How to be cool and popular

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BECOME POPULAR AT SCHOOL! || Awkward School Situations by Amigos Forever
Video: HOW TO BECOME POPULAR AT SCHOOL! || Awkward School Situations by Amigos Forever


Being cool and popular does not mean turning up your nose and catching the admiring glances of others. It means being friendly, outgoing, and helping the people you know feel important. True popularity is based on self-love and a desire to share your joy with others.


Part 1 of 3: Grab attention

  1. 1 Don't let other people tell you who you really are. Don't dress or act in a way that makes others like it or that they think you are cool. Don't buy clothes that everyone else is wearing just because someone made fun of your particular style. Do not try to be inconspicuous and cold if someone calls you too active. If you have something unique, don't give it up, and let everyone else think what they want.
    • While it seems almost impossible to stop worrying about what others might think, you can start ignoring others' comments and keep going about your business. People who have nothing but bad things to say about you don't deserve your time.
    • If people around you spread rumors about you or just talk badly about you, do not try to spread gossip in response about them. Just ignore them and it will show them that you have something to do. This is really cool.
  2. 2 Let people see that you are good. A truly attractive person always enjoys life, no matter what he does. Of course, there is no need to laugh like crazy during your chemistry test, but you should try to enjoy everything you do. Exude positive energy by queuing at the cafeteria, chatting with friends before class, or competing at school. People will love your optimism and want to spend more time with you.
    • To make things easier, try to do what you enjoy more often. But it is understandable that you are unlikely to be happy if you are called to the director or you find yourself in a music lesson that you hate.
    • Work on filling everything with positive energy, because it will allow you to always see the best in life and make you laugh, not worry.
    • Concentrate on the present moment instead of thinking what will happen in the end.
  3. 3 Do what you like. People will notice you. Take dance lessons, sing with friends, paint or even sew clothes. It doesn't matter what exactly you do. The only important thing is that you are passionate about what you are doing. Your attitude to any business will attract people, and they will begin to think that you are a truly interesting person who is worth getting to know. It will also help you meet people who share your interests.
    • Teach people to do what you do well. Offer people drawing lessons, share tennis tips, or even teach someone to play tetball. If you're willing to educate other people and help them become better at something, you will definitely come across as a cool person.
  4. 4 Surprise others with your confidence. Popular people always have strong confidence in their abilities. If you are considered cool, you are not showing off or bragging - you just exude positive energy and joy when you talk about yourself and your plans for the future. Keep your head held high, smile without belittling your achievements, but also without trying to prove that you are the best.This will help you gain popularity.
    • Tell people about what you want to do this weekend or about a great movie or TV show you recently watched. Communicate to everyone that you are happy with what you did and that you are willing to share your observations with others. This is confidence!
    • Praise other people sincerely as often as possible. Self-confident people do not envy others, they see good in others and are always happy to mention it.
    • Meet a new person and start a conversation with him. To do this, you need all your confidence.
  5. 5 Be proud of your style. There is no recipe for how to look in order to achieve popularity. Sure, there are stores that people who are considered stylish like to visit (for example, Urban Outfitters), but that doesn't mean that things from these stores will instantly make you cool. It's much more important to wear things that fit, look neat and showcase your personality, rather than place you in a particular fashion direction. If you like printed T-shirts, sneakers and dangling earrings, just buy all these things without hesitation, without asking the opinion of others.
    • Don't worry if things don't fit together perfectly. Things that look unique become much more interesting if they look good on you.
    • The most important thing is that the clothes fit well. Baggy clothes will make you look casual, and clothes that are too tight will look much more provocative than you expected.
    • Remember to shower and groom yourself every day. It will be difficult for you to impress someone with your clothes if you look untidy and don't wash.
  6. 6 Don't dress too flashy for school. You may think that you are too good to go to school and that there are more interesting places, but in fact, this behavior will make you a bore. People will get the impression that you are not fascinated by anything. While you don't have to confess your love to your teachers or tell everyone how much you enjoy exercising, you shouldn't show disdain for where you are, and then people will want to spend more time with you. Don't complain, don't sleep in class, and don't tell people that you'd be better off in a different place right now - this will only be annoying.
    • It is much more useful to pay more attention to the lessons that you like and try to prove yourself even outside the classroom. If you are only interested in how you can skip class with impunity, no one will know who you are.
  7. 7 Be friendly to everyone. Popular people treat everyone well, not just those they think are cool. They communicate with others, love to spend time with them and get to know everyone better. Your life will not be fun if you plan to ignore everyone you think is not cool enough to be friends with you. Say hello to people, start conversations with them, or just show your affection, unless they are acting hostile towards you.
    • A popular person is a person who is liked by others. If you want to be liked, you need to meet a lot of people so that they can all appreciate you. If you only hang out with a dozen people, you are unlikely to become popular, even if you are attractive to your acquaintances.
    • If you upset people or just mistreat people you deem unworthy of your attention, you will seem like the person around you who is insecure.

Part 2 of 3: Be sociable

  1. 1 Don't be afraid to talk to new people. You might think that cool people only hang out with people who are as cool as they are, but this is far from the truth. In fact, popular people enjoy connecting with everyone they know because they are confident and strive to make their life more interesting and exciting.Perhaps there is someone in your parallel class that you would like to get to know. Don't miss the opportunity to get to know new people. Ultimately, it will make you popular.
    • Say hello and introduce yourself at the right time. Usually people are happy to chat with someone new, especially if they are new to this environment.
    • If your new acquaintance seems too humble or quiet, don't mistake it for being rude. Some people take longer to open up than others.
  2. 2 Ask people about their lives. Showing interest in people is one of the characteristics of popular personalities. You can ask simple questions (for example, what lessons they like and what they plan to do in the summer). Your interest must be genuine. Ask about their hobbies, opinions, and you will impress them with your concern. Learning everything about others and not telling anything about yourself is wrong, but you should determine to what extent you are ready to open up yourself.
    • Many people enjoy talking about themselves, even if they are constrained. If you can get them to talk, luck will be in your pocket.
    • Of course, you shouldn't ask people questions just to please them. You must work to be more empathetic towards others.
  3. 3 Don't brag. Truly cool people don't like to brag because they are already happy with themselves and know that they don't need to tell others about it in order for them to notice it. You can talk about things that you like, but not focus on how well you do it: for example, about French lessons, skiing, winning debates. People hate showing off, so if you flaunt yourself, you'll have the opposite effect. In addition, praising yourself is bad manners, and modesty paints a person.
    • If you do something very well, people will find out about it either on their own, or through friends, or in some other way. Your success will reach everyone, so do not claim it yourself.
    • Instead of bragging, compliment other people - those who participate in debates on the same team with you or play football with you.
  4. 4 Let other people talk. You should not only be sociable and pleasant to talk to - you should allow others to speak up. Everyone will be more interested in talking to you if they feel they care about you. Try to let others know that you think they are worthy of attention, rather than talking all the time yourself. Of course, this does not mean that you should answer in monosyllables, but others should be comfortable if you want to please them.
    • When talking to someone, make sure that you do not speak more than the person you are talking to. Nobody likes to sit and wait for the other person to talk.
    • If you are participating in a group conversation, try not to drag it onto yourself. Have at least three people speak to you. While there is no point in controlling yourself every second, you must be aware of the dangers of exhausting everyone with your lines.
  5. 5 Look for things in common with other people. This is another way to gain popularity. This does not mean that you should have completely the same interests, but that you should find common ground in order to know what things to talk about. When you start a conversation with a person, remember what you have in common, from teasing the same teacher to playing sports. Paying attention to it more often will make people feel like they have something to say to you.
    • Try to feel your interlocutors. A classmate might want to talk to you about books, and a friend from a parallel might want to talk to you about the last soccer game.
    • Learn to understand non-verbal cues. If the person you are talking to is looking at the phone all the time, shifting from foot to foot, or answering in monosyllables, they most likely want to change the subject and talk about something that is of interest to both of you.
  6. 6 Listen to people. It's one thing to know everyone by name, and another thing to really understand how a person lives. It is useful to communicate with different people, but it is even more important to be interested in what is going on in their heads. You can't get intimate with everyone, but you should listen carefully to what other people have to say, whether it's vacation plans, worries about grades, or talking about what they're thinking of wearing to prom. Popular people think of others and stand out from the rest by their ability to give each person a sense of their own importance.
    • When someone tells you about something, everything else should cease to matter. Put your phone down, stop looking around. Look the person in the eye and listen carefully to what is being said.
    • Don't interrupt or voice your opinion until the person has finished speaking.
    • Delve into the situation that you are being told about, and do not compare it with what happened to you. If you tell someone that this story reminds you very much of your breakup with someone, it will mean that you were not listening.
  7. 7 Don't belittle others in order to look favorably against them. It will not help you gain popularity. In fact, belittling other people, especially if they don't have many friends, is one of the worst things you can do. If you want people to respect you and reckon with you, you should not denigrate them. You will not look better in the eyes of others - you will seem like a person who is so insecure that he needs to increase his self-esteem at the expense of others. It won't paint you.
    • If you are hanging out with someone who regularly offends others, now is the time to look for new friends. First, however, talk to your friends to see if they are willing to correct their behavior.

Part 3 of 3: Do Something

  1. 1 Start doing group sports. This is one of the ways to get attention if you love sports. Of course, if you hate this kind of pastime, you shouldn't torture yourself. But if you like sports games and you know how to play, join a sports team. This will help you make new acquaintances, hone your leadership skills, and learn to strive for a common goal as a team. All this will be useful to you.
    • On a sports team, you can meet people you might not be able to meet elsewhere. It will expand your social circle, and really cool people always have a fairly large social circle.
  2. 2 Join the club. This is another way to meet people and gain popularity among them. Check out the school board or other clubs that might interest you. You will be able to meet many interesting people, and you will be connected by a common idea. Talking about what you are passionate about is very cool.
    • Participate in community programs. It may seem that there is nothing interesting in helping in the library, in the cafeteria, or participating in the cleanup, but this activity will win the respect of others and allow you to meet people of different ages. It will have an impact on the shaping of your personality, and it's really cool.
    • Social participation will help you learn to communicate with older people, which is a very useful skill because it will allow you to become a more mature and knowledgeable person. These people will obviously have something to tell you, which is great.
  3. 3 Be interested in many things. If you want to be popular and cool, you need to push the boundaries of your interests. It's good to be the captain of a soccer team, but you’ll be hanging around with people with the same interests. If you want real popularity, you should also apply to volunteer. Of course, you should not grab onto everything at once, but communicating with the same people all your life will be boring.
    • A large number of interests means a large number of acquaintances.As you meet new people, you will begin to expand your social circle and meet them outside of clubs or school.
    • Membership in a club, sports or community activities can help you discover your talents. And talent is cool by definition.