How to clean the oven

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean an Oven (Non Self Cleaning)
Video: How to Clean an Oven (Non Self Cleaning)


After a few months of intensive use, the oven may become dirty. Particles of grease and charred food accumulate and become soot, which creates a strong burning smell during cooking. Failure to clean the oven from soot can lead to the fact that food will spoil already during cooking, and even cause a fire. Some ovens have a self-cleaning function, but this may not be enough if the oven is really heavily soiled. Try cleaning the oven with natural ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar, or use commercially available cleaning products as a quick fix. If the oven is not too dirty, it can be cleaned quickly, even with lemon juice and water.


Method 1 of 3: Using baking soda and vinegar

  1. 1 Remove everything from the oven, including the wire rack. Remove everything you can from the oven. Before cleaning the oven, remove any grates, pizza stones, thermometers, etc.
    • Set any items removed from the oven to one side for cleaning later.
  2. 2 Make a paste with baking soda and water. Take 1/2 cup (90 grams) of baking soda and about 3 tablespoons (44 milliliters) of water. Combine them in a small bowl to make a paste.
    • Add more water or baking soda if needed to get the consistency you want. The paste should be neither too thin nor too thick or lumpy.
  3. 3 Apply a baking soda paste all over the inside of the oven. However, do not cover heating elements with paste! Apply the paste with a clean brush, paying special attention to burnt and dirty areas.
    • If the inside of the glass on the oven door is dirty, apply the paste to it too.
    • Prepare extra pasta if you don't have enough.
  4. 4 Leave the paste for at least 12 hours to absorb the dirt. After you apply the baking soda paste to the inside of the oven, let it sit overnight (at least 12 hours). Close the oven door to keep it out of the way.
    • The baking soda will turn brown, which is normal. Overnight, the baking soda will absorb and break down any dirt that has stuck to the oven.
  5. 5 While the baking soda paste is doing its job, clean the grates. Put them in the sink if they fit. If the sink is too small, clean the bath grates. Simply fill your sink or tub with warm water and add about 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) of dish soap as you flush. Leave the grates in the water for 1–2 hours, then rinse and wipe with a sponge or washcloth.
    • If the baking sheet is also dirty, it's time to get it out and clean it properly. Proceed with the baking sheet in the same way as with the wire racks and wipe the inside with a damp dishcloth. If the baking sheet is very dirty, clean it with a baking soda paste.
  6. 6 Remove dried paste with a damp dishcloth and spatula. After 12 hours, dampen a clean cloth and squeeze out excess water. Wipe off the baking soda and scrape off any adhering pieces with a plastic or silicone spatula.
    • Do not use a metal spatula to avoid scratching the oven surface.
  7. 7 Spray the inside of the oven with the mixture white vinegar and water. Dilute 1/2 cup (120 ml) white vinegar with 2 cups (480 ml) water. Pour the solution into a clean spray bottle and spray the entire inside of the oven. The remaining baking soda will react with the vinegar and begin to foam.
    • This step will better clean the oven and remove any remaining baking soda.
  8. 8 Wipe off any remaining paste and vinegar with a damp dishcloth. Take a new dishcloth, dampen it, and squeeze out any excess water to keep it from getting too wet. Wipe off the white vinegar water solution and any remaining baking soda. You may need to press lightly on the rag and the inside of the oven will soon shine.
    • If necessary, dab more vinegar on the remaining stains to completely remove them.
    • If you've cleaned the baking sheet, be sure to spray it with a vinegar-water solution as well, and then wipe it off.
  9. 9 Place the grates back in the oven and enjoy a shiny new look! Place everything you need in a clean oven. If you use your oven frequently, clean it about once a month. If you do not use the oven very often, it is sufficient to clean it once every three months.
    • If you spill anything in the oven, wipe off the dirt right away to make it easier to clean later.

Method 2 of 3: Using a commercial cleaning product

  1. 1 Remove everything you can from the oven. Remove grates, thermometers, pizza stones, foil, and the like before cleaning the oven. Set the grates aside for later cleaning.
    • If you need to clean your pizza stone or other items, it's time to do so.
  2. 2 Cover the floor around the oven with old newspapers. If you don't have unnecessary newspapers, use paper towels instead. Place them on the floor around the oven so that splashes of detergent and dirt can get onto the paper.
    • This will make it easier to clean the oven as you don't have to worry about dirtying the floor around it. Then you can simply throw away the soiled newspapers.
  3. 3 Spray the inside of the oven with a commercial cleaner. Wear rubber gloves and safety goggles before using the cleaning agent.You can also open the windows in the kitchen. Be sure to read the directions for use on the packaging. Spray the inside of the oven thoroughly with a cleaning agent and pay special attention to dirty areas.
    • Commercial cleaning products are very effective and quick to work, but they often contain harsh chemicals, so rubber gloves and safety goggles should be used.

    Andrii Gurskyi

    Cleaning professional Andriy Gursky is the owner and founder of Rainbow Cleaning Service, a New York-based cleaning company specializing in cleaning apartments and houses, including when moving, using non-toxic products without artificial fragrances. Founded Rainbow Cleaning Service in 2010 and has since served more than 35,000 clients.

    Andrii Gurskyi
    Cleaning professional

    If the oven is heavily soiled, use the Easy-Off cleaning agent. This professional cleaner is specially designed for ovens and stoves. Make sure the area is well ventilated, then spray the product on the inside of the oven. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wipe it off. This tool is especially effective if you haven't cleaned the oven for a long time.

  4. 4 Set the timer and wait for the cleaner to absorb the dirt. Most purchased funds only need 25–35 minutes. Read the instructions for use and set the timer for the specified time.
    • If you have small children or pets, make sure they do not enter the kitchen while you clean the oven. Otherwise, they may be exposed to harmful vapors.
  5. 5 Clean the oven grates in a large plastic trash bag. While the timer is counting down the required time, move the grates outside or in a well-ventilated area. Apply the cleaning solution to the grates, place them in a large plastic trash bag, and tie it up. Leave them there for the time indicated in the instructions.
    • If you are not doing this outdoors, line your work surface with newspaper or paper towels to absorb excess cleaner as you spray onto the grates.
  6. 6 Dry the inside of the oven with damp dish towels. After the timer counts down, take a clean, damp towel and wipe off any detergent and any remaining dirt. If the oven has been rather dirty, you may need a few dish towels. When doing this, be careful not to skip corners and hard-to-reach places to completely wipe off the cleaner.
    • If there are dirt spots on the surface, scrub them with a washcloth.
  7. 7 Wash the grates with soap and water and put them back in the oven. After the allotted time has passed, untie the trash bag, remove the grates from it and wash them in the sink or bathtub. Use warm soapy water and a damp towel to wipe off any grease and dirt.
    • Remember to use rubber gloves and safety goggles during the entire cleaning process.
  8. 8 Admire the glowing oven and schedule your next cleaning! If you use your oven several times a week, try to clean it every month. If you only use your oven a few times a month, it is sufficient to clean it every 3-6 months or as soon as it becomes dirty.
    • Store the bottle of cleaner in a safe place out of the reach of children and pets.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning with lemon juice

  1. 1 Squeeze two lemons into a baking sheet and fill 1/3 full with water. Cut each lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a baking sheet. If the juice is difficult to squeeze out, you can use a citrus press. Then fill the baking sheet with water 1/3 full. Place the peels of the lemons in a baking sheet after you squeeze the juice out.
    • This method is convenient in that you do not need to remove the grates from the oven.Lemon juice and water will loosen the dirt on the grates so you can clean them along with the inside of the oven.
  2. 2 Preheat a baking sheet with water and lemon juice for 30 minutes at 120 ° C. Preheat the oven. When the desired temperature is reached, place the baking sheet on one of the wire racks and set the timer for 30 minutes.
    • This can cause steam to escape in the oven, which is normal. Just turn on the ventilation and open the window if necessary.
  3. 3 Let the oven cool, then wipe off any loose dirt. After 30 minutes have passed, turn off the oven and wait for it to cool down (this may take about one hour). Then wipe off any loose dirt with a dishcloth. Adhered dirt can be scraped off with a rubber or silicone spatula.
    • Do not pour out the lemon juice water solution! It will come in handy to rinse off the remaining dirt and grease. Just dip a rag in the solution and wipe down the oven.
  4. 4 Dry the oven with a towel and install the grates. After you've removed all the dirt, take a clean towel and wipe down the inside of the oven. If you come across dirty areas, linger and scrub them with a washcloth.
    • Lemon juice will help remove grease, resulting in a clean, shiny oven.


  • Remove fresh dirt before it hardens, otherwise it may burn.
  • If the oven racks do not fit in the sink, use a bathtub, but remember to rinse it afterwards.
  • If you spill food while it is baking in the oven, immediately apply salt to it — this will crust it over and make it easier to remove.
  • Don't forget about the stove when you clean the oven.

What do you need

Using baking soda and vinegar

  • Latex gloves
  • Baking tray
  • A bowl
  • A spoon
  • Water
  • Dish rag
  • Clean brush
  • Spatula (plastic or silicone)
  • Spray bottle
  • White vinegar
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Sponge or washcloth

Using commercial cleaning products

  • Purchased cleaning agent
  • Latex gloves
  • Protective glasses
  • Newspapers or paper towels
  • Dish towels
  • Scrubber
  • Garbage plastic bags

Lemon juice cleaning

  • 2 lemons
  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • Spatula (plastic or silicone)
  • Scrubber
  • A bowl
  • A spoon
  • Potholders
  • Clean towel