How to do magic tricks

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 7 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 IMPOSSIBLE Coin Tricks Anyone Can Do | Revealed
Video: 10 IMPOSSIBLE Coin Tricks Anyone Can Do | Revealed


1 Be confident when performing tricks. People are more likely to believe a person who is confident than someone who is unsure of themselves, especially when it comes to magic. Even if your trick isn't the most interesting, a little self-confidence never hurts.
  • Good magicians are mesmerizing. It just takes a little sleight of hand and a proven technique to fool the audience. If you smile and hypnotize them with your presence, they will be less careful about your hands.
  • 2 Start with simple tricks. Learn to do simple magic tricks first, and then practice more complex ones. Here are a couple of simple tricks:
    • Performing magic tricks with sleight of hand.
    • Pushing the rod in is a simple and trivial trick that will make your friends laugh and hoot.
    • The disappearance of a quarter is one of the basic magic tricks, and one of those that every aspiring illusionist should be able to perform.
  • 3 Engage your viewers. If you pay attention to the audience, they will be happy with any tricks. They will start to worry about what to say instead of thinking about what you say and do. Classic fraud. Here are a couple of tips to get you started:
    • Always try to read the thoughts of the audience.
    • Involve your friend in the trick, making it as light as a feather - it will be fun.
    • Cold reading will make viewers believe that you are a magician.
  • 4 Use props. Don't be afraid to use tools - the scarier the better. Spectators should sit on the edges of the chairs. Props will help you put on a real show and distract the audience. All this is done in order to divert their attention from what you are doing. Try:
    • Make a box of magic tools.
    • Bend the spoon.
    • Connect two paper clips so that they do not touch.
    • Make a magic wand like Harry Potter.
  • 5 Use your body. A good magician is always completely immersed in his work during a performance. Don't be afraid to take risks! With your hand full, you can do some really stunning physical tricks:
    • Breaking free from the straitjacket will make the audience hold their breath.
    • The levitation will also surprise and overwhelm the audience.
  • 6 Remember that people come to magic shows to be amazed. Don't be afraid to use flash flashes or artificial fog.
    • Let the smoke pass through your fingers.
    • Fire in hand is a great special effect that will make your audience shudder.
    • Light a candle without touching the wick - outwardly it will seem that you did it in a magical way.
  • Part 2 of 4: Perform a Simple Card Trick

    1. 1 Pick up several cards to perform the trick. You will need to turn away from the audience for a second to pull the trick. Take a deck of cards and shuffle them so that the ace of diamonds is on top of the deck - about the fifth in the deck. Draw 8 or 9 cards.
      • Submit an ace of diamonds under the second card so that it is not visible.The cards must be on the same line, otherwise the trick will fail.
      • Turn the ace of hearts upside down and take the cards in two hands so that they form a kind of card semicircle. The card in the middle (ace of hearts) should now replace the ace of diamonds.
    2. 2 Tell viewers to read their minds. Although you really won't. Even close. But you will have to say this to distract them while you perform the trick.
      • Or you can tell them something else. Do the trick in a way that suits you. If you say that you will turn these cards into a rabbit, go for it. By the end of the trick, they will understand why you said it.
    3. 3 Ask a volunteer from the audience to examine your hands. Ask him to verify what cards you have. If you performed the trick correctly, the cards will be on top of the ace of diamonds. Then ask the volunteer to return to their seat.
    4. 4 Ask someone to "memorize the map." This is part of your "mind reading" and, again, is needed to do another trick. Ask the volunteer to think longer so that you can get into his thoughts.
      • If you decide to complicate the task, ask him to try to memorize a few cards from your deck. You will be able to see what cards he has in mind (which is very impressive); while he remembers, you can also direct your forces in other directions - for example, turning into a rabbit, and so on.
    5. 5 Keep the cards in hand and pretend that you are confused. Examine the cards in your hands as if you were “thinking about the value of the card” and say something went wrong. As you say this, calmly move the cards so that the ace of hearts is in sight. Do not shuffle the cards too often, otherwise the audience may suspect something.
      • Ask the audience if they have memorized all the cards in your hand. They will start listing them. When it comes to ace, say something like, "Exactly, that's what I was thinking." Then show the audience the other hand with hearts, and not with an ace of diamonds. Wow - has he changed?
      • At the same time, make sure that real the ace of diamonds is still under the second card in your hand. They shouldn't see him yet.
    6. 6 Put on a mini-performance with the "kidnapping" of the ace of diamonds. Which of your viewers tried to screw up your stunt? Accuse someone (of course, in a friendly way) of stealing the card and demand that it be returned. When the person replies that they have nothing to do with this, say that you will return it anyway. Through of magic.
      • At this point in the trick, it is important to be confident and humorous. The larger your performance is, during which you distract the audience's attention from the cards, the more successful you will be at your trick. Viewers want to have fun and don't expect real magic from you.
    7. 7 As if by magic, take the ace of diamonds in your hand. It all depends on you. You can sing over the cards, make the audience dance a gig, or just tap the deck a couple of times so that the card is on top. Tell the audience that you are controlling the cards and they will do whatever you tell them.
      • Then, after you've done what it takes to draw the card, flip it over. You can also ask a skeptical viewer to do this. Ta-da-m ... there ... there ... It is a pity that now you do not have enough strength to turn the cards into a rabbit. Well, nothing, some other time.

    Part 3 of 4: Performing the Coin Trick

    1. 1 Take a coin, explaining to the audience that you are going to rub it into your skin. You have low iron in your blood and your doctor said this is not a bad idea. Viewers don't believe you? Just watch.
      • It is best to do this trick while sitting at a table where no one is in your way. And the audience should sit opposite. If they sit with you, they may notice that it's all about sleight of hand.
    2. 2 Place one hand under your chin and keep the other ready to rub a coin into your elbow. It doesn't matter which hand you hold the coin in. Place your second elbow on the table, clenching your hand into a fist and placing it under the chin.
      • It is important to sit this way for a successful trick. You will soon see why.
    3. 3 Start rubbing in and "accidentally" drop the coin. Start rubbing the coin into the elbow that is on the table. Rub in, rub in, rub in. Then, oops! When everyone is already carried away by the process, the coin falls on the table. It's okay - keep rubbing.
      • At this stage, try to behave as naturally as possible. If you are false, people will understand that this is by design. They must think that this is a real oversight.
    4. 4 Move the coin to your other hand. When you take a coin, you have two options:
      • Take a coin with both hands as if you were transferring it to your main hand. In fact, you will skillfully hide it in the hand that props your chin.
      • Take a coin with your main hand, and then discreetly toss it under the table into the hand that you hold under it. Then raise your hand to transfer the coin to your other hand.
    5. 5 Continue to rub. Continue to do the trick by rubbing a non-existent coin into your elbow. Rub in, rub in, rub in. Oh, you can feel her disappearing! A couple more movements. Just a little bit more and ... ta-da-m! The coin is rubbed under your skin. You're better now. Where did the coin go? You have already told this to the audience - they want to know the answer, but the coin cannot be returned. Hee hee.
      • Can you return the coin? HM. Well, maybe. You are terribly tired rubbing it under your skin. Magic is so exhausting - the audience just doesn't understand it.
    6. 6 Retrieve the disappeared coin! If the opportunity arises, you can perform the second part of the focus (or stop there - it's up to you). Tell the audience that after all the agony, you still haven't managed to rub a coin into your elbow. Place a coin between your fingers with your non-main hand. Then select one of the spectators and remove the coin from his hair, from the collar of his shirt, or from his ear. Perhaps he also has supernatural powers?
      • When asked how you did it, don't tell me! Otherwise, you will no longer be able to show them this trick (and possibly their friends). Good magician never does not share his secrets.

    Part 4 of 4: Performing Math Trick

    1. 1 Ask the audience to choose a number between 1 and 10 - any numbers other than 1 or 10. Tell them that you have mathematical ability - you can tell them not only the chosen number, but also tell them how old they are.
      • Well if it's not real magicthen what is it? If you want to amuse your friends, you can dazzle them with how skillful you are with numbers and benefit from them.
    2. 2 A person must multiply his number by 2. If he chose 9, then you get 18. Pretend as if you are taking the numbers out of your head. Say “Mmm, okay, why not add, no, wait. Multiply by 2 ".
    3. 3 Tell him to add 5 to the number. 9 turned into 18, and 18 + 5 = 23. Now we are working with the number 23.
    4. 4 Now he has to multiply this number by 50. You may need to use a calculator at this stage. In our example, this would be 23 x 50 = 1150.
      • This is an opportune moment to emphasize that you are doing this at random. You just want it to be a large and slightly complex number - even for you... Say whatever comes into your head.
    5. 5 Ask him to add 1763 or 1764 to your number. And what? These numbers were the first to come to your mind in a "magical way". What number will this person choose? If he already had a birthday this year, add 1764. If not, 1763.
      • Let's say our volunteer hasn't yet had a birthday. 1150 + 1764 = 2914.
    6. 6 Subtract this person's year of birth from the already existing 4-digit number. Now it's time to create a personalized equation. If you got 2914, and he was born, for example, in 1988, then we get 2914 - 1988.
      • What will be the answer? 2914 - 1988 = 926.
    7. 7 Ask him to tell you the resulting number. Now you can name the number he intended and age. The first number he chooses will be at the beginning, and the rest of the numbers will make up his age.
      • Thus, our subject is 26 years old, and he chose number 9 (we already learned about this).
      • How did you find out? You're just a math magician, that's all.