How to be slim and sexy

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sexy Slim Tummy Home Exercises!
Video: Sexy Slim Tummy Home Exercises!


Emotional and physical well-being cannot be separated from each other. An active lifestyle has a direct impact on our fitness and how sexy we feel. Exercising is a great way to boost your energy levels, strengthen your immune system, improve your mood, and your sex life. Exercise can help increase your sex drive and reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. However, this does not mean that it all comes down to exercise: proper nutrition, good sleep, and practicing mindfulness are all essential parts of a healthy lifestyle. To be fit and sexy, it's important to take care of yourself in every way.


Part 1 of 2: Get in shape

  1. 1 Do aerobic exercise regularly. Healthy adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Break your workouts into short intervals and exercise throughout the week. Aerobic exercise promotes overall health. They help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of heart disease and viral infections.
    • Plus, aerobic exercise will make you happier. Regular exercise can help you recharge, boost your confidence and relax.
    • Moderate aerobic activity is activity during which the ability to speak is maintained, such as brisk walking, slow cycling, or ballroom dancing.
    • Anaerobic activity refers to more intense activity, during which breathing becomes difficult and it becomes difficult to talk. This includes bicycling, running, or swimming in circles.
  2. 2 Tone your muscles. Strength training increases muscle mass and teaches the body to burn calories more efficiently.Most adults benefit from strength training at least twice a week. A strength training program should include work on all major muscle groups - just lifting dumbbells is not enough! You can do strength training at home, doing crunches, lunges and squats.
    • Strength training can be done on special equipment in the gym. They can also be performed with weights, an expander, or without any sports equipment at all.
    • Sign up for a class or watch a workout video before starting a new exercise. If you have any pain, stop.

    Francisco gomez

    Fitness Trainer Francisco Gomez is the Head Trainer at FIT Potato Gym, a training center in the San Francisco Bay Area, founded in 2001. Former professional runner. Helps athletes develop endurance and prepare for major marathons like Boston. He specializes in injury rehabilitation, flexibility development, marathon preparation and fitness for older people. He holds a BA in Dietetics and Sports Physiology and Running.

    Francisco gomez
    Fitness instructor

    Create a balanced training program.If you want to be a lean and fit person, include lifting weights in your regimen, because strength training can increase the number of muscle cells. When doing this, also force yourself to do high-intensity exercise to burn more fat during exercise.

  3. 3 Stretch after exercise. Aerobic exercise and strength exercise cause the muscles to contract. After exercising, take a few minutes to stretch your major muscle groups to stimulate circulation and maintain flexibility. Stretch slowly, without abrupt transitions, and do not hold positions that cause pain.
    • Stretching before exercising can reduce performance or even increase the risk of injury.
  4. 4 Find exercises that you can enjoy. If you follow a routine that you don't like, it will be more difficult for you to follow it. Try different ways to incorporate exercise into your life to see what motivates you. For example, if you love going to the gym, it makes sense to purchase a membership. If you're not sure, take a trial lesson or even sign up for a trial membership if your chosen room has such a service.
    • Does your environment motivate you? Take a group exercise session or find a group of like-minded people online. Invite a friend to go for walks with you, or share your fitness goals online.
    • Prefer to sweat alone? Try cycling or running around the area or over rough terrain. You can do many solo exercises in the comfort of your own home or even your office.
  5. 5 Eat well and drink plenty of water. Eat a variety of foods to be fit, healthy, and sexy. Eating a wide variety of foods will help you get the nutrients your body needs. Eat fruits and vegetables every day, and never skip carbohydrates or proteins. Carbohydrates are essential for exercise, and protein helps muscles grow and repair. Drink water before and after exercising and whenever you feel thirsty.
    • If you know in advance what time the workout will take place, provide the body with more fluid the day before. Drink a few extra glasses of water the day before an intense workout. If the urine is clear, it is most likely that everything is in order with the water balance.
    • Avoid highly processed foods and beverages, such as convenience foods and sodas. Cook at home as often as possible - homemade food is almost always more nutritious than convenience foods or restaurant meals.

    Francisco gomez

    Fitness Trainer Francisco Gomez is the Head Trainer at FIT Potato Gym, a training center in the San Francisco Bay Area, founded in 2001. Former professional runner. Helps athletes develop endurance and prepare for major marathons like Boston. He specializes in injury rehabilitation, flexibility development, marathon preparation and fitness for older people. He holds a BA in Dietetics and Sports Physiology and Running.

    Francisco gomez
    Fitness instructor

    Our specialist agrees: “For muscle growth, it is necessary to maintain water balance in order to saturate them with fluid. You should also monitor your diet, eating in moderation in calories. In addition, really good food should be food sources, not just those that are rich in carbohydrates. ”

Part 2 of 2: Feel Your Sexuality

  1. 1 Practice mindfulness. To radiate sexuality, you need to feel confident and relaxed. Tension, distraction and depression can negatively affect sexuality. Mindfulness is a practice that allows you to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and emotions at a given time without interpretation or judgment. To practice mindfulness, pay attention to how you feel.
    • Ask yourself: "What smell do I smell, what I see, how I move, what does my body feel?"
    • Practice mindfulness by paying close attention to the other person when communicating. Try to take every word he says.
    • Meditate on the breath. Feel the air entering and exiting the body. Note which parts of the body go up and down. If your mind starts to wander, remind yourself to watch your breath.
    • Study the subjects you deal with every day. Take time each day to study what you see all the time, such as your toothbrush. Try to notice new details.
    • Do the mindfulness exercise when you feel like you are starting to tense or feel negative. If an unwanted thought comes to you, calmly admit it. Then turn your attention to your feelings and sensations.
  2. 2 Dress to impress yourself. Good hygiene and self-care will help you feel great and look good in the eyes of others. Wear the clean clothes you like. You don't have to spend a lot of time getting dressed - you can feel great in casual clothes, as long as you like the way you look in them. Shower after exercise or when you want to freshen up, and wash your hair no more than three times a week.
    • You will feel sexier if you only wear the clothes you really like. Disassemble your wardrobe and get rid of anything that you don't actually wear, or only wear out of a sense of duty.
    • Wear clothes that are pleasing to your skin. Silk and soft cotton are felt best on the body. Clothes that fit and don't cause discomfort will make you look and feel sexy.
  3. 3 Sign up for dance lessons. Dancing will not only help you get in shape, but it will also increase your self-confidence and prepare you for future dates. Find the kind of dance that you enjoy so that you are more likely to meet people who share your interests. If you are a nice student, sign up for a country dance. If you want to learn the moves you can use on dates, sign up for a hip-hop class. Look for ads at your local palace of culture or on the internet.
  4. 4 Pay attention to your feelings. One of the most attractive qualities of a potential partner is emotional stability. Do you experience frequent mood swings? Are you constantly losing friends? Mindfulness practice can help you, as can seeing a psychologist.
    • To find the right counselor, seek advice from family and friends, your doctor, or a counseling center.
  5. 5 Listen carefully to other people. If you want to sound sexy, listen to the other person when they speak. Heterosexual men, in particular, get aroused by the feeling of being listened to. If you make a habit of listening carefully and responding without judgment, chances are you will be considered a sexy person by a wider range of people.
  6. 6 Get enough sleep. To feel sexy and stay in shape, get a quality night's sleep. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep every night, with a minimum of breaks. Lack of sleep will negatively affect fitness, immunity, weight, and mental health.


  • Each organism has its own needs. If you already have chronic health problems, check with your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.
  • Check with your doctor before trying to lose weight. Don't try to lose more pounds than your doctor advises.