How to be timeless

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Build A Timeless Wardrobe
Video: How To Build A Timeless Wardrobe


Have you ever thought about the fact that some people become world celebrities for all ages, while others are forgotten and go nowhere? For example, in 2004, rappers J-Kwon and Jay-Z had big hits that hit the Billboard top charts, but only one of them still releases successful albums and receives invitations to prestigious events. There is no one proven way to ensure your lasting popularity, but there are a number of tricks that can help you lay the foundation. Everything else comes only through hard work and a bit of luck.


Method 1 of 2: How to look timeless

  1. 1 Choose things that are classic. If you want a timeless look, try wearing clothes that never go out of date. While fashion is constantly changing, there are basic things that almost always remain the same. Below is a list of items for women and men that have been popular for at least a quarter of a century and are unlikely to become irrelevant in the near future:
    • Women: a combination of skirts and blouses, jeans and T-shirts, black tights, dresses with a simple pattern, ballet flats, high-heeled shoes.
    • Men: a combination of a shirt and a tie, suit jackets or blazers, tailored trousers, dark jeans in different shades, polo shirts, mid-length tees, sneakers, classic shoes.
    Specialist Answer Question

    "What makes a thing classic?"

    Christina santelli

    Professional stylist Christina Santelli is the owner and founder of Style Me New wardrobe service in Tampa, Florida. A stylist for over six years, her work has appeared on HSN, in the Nob Hill Gazette and at the Pacific Heights Wine and Food Festival.


    Stylist Christina Santelli replies: “A thing becomes classic if it is always worn. For example, Diane von Fürstenberg invented a wrap-around dress 50 years ago, but dresses of this style are still relevant today. They are loved because they fit perfectly on any figure. "

  2. 2 Give preference to minimalistic looks. Looking timeless means not only choosing certain things, but also giving up certain clothes. It's important not to put on all your best at once in order to get the attention of others. Simple clothing allows the naturalness of its wearer to shape his image. Try to wear mostly simple and modest outfits, rather than gaudy and provocative ones. Buy black, white, solid colors and go for simple designs. Neon colors and overly complex designs will not work.
    • With this choice, you will not only look timeless, but you can also save money on buying clothes. Simple things, especially black or white, can be paired with a lot of other things. Flashy items are usually only paired with a limited amount of clothing and require new items to be purchased.
    • To understand what clothes look like for all time, remember what the heroes of the cult series of the 90s "Twin Peaks" looked like. Although the show has a lot of colorful late 80s and early 90s stuff, the main character, Detective Dale Cooper, looks as good now as it did then. Choosing simple and elegant suit and tie combinations, he sets himself apart from the typical generation X and looks timeless.
  3. 3 Wear clothes that fit you well. Almost any outfit will look good if it fits well. While fashion may allow for the incompatible, outfits like these are unlikely to outperform classics that fit well in popularity. If you need to buy tailored clothes, take the money to make your clothes fit. Casual clothing forgives minor fit differences, but it’s in your best interest to choose clothes that fit well and don’t hang on you.
    • More often than not, clothes that are too tight and too loose go out of fashion. Think of the skinny pants worn by men during the disco era in the 70s. At one point they were very popular, but now few people dare to seriously wear tight-fitting polyester slacks. Keep this in mind when, for example, choosing skinny jeans for a hipster look.
  4. 4 Don't use too many accessories. 1-2 accessories can add a more cohesive look, but too much embellishment will look old-fashioned. Below is a list of accessories for men and women. Wear no more than 1–2 at a time and opt for simple and elegant accessories over chunky and flashy ones.
    • Women: jewelry made of precious metals (rings, earrings, chains), small bag / backpack, sunglasses, light makeup or lipstick, bracelets, painted nails, scarves.
    • Men: exquisite watches, ties, simple cufflinks, backpack / bag / briefcase, sunglasses, jewelry made of precious metals or neck medallions (preferably on a chain that hides under clothes).
    • Try to follow the example of Audrey Hepburn during her heyday. Most of the photos of Audrey Hepburn in the image of her character from Breakfast at Tiffany's you can see a lot of jewelry and a long mouthpiece that looks outdated in the modern world. However, taking pictures of the actress in real life is a completely different matter: she usually wears simple plain clothes and pairs them with elegant jewelry and light makeup. She managed to create an image that still looks just as interesting.
  5. 5 Wear a simple and neat haircut. Some hairstyles are a reflection of the times, and some never go out of style. For example, voluminous hairstyles resembling hives evoke a strong association with housewives of the 60s, but bob and long hair, as they were worn in the last century, are still worn now. Below is a list of hairstyles that are unlikely to go out of style anytime soon:
    • Women: bob, haircuts with bangs, long hair, cascading haircuts, regular tails, braids, long bangs.
    • Men: hedgehog, haircut for a typewriter, short hair with a parting, shaved head; you can apply some gel or hair wax to your hair.
    • Most often, hairstyles are lingering in fashion, which do not need to be styled for a long time and constantly adjusted. For example, a mohawk that needs to be played every day evokes associations only with the punk of the 70s and 80s. But there are exceptions: dreadlocks require some care, but they can look timeless on a person who has naturally curly hair.
  6. 6 Don't get carried away with piercings and tattoos. If you want to look timeless, you should limit any body modifications. Tasteless things can always be thrown away or given away, but getting rid of piercings and especially tattoos is much more difficult (and more expensive). Don't make the decision to get a piercing or tattoo on impulse. First, talk to friends, family, and your professional to see if you are prepared for your piercing or tattoo to stay with you for a long time. When in doubt, don't do anything better. There is no shame in not have piercings or tattoos.
    • Remember that, unfortunately, potential employers can draw conclusions about you from your piercings or tattoos. It's not fair, but it happens. Many employers acknowledge that people with tattoos, especially on their hands and face, all other things being equal, may seem like less worthy candidates when hiring.
    • In modern conditions, women are more free about piercings than men. For example, many women wear earrings, but men's earrings look inappropriate in some circumstances, especially in a conservative and business environment. Many women even manage to wear a small stud earring to work, while men are not encouraged to do so.
    • If you want to get a tattoo, it is best to place it in a place that is usually covered by clothing (on the chest, on the ribs, on the back, etc.). Thanks to this, even if you later regret getting a tattoo, you will not have to show it to all people.
  7. 7 Don't follow trends that have become fashionable lately. The most important thing to remember is this: avoid trends that are considered fashionable now, but were not popular in the past, as they are likely to go out of style sooner or later. Trends are constantly changing: a fashionable thing or a hairstyle that is popular today may seem wild in just a couple of years. By opting for the timeless classics discussed above and which have changed slightly over the past decades, you will be able to look great over the years.

Method 2 of 2: How to behave

  1. 1 Don't be afraid to get older. A timeless sense of style is all about choosing a particular outfit and hairstyle, but there is much more to be done to become a timeless person: you have to learn not to focus on the moment, but to think about life in a broader sense. For a start, you should try to stop worrying about the passing time. Don't be afraid to get older.If you try to rejuvenate old age and cling to the best years, you will look older. There is little that compares to the awkwardness of having someone who has outgrown a certain social group struggles to stay cool in the eyes of younger people.
    • If you're afraid of getting older or getting old, try to see the benefits of age, not just the scary things. For example, adults often lose touch with their classmates and friends, but they have more opportunities to find new connections and develop at work. Adults also have experience and maturity, which makes certain things that once seemed important (like peer pressure) no longer matter.
  2. 2 Stay true to yourself, not temporary fashion trends. A person outside of time has an inner core that does not change under the influence of what is now popular. Don't consciously change yourself to meet people's expectations. Change naturally and only the way you want. Don't criticize yourself or try to fit in with what's popular right now. Popularity is fickle and can go away at any moment, but the feeling of loyalty to oneself remains forever.
    • Remember, trying to live the fashionable lifestyle without considering your own values ​​can cause significant problems in the long run. For example, you can spend a lot of time and money buying the most fashionable things and clothes, you can stop understanding who you are as a person, and face problems of self-determination. Be true to yourself to avoid all of these problems.
  3. 3 Don't compare yourself to others. "Comparison steals joy," as Theodore Roosevelt said. It is important not to compare yourself to other people, as this does not make sense and most often negatively affects self-esteem. But comparing yourself to others will not only lead to insecurity and frustration - it will also prevent you from being timeless. If you worry all the time that other people live better than you, you will deprive yourself of the time and energy that you could spend on your development. Due to the fact that you will not change and grow up in a natural way, you will freeze in your development and will force yourself to change something only because of other people, and not because of your personal desires and needs.
    • The refusal to compare themselves with others in young people can be expressed in resistance to peer influence. For example, you shouldn't leave your trusted friends for the sake of questionable communication with popular peers. Why worry about the fact that you may seem unpopular to someone, if you can just communicate with loved ones?
    • In adults, things can be more complicated. Don't compare yourself to a colleague who has all the modern gadgets or a new car. All of these things are a source of temporary pleasure and do not define you as a person. If you are true to yourself and your coworker is not, you are a happier person compared to him, whatever your car.
  4. 4 Appreciate the good things from the past. A timeless person will not chase the media and art that has become popular now. He has a large number of different interests and good taste, which allows him to select only the best of everything for himself. A person outside of time understands, for example, that the language of great novels, films and music may sooner or later begin to sound out of date, but the depth and emotional intensity of these works will not change over time. Below we give the total a few examples works from the past that are considered timeless (there are many more).
    • Books:Ulysses, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lolita, Catch 22, Native son, I, Claudius, Pride and Prejudice, Brave new world.
    • Films:Godfather, Citizen Kane, Dizziness, The Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca, Apocalypse Now, Stranger.
    • Music:Revolver (The Beatles), Dark side of the moon (Pink Floyd), Aquemini (Outkast), What's Going On (Marvin Gaye), Blood on the tracks (Bob Dylan), Thriller (Michael Jackson), London Calling (The Clash).
  5. 5 Choose timeless role models for yourself. A timeless person knows how to choose inspiring people to orientate to, and learns from their experience. We can be inspired by famous people who have achieved a lot; people who have demonstrated incredible strength and nobility; friends and family who mean a lot to us. Don't waste time getting caught up in modern pop stars - choose a role model that will inspire and help you. Below we provide a list of people from whom you can take an example in any era:
    • Jesse Owens: an African-American athlete who took 4 gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, insulting Adolf Hitler and challenging the Nazi theory of the superiority of the Aryan nation.
    • Florence Nightingale: British nurse who selflessly treated wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. Her contributions to the nursing industry led to a significant improvement in hospital conditions in those days.
    • Sri Chinmoy: the Indian spiritual leader who founded the Peace Run Relay, an event in support of world peace.
    • Remember that not only real people can be role models - fictional characters can also inspire you. A well-crafted hero (like Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird) can be a role model. For example, Finch's incredible strength of character and sense of justice can inspire people who want to develop these qualities.


  • Take care of your skin and body, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man. It will be easier for you to be timeless if you stay youthful for longer. Laughter helps you feel younger at any age.
  • If you are a woman, don't wear too thick or bright makeup. Naturalness will always be timeless, unlike fashion trends in makeup.