How to be a ladies' man

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
First 10 Things A Woman Notices About A Man | What Attracts Women To Men
Video: First 10 Things A Woman Notices About A Man | What Attracts Women To Men


Lovelace is a cold-blooded Casanova, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts. When he enters the room, all the women line up to speak to him and literally beg to take them with him. If he is good at what he does, he can get a woman into bed faster than saying "Bring the check!" Study our article carefully if you have already become a womanizer and want to hone your skills or if you think this is the right lifestyle for you.


Method 1 of 4: Mindset

  1. 1 Self-confidence. You can have the gait and voice of an experienced seducer, but without the right way of thinking, ladies will turn away from you. First of all, the future ladies' man should be as confident in himself and his strength as possible. Here's how to achieve it:
    • Forget worrying. Think of anything that might concern you (future, family, or career), and try to cut down on your worries about all aspects of your life. You need to understand that healthy tension is normal, but if you worry too much that things may not go the way you intended, then you will not be able to fully surrender to the moment, and women will understand that mentally you are now far away.
    • Get rid of flaws. Realize your flaws and try to fix them. Don't know how to listen, organize your time, or get distracted too easily? Develop a plan to help you get rid of these shortcomings, little by little. Nobody is perfect, but everyone can get better.
    • Think positively. When entering a room, try to think of the three things you love yourself the most for, rather than your three shortcomings. A positive self-image changes you in the eyes of women.
  2. 2 Don't get attached. A true ladies' man values ​​quantity, not quality, therefore, having devoted yourself to this lifestyle, you should enjoy the company of as many ladies as possible and not get hung up on one of them. If you are worried about what the girl will think of you or when she calls you, then this takes you into the territory of a potentially long-term relationship, so start sounding the alarm urgently. How to behave in such situations:
    • If you feel that you are very close to the girl, then break up with her. If a girl starts serious conversations about her personal life, wants to move in with you, or plans your romantic trip together, then she probably wants a relationship with you, so it's time for you to move on.
    • Don't overcomplicate. Know how to enjoy the company of a lady, but do not allow yourself to fall in love with her. Focus on having fun in and out of the bedroom, but change the subject when it gets too serious.
    • Run away from sentimentality. When you like a girl, then you should think about how cool you will dance with her, have fun and indulge in passion, and not about who your grandchildren will be like.Think about the pleasure and the rest will follow.
    • If you've found a really suitable girl, then it might be time to consider a lifestyle change. Even hardened ladies' men can fall prey to love, and if you managed to find a girl who makes you forget about everyone else, with whom you want to spend all your time, then do not miss her. This is a rare occurrence in the life of a real womanizer, but if you are really unable to control your feelings, then it's time to devote yourself to one person.
  3. 3 Always think about the next step. As a born chess player, you should always be one or more steps ahead. If you think only about the present, then you will not see a carousel of women in your life. Here are some tips:
    • Make an action plan for the evening. If you're having fun at the club, consider your next stop. Will you take a lady to a quieter bar, to your den, or to a trendy party at a friend's? Before you pick up a girl, make an action plan for the evening so as not to waste your time pondering the next step.
    • Make a plan for the weekend. You just said goodbye to your last lady, but what will you do tomorrow? If you are not going to sit alone on the couch and check your phone, then you should already have suitable candidates for the next night.

Method 2 of 4: Appearance

  1. 1 Choose the right clothes. You need to look the part to play your part. A real womanizer looks impressive, while it seems that it costs him nothing. Clothing should serve one purpose - to help find a woman who wants to get rid of her as soon as possible. Learn to choose the right clothes:
    • Wear a nice button-down shirt with long sleeves over a fitted tank top. Girls will want to strip you down to a tight tank top as soon as possible to get a feel for your muscles. Always choose jerseys that flaunt your incredible biceps.
    • Choose underwear that is slightly loose so that it slips slightly onto your thighs. Show the lady the edge of your underpants and find a reason to lift your shirt to show off your steel abs. After that, they will probably want to lower your laundry as low as possible.
    • Buy smart shoes. When you go to an expensive restaurant or wear casual sneakers in the gym, it should be obvious to everyone that you have new and expensive shoes. Ladies will assume that if you spend money on shoes, then do not be stingy on a date.
    • Find the right accessories. Buy a bright wallet, large gold chain, and flashy jewelry. You don't need finesse. Wear a leather belt with a shiny buckle so girls know where to look right away.
  2. 2 Develop your body. The life of a womanizer is not only about games and fun. You will have to spend a lot of time in the gym. You can't seduce women if your biceps are the size of green beans. Follow our advice:
    • Strengthen your heart. Start by jogging 1-2 kilometers, gradually increasing the distance to at least five kilometers without shortness of breath. Which one is Don Juan if you pant as you catch up with your new girlfriend in the stairwell.
    • Strengthen your muscles. Do your best to develop your steel abs, flawless chest and shoulder muscles. Do a bench press in the gym, or do a muscle-building sport (like boxing or basketball).
    • Proper nutrition. When you go out with a lady on a date to a restaurant, you can eat some kind of masculine dish like a juicy steak, but at home it is better to give preference to a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. The right foods, especially protein, can help you burn fat and build muscle.
  3. 3 Perfect your sign language. Open and active gestures will show your lady of the week that you are not only confident in yourself, but that you are ready to devote all your energy to her (at least now). Here's what you need to do this:
    • Irresistible eye contact. When talking with a girl, always look into her eyes, as if you want to dissolve in them. This will make her feel embarrassed and can easily turn on the girl. You need her to feel not only the only girl in the room, but in the whole world.
    • Proximity while talking. When you are talking to a girl who is definitely interested in you, then lean as close to her as possible, as if you can kiss her at any time. This will make her want more.
    • Your body and arms should be facing her. Do not cross your arms over your chest or twist your legs to the side. Your whole body should be saying, "Hey baby, I'm ready."
  4. 4 Cleanliness is the key to success. Hygiene is just as important as wearing the right clothes or gestures. A lady clearly won't be charmed if you smell like you slept on a bench in the park. Taking proper care of yourself will allow you to seduce more than one beauty:
    • Use a long-lasting men's cologne. So the ladies will want to pass out in your arms.
    • Shower and wash your hair at least once a day. Use a masculine-scented shower gel and a pleasant shampoo.
    • Use hair gel. Secure your hair with a little gel and the girls will definitely want to ruffle your hair.
    • Always keep your breath fresh. This is necessary when intimacy.
    • The face should be clean-shaven. Shave thoroughly and apply aftershave balm. You can turn to the girl and say, "Try what smooth skin is."
  5. 5 Stylish apartment. To complete the look of a womanizer, not only do you need to look proper, but your den also needs to impress your girlfriends. Here's how to drive your new lady crazy:
    • Purity. Since you can bring a girlfriend to your place at any time, it is always necessary to have clean sheets, a kitchen table and a perfect bathroom. If the apartment turns out to be sloppy, then before you have time to say a word, the girl will already call a taxi for herself.
    • Stocks. There should always be wine and foods such as grapes and strawberries in the refrigerator.
    • Gloss. A leather sofa, bright lamps and a flat screen TV will melt any girl. If you cannot afford expensive purchases, then at least keep cleanliness in mind.

Method 3 of 4: Behavior

  1. 1 Choose wisely. Before you start hunting, you must choose a girl who is ready for the desired development of events. If you choose the wrong girl, then she will not show interest in you or will want to get married as soon as possible. Here are some guidelines:
    • Look for a smiling girl who loves to have fun and have a good time. You don't need to start a conversation with a bored lady who is constantly looking at the phone or thinking of something to do. Such a girl will be an easy target, and you need to impress.
    • Avoid girls looking for a husband. Many girls are interested in something more than a one-night stand. If a girl talks about meeting her parents, moving to you, or talking about how many times she was a bridesmaid, then she hardly wants to be in your top ten ladies for a week. Don't waste your time and don't stop her from finding her soul mate
    • Avoid busy girls. If you notice a beauty who does not show interest in the guy next to her, then take action. But if a girl is devouring her boyfriend or boyfriend with the eyes, then you better give in, unless you want to feel the spirit of competition.
  2. 2 The girl should feel special. Walk up to a group of girls and start a fun conversation to show yourself off. After a while, choose one candidate and try to distinguish her from the others, to make her feel special. What is needed for this:
    • Strike up a light conversation.Try teasing her or asking her what to drink. You can make her laugh and show that you are an interesting conversationalist.
    • Tell her that she is special. Say something like "There is something unusual about you." She should feel that there is something extraordinary in her, and you immediately noticed it.
    • Compliment. Don't overdo it, but tell her three things that you liked about her. These can be her eyes, grace and laughter. There is no need to go deeper, just show that you like her and you want to get to know her better.
  3. 3 Talk about her. People love to be shown interest in them, so listen to her carefully and show genuine interest in her words.
  4. 4 Be a gentleman. Treat her, the waiters, her friends and strangers with respect. This will show her your mysteriousness and kindness.
    • Hold doors for others, hand her outer garments, and listen to her requests.
  5. 5 Learn to accept refusal correctly. If she is not interested in sex without obligation, then it is likely that she is looking for other entertainment or is not interested in guys at all. Keep your cool and keep looking.
    • If you immediately received a turn from the gate, then politely nod and say: "No questions. I wish you a pleasant evening." After that, you can return to searches.
    • If she does not want to cross a certain line, then accept her decision, cool down your ardor. Be natural and don't pressure the girl.
  6. 6 Don't mislead the girl. The difference between a womanizer and a scoundrel is that the latter seeks to deceive the lady. You don't want an affair with a woman who thinks this is the beginning of a long relationship. Make it clear that you are not ready for commitments to avoid misunderstandings later.
  7. 7 Stop unnecessary conversations. Always follow the rules in force and remember to take your conversation to the next level. Your task is to drag the girl into bed, not to have serious conversations about the meaning of life. If you already liked each other, then do not delay the transition to the next level. Here are some tips:
    • Behave naturally. Say something like, "Would you like to leave here?" or "Maybe we can go somewhere where we can have a good conversation?"
    • Seduce the girl. When alone, touch her gently or offer to take her coat. Try to seduce her as soon as possible before she changes her mind.
  8. 8 Be sensual in bed. A real womanizer must show that he is not just a chatterbox. The following tips will help you charm a woman during sex so that your number is always on your speed dial list:
    • Get a massage. Massage her shoulders, lower back, and even legs. This will show that you know how to handle a woman's body.
    • Kiss passionately. Don't rush to put your tongue in the girl's mouth. Start with gentle kisses and try to turn her on as much as possible.
    • Take your time when you're in bed. The girl must have time to prepare. Tease her, nibble gently, and excite her in every way you can. Take your time to get into sex, as it can be painful and not at all pleasant experience for her.
    • Be polite after sex. You don't have to bask with her for several hours after the job is done, but do not rush to get out of bed. Kiss the girl gently or let her stay overnight, otherwise you will ruin everything if you rush to the shower right away, leaving her splendidly alone.
  9. 9 Don't lose your head. After a pleasant time with a new woman, you need to behave correctly so that you can see each other again if you wish. At least end the date on a good note so that she doesn't tell her friends about you. Follow these tips:
    • Don't give the exact details of a new appointment. Say you will see you later. Do not invite her to a restaurant in a week, because ladies' men do not behave like that.
    • Stay a gentleman. Help her put on her raincoat and escort her to the car.Leave a good impression of yourself so that she does not consider you a complete nonentity.
    • Don't go overboard with flattery. Say you had a great time, but don't lie that it was the best night of your life. Speak the truth and be yourself.
    • End your acquaintance on a good note. As you say goodbye, try to make her laugh, kiss her gently, or remember a moment from last night. Make sure she agrees to meet again. It's up to you whether you want a new meeting or not. If you want to meet again, then let her know a little in advance. Play your part, seducer!

Method 4 of 4: Lovelace Traits

  1. 1 You are not looking for stability. Lovelace is not looking for his soul mate. The point is to get to know as many people as possible, quickly change partners. There is no “right” dating, but you have to understand that a womanizer is a shallow, superficial level of relationship.
    • If you want a serious emotional relationship, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you want to find your soul mate, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you are uncomfortable with leaving people, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
  2. 2 You like going out and getting to know each other. The life of a womanizer is always in motion. You go to parties, clubs and events every weekend, make new acquaintances all the time. The ladies' man always has many friends, but only a few of them are really "close" friends.
    • If you are interested in sitting at home and watching TV shows, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you are better off hanging out with friends in the same bar, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you want the comfort and ease of a long-term relationship, then you're not ready to be a womanizer.
  3. 3 You are ready to hurt the feelings of others. The reality is that ladies' man often hurts people. Some people will become attached to you. Even you can suddenly become attached to a person. Once you have taken this path, then you can never control the emotions of others. Sometimes your affair will not end cloudlessly. You will have to politely but harshly say goodbye to people.
    • If you are better off staying in a relationship, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you do not like to quarrel, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you are uncomfortable walking away after a night out with a woman, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
  4. 4 You are ready to juggle several girlfriends at once. Lovelace is never monogamous. You need to understand that relationships with several girls at once can not be easy, especially if you hide them from each other. This is not about being wrong or unethical. You must understand what you are getting yourself into.
    • If you are uncomfortable with having a relationship with several girlfriends, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If you don't like cheating with relationships and being secretive, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
    • If your conscience and moral standards reject polygamy, then you are not ready to be a womanizer.
  5. 5 You love new sensations. At the end of the day, you don't have to choose between play and peace. Of course, you can choose the middle ground. If you are not sure then give it a try. Meet new girls and don't tell them about each other. You don't need to take the following tips literally if you just want to explore your relationship a little deeper than usual.


  • Before breaking up with a girl, be polite, courteous, and calm. This will make it easier for you to avoid confrontation.
  • If the girl is with friends, then try to please her friends. Having earned the respect of the soul of the company, you will immediately rise in its eyes.
  • Be a gentleman. Open the door for the girl, say “Be healthy” if she sneezes, and always be attentive.


  • Never go on dates with girls who hang out with your friends and work colleagues. This can have undesirable consequences.
  • Women can play with men in the same way that men can play with women. Such a girl will use similar tactics to gain the upper hand and seduce you.You can play along with her or quit the game.
  • Don't become a villain. You can be confident and successfully seduce women without dirty tricks.