How to be charming

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Charming In Any Conversation
Video: How To Be Charming In Any Conversation


Charisma is the art of being an attractive person. This characteristic can only be achieved after a certain period of time. Although everyone is born with a different level of natural charm, it can be acquired and honed with practice and patience. Read on to learn how to become charming using your demeanor and body language.


Method 1 of 3: Using Charming Behavior

  1. 1 Be genuinely interested in people. You don't have to love everyone, but you must be interested in and fascinated by people in some way. Charming people enter the room, ready to talk to people; they do not stop at the wall, waiting for the right moment to escape. What interests you about people? If you're an empath, you might be interested in how people are feeling. Or you might be interested in how people work (psychology), or what people know (if you love to learn).
    • Learn to ask questions based on your interests, but stay polite so the person will feel interesting.
    • Keep asking questions to show that you are interested in the person. He should never notice that you are trying to end the conversation.
  2. 2 Memorize people's names the first time you meet them. For most people, this takes a tremendous amount of effort. When meeting, repeat the name of the person, this will help you remember him. For example: “Hi, Dima, I'm Ksyusha”. Talk to the person for a while, referring to them by name during the conversation. Say the name again as you part.
    • Repetition of a name will not only help you remember the person. The more often you say someone's name, the more the person will feel like you like and the higher the chance that they will treat you well.
    • Introduce by name the person who has joined your conversation again.
  3. 3 Imitate rapport. It simply means that you need to talk to a stranger or new acquaintance in a very friendly manner, as if this person is a friend or relative whom you have not seen for a long time. This helps to avoid the awkwardness at the beginning of a conversation and speeds up the bonding process when meeting new people. Soon, people will feel natural and comfortable around you.
    • Kindness coupled with respect makes others feel like they are loved and cared for. It is a powerful tool in the communication process.
  4. 4 Pay attention to topics that interest those around you, even if you are not very interested in those topics. If you're in the company of sports fans, talk about yesterday's game or the meteoric rise of a new team. If you are with people with your hobbies, ask about their hobbies and make relevant notes about fishing, knitting, mountaineering, movies, and so on.
    • Nobody says you have to be an expert in this. Sometimes you can build rapport simply by asking questions, and not worry that you seem naive. There are people who love to talk about their interests and explain them, and they will love it if you listen to them. Your level of interest and willingness to be involved in a topic makes you an interesting person.
    • Learn to be open to everything. Let others explain something to you. If someone mistakenly thinks that you know more about a topic, be honest and just say that your knowledge is limited, but that you hope to learn more about it.
  5. 5 Tell about yourself. If you don't talk about yourself, you may seem withdrawn. By sharing information about yourself and asking questions, you create an atmosphere of trust. People start to feel special when you talk about yourself. You will make new friends this way.

Method 2 of 3: By managing physical charm

  1. 1 Visual contact. You will leave a good impression on people by looking them in the eye when you talk. People will understand that you are interested in them and will trust you. Maintain eye contact throughout the conversation. No matter what you talk about, maintaining eye contact will make you appear more charming.
  2. 2 Smile with your eyes. Scientists have identified more than 50 types of smiles, and research has shown that the most genuine of all is the Duchenne smile - the smile when you smile with your eyes. The reason it is the most sincere smile is that the muscles required to smile with the eyes are involuntary. They only work with a genuine smile, not a polite one. Also, if you look at someone and then smile, you will immediately charm that person.
  3. 3 Shake your hand. When you shake his hand when meeting a new person, he realizes that you are interested in talking with him. Use a firm handshake, but don't grip too tightly. After one firm handshake, release the other person's hand.
    • In regions where handshaking is not common, you can use another gesture to indicate your interest. A kiss on both cheeks, a nod, or other gesture is a good conversation starter.
  4. 4 Use charming body language. Face the speaker so it doesn't seem like you're about to run away as soon as the conversation ends. During a conversation, a light touch is sometimes acceptable to stimulate the speaker. You can lightly touch the speaker's shoulder to emphasize that you share their point of view, for example. At the end of the conversation, you can decide you will shake his hand again, or you can give him a little hug.
  5. 5 Control your tone of voice. The tone of your voice is critical. The voice should be soft and calm. Practice giving compliments, record yourself and listen. Sounds sincere?

Method 3 of 3: Charming People with a Word

  1. 1 Watch how you express yourself. Be mature and speak in wise, well-mannered language. Do you find people who say “Hello” much more charming than those who mutter “Healthy”? Here's another example: replace “Don't mess with his own business” with “He doesn't need to worry about it.” Of course, don't overdo it, but try to be polite and turn negativity into positive.
  2. 2 Compliment generously. It especially boosts the self-esteem of others. In any situation, pick something that you value most and verbally express that favorable feedback. If you like something or someone, find an original way to say it without delay. If you wait too long, a compliment can look insincere and untimely, especially if others have pushed you into it.
    • If you notice that someone has put a lot of effort into something, compliment them, even if you see what could be done better.
    • If you see that someone has changed something about themselves (haircut, style of clothing, etc.), notice it and emphasize what you like about it. If asked directly, be adorable and dismiss the question with a very general compliment.
  3. 3 Be kind when accepting compliments. Let go of the fact that compliments are made without genuine intentions. Even if someone makes an insincere compliment, there is always a germ of jealous truth in that person's heart. Be generous with your compliments.
    • In addition to a simple “Thank you”, add “I am pleased that you like this” or “It’s so nice of you that you paid attention”. This is a compliment in return.
    • Don't try to translate the compliment. For the person who compliments you, there is nothing worse than receiving an answer “Oh, I would like to be the same ----____ like you in this situation”. This is tantamount to saying "No, I am not what you say about me, your judgment is wrong."
  4. 4 Praise others instead of gossiping. If you are talking to a person or a group of people and the other person becomes the subject of the conversation in a positive or negative way, mention what you like about this person... Kind words are the most powerful way to be charming because they are always perceived as 100 percent sincere. An additional benefit is the emergence of trust in you. The idea will spread that you never say bad things about anyone. Everyone will know that their reputation is safe with you.
  5. 5 Sometimes, being charming simply means being a good listener. Charm is not always an external expression, but an internal one too. Encourage the person to talk more about themselves, about what they like, about what they are fond of. This makes the person more comfortable sharing with you and expressing themselves.


  • Smile at the people you meet.
  • Don't avoid eye contact. Look people in the eye when you talk to them.
  • Also, when you greet someone, make them feel like they are the most important to you. He will respond in a friendlier way and will always know what a wonderful person you are.
  • Add humor to your words. Most people like people who make them laugh.
  • Be yourself and try to add your personality to the conversation, but don't just talk about yourself.This will make you seem self-centered and uninterested in other people's feelings.
  • Improve your posture. Bring your shoulders back and lower them (relax). As you walk, imagine that you are crossing the finish line. Your torso should be the first to cross the line, not your head. If you have poor posture, your head will lean forward and you will appear timid and insecure. If you are a girl, push your chest forward. It sounds strange, but it helped me get the right posture.
    • If you're straightening your posture and it doesn't look good, tense your muscles. That is, the upper back, shoulders and chest. Your neck will snap into place and your posture will be completely natural.
  • Be kind and calm, not loud and rude!
  • Always be yourself. If people like you who are not real, then you will envelop yourself in a web of lies, and when everything comes out, only angry and hating people will remain around.
  • Empathy is at the heart of charm. If you can't figure out what makes people happy or unhappy, there’s no way to know if you’re saying the right thing or the wrong thing.
  • The degree of charm you possess depends on the creativity of your praise. Say what is not obvious and say it in a poetic manner. It would be nice to have compliments and phrases invented in advance, but the most charming people can invent them themselves on the go. This way you will know for sure that you are not repeating them. If you can't think of something to say, start a discussion about a recent interesting incident.
  • Avoid curses, this will turn off many people and will not make you a charming person.


  • Don't confuse charm with pleasing people.
  • From time to time, you will have no choice but to express an opinion that only a few hold. It doesn't matter. Try to express it in a humorous manner. Humor is a bed of sugar that helps you avoid drugs.