. Check before buying.
  • Be smart. Don't try to do the totally insane tricks you get from Maxi in a video game. They are almost impossible to do because you can open your head.

What do you need

  • Foam or rubber nunchucks.
  • Large study space.
  • Have a buddy in case you knock yourself out !!
  • Common sense is not to do anything in public - keep yourself in hand.