How to deal with sleepwalking

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sleepwalking - 10 Tips to Identify, Prevent, and Treat
Video: Sleepwalking - 10 Tips to Identify, Prevent, and Treat


Sleepwalking may seem absurd and even make you laugh, but it is a very serious condition. You cannot control your actions or the environment around you, so you can become a serious threat to the health and life of yourself and those around you. And it can scare your partner a lot. Apparently, this is reminiscent of "talking with a ghost." Hmm ...


Method 1 of 2: If you live with a partner:

  1. 1 Ask your partner to close all windows and doors and hide the key so that you cannot leave the house.
  2. 2 Ask him to hide the car keys. A surprising number of people sleepwalk behind the wheel.
  3. 3 Hide all the dangerous items that are in the room you are locked in (knife, razor, pistol, etc.)etc.).
  4. 4 Tell him that if he hears you get out of bed, let him ask you what you are going to do. Don't let him just assume that you are going to the bathroom or drinking a glass of water. If you are a sleepwalker, then it will be easy to determine, since you cannot give an answer to your partner's question, or he will be delusional or strange and confused.
  5. 5 Ask him to gently lead you back to bed.

Method 2 of 2: If you live alone:

  1. 1 Close all windows and doors in the same way. In a state of sleepwalking, if you realize that the door is closed, then most likely you will just go back to bed, and not start looking for the key.
  2. 2 Place your car keys in a place they are not accustomed to. In a sleepwalking state, you are unlikely to remember where you put them, so you won't get into trouble trying to find them.
  3. 3 Ask a friend or neighbor to look out for things that you might hurt yourself with: pistols, knives, razors, cutlery, baseball bats, golf clubs, axes, chainsaws or other blunt, heavy objects; and medicines. I know it can be troublesome, but there have been cases where people have killed others while in a state of sleepwalking. You don't want to become one of them.
  4. 4 Block your path with objects. Don't use anything that might hurt you. Just put something high, like a coat hanger, so that it can stop you.
  5. 5 Leave your clothes outside the closet. If you do this, chances are you will get dressed. And then, going out into the street, you will look less vulnerable than if you went out in pajamas or a nightgown.
  6. 6 Install an alarm on the door that will make a sound as soon as you open the door. If it is loud enough, it will help wake you up.


  • Many children sleepwalk at a certain age. Don't worry, as this happens very rarely and the child will outgrow this period as soon as they reach adolescence. For advice, see Sources and Quotes.
  • You may not even be aware that you are dreaming. Since people often snack while in this state, try looking for open food bags, candy wrappers, or crumbs in bed. You may also wake up in the wrong place where you fell asleep.
  • If you sleep regularly, or even once or twice a month, then you should see your doctor. He may refer you to an examination that will help identify the cause of the condition.
  • However, sometimes sleepwalking occurs due to a number of factors, such as lack of sleep, sleep disturbances, drug and alcohol abuse, stress or bereavement, and certain medications. Physical and mental illnesses such as fever, asthma, irregular heartbeat, sleep apnea, PTSD, multiple personality disorder, and panic attacks can also trigger sleepwalking. There are several possible explanations, but keep in mind that in most cases the cause cannot be found. If so, then use the methods listed above and below.
  • Sometimes sleepwalking can appear for no apparent reason. However, a special technique has been developed that is quite successful. The patient is hypnotized and instructed that as soon as his feet touch the floor, he will wake up. If you think this is a good solution, then you can familiarize yourself with this technique on the Internet, consult a doctor, or read reviews of people who have undergone similar treatment.
  • There is a common misconception that you cannot wake up a person who is in a state of sleepwalking. It is not true. However, it can be very difficult to wake him up. For some time after waking up, the person may be disoriented.
  • If the reasons for your sleepwalking have not been found, then you need to keep a diary in which you will write down the events that make you nervous in everyday life. Ask your partner (if you have one) to write down when you sleepwalk. You can find a connection between nervousness during the day and sleepwalking at night.
  • Try some simple relaxation or meditation techniques before going to bed. In Sources and Quotes, you will find a link to a site with relaxation techniques.
  • Sleepwalking is common in identical twins and it is often hereditary. Talk to your immediate family members to find out if they suffered from sleepwalking, and if so, how they dealt with it.


  • Don't go to bed when you are angry or nervous. Try to calm down first.
  • Unless it's a natural, homeopathic medicine, then don't take anything to help you sleep.This, as you know, will only exacerbate the problem.