How to read 4chan

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 26 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Difference Between Reddit and 4Chan
Video: The Difference Between Reddit and 4Chan


4chan's anonymous imageboard, to be sure, can be a truly terrifying and disgusting place! Nevertheless, if you get used to it and survive the first shock, then everything will go on like clockwork. This article will teach you how to work with 4chan.


  1. 1 Find out if you can log into 4chan. If you are under 18, if you are offended by innocent jokes about your mother and her sex life, pornographic content, racism and all that, well, or if you are ... ahem ... a representative of the intellectual majority (however, even in this case, 4chan will be of interest to you - but only / b), then you should not enter either 4chan or boards in general.
  2. 2 Read the rules. As a rule, “Newfags” are banned precisely for ignorance of the rules. Bans on 4chan are such a thing that is very, very difficult to remove. Remember, however, that even following the rules will not save you from being banned - you can be banned forever for some phrases, images and tripcodes. And remember that 4chan has two sets of rules: 4chan rules and / b (non-topic) rules.
  3. 3 See which discussion board is more interesting to you. Of course, most popular is / b, where there is no theme. It was there, by the way, that most of the modern popular memes appeared (it was there, and not in Runet). However, if humor, porn and other "board-killing cancer" are not particularly interesting to you - welcome to the topic.
  4. 4 Lurcaite. Don't start new threads right away without knowing the local rules, or you will be rightfully called an idiot. Do everyone (and yourself too) a favor - sit in the ridonly for at least two weeks. See how the board lives, how it breathes, as it says. Make sure you know the basics of how to post, how to unsubscribe to threads, how to quote, how to spot trolls, and so on, before you actually start posting.
  5. 5 Learn local slang. Someone pofapal (approx. - masturbated)? Someone remembers some Muta? If you come across an incomprehensible word, search for it, say, on to understand what it actually means.
  6. 6 Don't be a cancer killing / b! Cancer threads in / b are a plague of 4chan and many other boards. These immensely disgusting and annoying threads created by Newfags, these endless "platinum threads" - threads like "Newfages can't triforce", "roulettes", "copy-paste threads", "laughed - lost", etc. In general, do not create them, do not unsubscribe to them, drive them out, despise them!
  7. 7 Start unsubscribing. If you read the article carefully and did not miss anything, then now you are ready to dive into the vat with g ... that is, in 4chan. Good luck and remember the rules!


  • Please type carefully. 4chan doesn't like the illiterate.
  • Learn slang (OP - original poster, author of the thread).
  • Don't click on all the links, no matter how tempting they sound. Not sure what site is? Don't go there.
  • Do not be afraid if the thread is washed away from zero. Even good threads sometimes wash away.
  • Remember that for some words and images, the ban goes almost instantly, and forever.
  • Don't be afraid to answer anonymous. You can talk to them very sincerely.
  • Of course, you shouldn't upload personal data to / b. Be anonymous, don't give yourself away.
  • Don't take advice from / b. Seriously.


  • You cannot unsee what you have seen! What you see can be removed from the board ... but not from your head.
  • Remember, no matter what you're told, don't uninstall system32.
  • Don't get fooled by the old tricks like “open a picture and save it as 4chan.jse” etc. Such viruses can seriously damage your computer.