How to do a coup

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Launch a Military Coup | The Business of Crime
Video: How to Launch a Military Coup | The Business of Crime


Even simple movements of a gymnast can be quite difficult to perform, especially without prior preparation. But it doesn't matter, because we have prepared for you a series of selected exercises for performing the gymnastic coup. By following the tips below, you can surprise your family and friends with a rather spectacular gymnastic trick and, at the same time, perform it safely for yourself and those around you. Well, let's go!


Part 1 of 3: Learn to Balance

  1. 1 There are several balance exercises that can help strengthen the muscles in your trunk and arms and improve coordination. Below, you will find a description of some of them:
    • Handstand. Handstands can be tricky. If you are unable to stand on your hands, try placing your hands about 15 centimeters from the wall, keeping your palms on the floor with your fingers towards the wall, and push your feet off the floor until you can fix your feet on the wall, while standing on hands in the above position. After you begin to feel more or less comfortable in this position, try to lift your legs off the wall and try to maintain balance on your own, without leaning on the wall. Don't be afraid to fall, as the wall will provide a reliable belay that will help you get comfortable with maintaining balance and strengthening essential core and arm muscles. As a result, you will be able to stand on your own hands. By the way, many yogis believe that by practicing a handstand, you balance the blood circulation in the body, which, of course, is very, very beneficial for health.
    • Elephant stance. The elephant stance is performed by placing the crown of the head and the palms of the hands on the floor, with the fingers pointing towards the face, resulting in three points of support to maintain balance. The elbows should be at a 90-degree angle, and the head and arms should create a semblance of an isosceles triangle by connecting the three anchor points with lines. Then, place the knees of the respective legs on the elbows and lift the feet off the floor. The elephant stance is essentially a headstand with the knees on the elbows without fully extending the torso and legs.
    • Now try a headstand. To do this, take the elephant stance as a starting position and, as soon as you feel the presence of sufficient balance and strength, push your legs up, while straightening the body and knees: this requires a little more effort, as well as good coordination, since this is not bad a gymnastic element that should be performed with complete comfort and tranquility.
  2. 2 Once you succeed in each of these balance exercises, you can set yourself the goal of improving your results with these exercises, for example, you can set and break your own records while you are in any gymnastic element.
    • And also, it is very useful to do the exercises both quickly and slowly, in general, do not get bored and practice.
    • Over time, you will be able to perform a handstand, from which you can try to take a few steps forward, gradually increasing their number until you achieve complete freedom of movement on your hands.
    • But don't rush and force yourself. Patience and practice will lead to the desired results.

Part 2 of 3: Build Stretching and Muscle Elasticity

  1. 1 Stretch. Without stretching exercises, you risk damaging your muscles or joints. You need to warm up and stretch well, since the forward roll includes absolutely all muscle groups, especially the back muscles.
  2. 2 Combine balance and stretching exercises. Continue to progress and set new goals for yourself. And here are the following methods for the simultaneous development of balance and stretching:
    • Forward Roll: Squat down, press your chin to your chest, and roll your body forward over your head. Keep your body in a folded position so as not to damage your tailbone.
    • Wheel. There are two types of wheel: left and right. To perform the right wheel, come to a standing position, raise your arms up and turn the right side of the body forward, along the line of movement, take a long step forward with your right leg, directing your hands towards the floor, alternately placing their palms on the floor, first the right, then the left ,at the same time, pushing off from the right leg, creating the necessary kinetic energy to transfer the body to the other side, put your legs and arms in a straight line, maintain an even body position, legs straight, being in an intermediate handstand, without stopping, alternately push off your hands from the floor on movement lines; when landing, place your body weight first on your left leg, then on your right leg, confidently fixing your feet on the floor. The left wheel is made similarly to the right wheel, but only through the left side of the body.
    • Bridge: Take a prone position, placing your feet on the floor as close as possible to the coccyx, place your palms with your fingers in the direction of the shoulders, fix this position and push your hips up, so that the body is in an arch position.
  3. 3 It is also good to perform a bridge against the wall, which will make it possible to get into a standing position by supporting and putting your hands up the wall.

Part 3 of 3: Try to make a coup

  1. 1 From a standing position, raise your arms above your head. Start the flip in the same way as the handstand, but keep one foot in front of the other.
  2. 2 While placing your hands on the ground, swing one foot up and forward to gain additional momentum in your body.
  3. 3 Raise both feet up in a handstand, but keep your feet apart.
  4. 4 Continue through the hand stand keeping your feet equal distance and you should land in a bridge (bended over with a back arch), except with only one foot.
  5. 5 Continue to move your feet evenly apart, resting on your hands, and you should land on the bridge (arch in the back), but with only one foot on the ground.
    • Use your abdominal muscles and momentum to bring yourself to a standing position while the other leg is on the ground. You should also push off with your hands from the ground up and forward from the bridge position. Try to keep one leg in the air as you come to a standing position, and then extend it forward, as if trying to take the widest step forward.


  • If you are having trouble getting out of the bridge, try pushing your body forward as hard as possible to create the necessary momentum. It's okay if you lower your body too close to the ground at first - get up and try again.
  • Learn to do a good bridge. This will help develop stretching.
  • Always stretch well before performing a roll over.
  • To perform a forward roll, it is recommended to be able to perform a handstand. This is not required, but very useful for a successful flip.
  • Once you have stretched try to do a walkover. Keep trying if you don’t get it right away because you probably won’t. Just believe in yourself and keep trying.
  • If you manage to get out of the bridge, but fail to make a flip, then most likely your feet should be located closer to your head at the time of landing.
  • Keep your arm bent when you land.
  • Not many people succeed in immediately performing a coup, as it requires a lot of practice. So please be patient and everything will work out!
  • Straighten your arms and legs, as this not only looks more aesthetically pleasing, but also contributes to the ease of execution of this element.
  • Lock your feet to the ground as you land. Also, if you are just trying to get out of the bridge, then place your feet closer to your head, it will be easier!
  • After stretching, try flips. Most likely it won't work right away, but keep believing in yourself and don't give up.


  • Always stretch! Without this, you can hurt yourself in such a way that it will be very painful.
  • If you do not feel physically comfortable with any element, start repeating the lighter movements, as this may mean that you have not yet fully mastered the basic technique.
  • Do not land with your feet far from your head, as you may fall on your back.
  • Do not torture yourself and do not force your body if you cannot perform a coup. Teaching, teaching, and teaching again.
  • Stop immediately if you feel back pain.
  • Make sure you are stretched out enough and your arms are strong enough to perform the roll over.
  • Be careful and support yourself when doing the back arch.
  • Do not do trampoline gymnastics as you may twist your ankles or pull / break your wrists. A springboard with a safety net is a safer place to practice in the early stages of a workout, before you move onto a harder surface.
  • Although it may seem easier to do a coup at high speed, you should not leave yourself to the will of fate and it is better to ask someone to stand by and insure.